Категория: Authors

Nuzhnova Elena Evgenjevna

e-mail: e.nuzhnova@tmei.ru

Place of work: Taganrog Institute of management and economics, Taganrog, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Associate professor

Post: Associate professor

Areas of scientific interest: philology, linguistics, pragmalinguistics, neology.

Postgraduate specialty: 10.02.19. – Language theory

The most significant publications:

  1. Nuzhnova E.E. Semantiko-pragmaticheskie kategorii nauchnogo diskursa // Sovremennaia filologiia: teoriia i praktika: materialy XXIV mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, g. Moskva / Nauch.-inf. izdat. tsentr “Institut strategicheskikh issledovanii’. Moskva: Izd-vo “Institut strategicheskikh issledovanii’: Izd-vo “Pero’, 2016. Pp. 49-52.
  2. Nuzhnova E.E. Scientific Speech from the Pragmalinguistic Point of View // Trends in the development of modern linguistics in the age of globalization: materials of the III international scientific conference on October 13–14, 2016. Prague: Vědecko vydavatelské centrum “Sociosféra-CZ’, 2016. Pp. 5–8.

Neretin Evgeny Sergeevich

E-mail: evgeny.neretin@ic.yakovlev.ru

Place of work: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), PAO “Yakovlev” – Integration Center Branch, Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Post: Head of department 703 «Aircraft Systems Design», Head of flight management systems department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):

2.2.11 – Information-measuring and control systems (aviation branch), 2.3.1 – system analysis, control and data processing (aviation branch)

Scientific major: Information-measuring and control systems; System analysis, control and data processing, avionics systems

Important publications:

  1. Savelev A., Neretin E. Preliminary Safety Assessment for the Sidestick Move from Autopilot Signals Function  // WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. – Volume 15. – 2019. – P. 485-492. URL: http://www.wseas.org/multimedia/journals/environment/2019/b025115-070.pdf
  2. Neretin E. S., Lunev E. M., Ivanov A. S., Budkov A. S. Application of distributed integrated modular avionics concept for perspective aircraft equipment control systems // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – №1353. – 2019. – 6 p.
    DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1353/1/012005
  3. Neretin E. S., Ivanov A. S., Budkov A. S., Ponomarev K. A. Research on modernization directions of the human-machine interface of flight management system for future civil aircrafts // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – №1353. – 2019. – 8 p. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1353/1/012007
  4. Titov A. G., Neretin E. S., Dudkin S. O., Brusnikin P. M. Design of onboard data server for the implementation as a part of onboard avionics equipment using concept of integrated modular avionics // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – №1353. – 2019. – 9 p. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1353/1/012012
  5. Neretin E. S., Dyachenko S. A. Architecture, algorithmic support and software development of aviation synthetic vision system for perspective transport civil aircraft // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – №1353. – 2019. – 7 p. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1353/1/012048
  6. Titov A. G., Neretin E. S., Dudkin S. O., Brusnikin P. M. Developing the onboard data server for application as a part of radio-electronic equipment employing the concept of integrated modular avionics // Trudy MAI – №105. – 2019. – 21 p.
    URL: http://trudymai.ru/eng/published.php?ID=104257.
  7. Dudkin S. O., Budkov A. S., Dyachenko S. A., Neretin E. S., Ivanov A. S. Simulation complex for evaluation of aircraft maneuvering taking into account wind shear based on Kalman filtration // RosPatent – №2018617068. – 2018.
    URL: https://www1.fips.ru/registers-doc-view/fips_servlet?DB=EVM&DocNumber=2018617068&TypeFile=html.
  8. Dudkin S. O., Ivanov A. S., Neretin E. S., Dyachenko S. A., Budkov A. S. Simulation complex for determining navigation parameters of a mobile object // RosPatent – № 2018617149. – 2018. URL: https://www1.fips.ru/registers-doc-view/fips_servlet?DB=EVM&DocNumber=2018617149&TypeFile=html.
  9. Polyakov V. B., Neretin E. S., Ivanov A. S., Budkov A. S., Dyachenko S. A., Dudkin S. O. Architecture of prospective onboard equipment control complexes // Trudy MAI – №100. – 2018. – 21 p. URL: http://trudymai.ru/eng/published.php?ID=93459.
  10. Lunev E. M., Neretin E. S., Budkov A. S. Performing trajectory guidance algorithms testing at searching modeling bench // Trudy MAI – №98. – 2018.
    – 23 p.  URL: http://trudymai.ru/eng/published.php?ID=90385.
  11. Lunev E. M., Neretin E. S., Budkov A. S. Development and study of aircraft trajectory control model while flying en-route of four-dimensional area navigation // Trudy MAI – №95. – 2017. – 26 p.  URL: http://trudymai.ru/eng/published.php?ID=84531.
  12. Lunev E. M., Neretin E. S., Dyachenko S. A., Dubrovo A. I. Software and Algorithms Development for the Perspective Aircrafts Synthetic Vision System Prototype // Trudy MAI – №86. – 2016. – 18 p.
    URL: http://trudymai.ru/eng/published.php?ID=66366.
  13. Zaytsev D. Y., Neretin E. S., Ramzaev A. M. Universal Avionics Modular Controller Architecture Development // Trudy MAI – №85. – 2016. – 29 p.
    URL: http://trudymai.ru/eng/published.php?ID=66460.


Arefyev Roman Olegovich

e-mail: aqua160905@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk Branch of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education « Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation», Irkutsk Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Post: associate professor of aviation electronic equipment department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  05.22.13 «Navigation and air traffic control»

Scientific major: Navigation satellite systems, air traffic control, track construction

Important publications:

  1. Skrypnik O. N. Technique of construction and analysis of fields of accuracy GLONASS in the set zone of airspace / N. Skrypnik, R. O. Aref’ev, N. G. Astrakhanceva // Nauchnyj vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta grazhdanskoj aviacii. 221 (2015), Pp. 43-49. (In Russian)
  2. Skrypnik O. N. Experimental research of combined GNSS receiver characteristics in high latitudes / O. N. Skrypnik, R. O. Aref’ev, N. G. Astrahanceva // Scientific bulletin of the Moscow state technical university of civil aviation. 2015. № 221(11). Pp. 35‒42.
  3. Skrypnik O. N. Optimization of an aircraft flight trajectory in the GLONASS dynamic accuracy field / O. N. Skrypnik, N. G. Arefeva, R. O.  Arefyev // The Civil Aviation High Technologies. 2018. 21, no. 5, Pp. 56-66. DOI: 10.26467/2079-0619-2018-21-5-56-66 (in Russian)
  4. Skrypnik O. N. Construction and analysis of GPS accuracy fields on the basis of hardware-software means NI GPS simulation toolkit / O. N. Skrypnik, E. E. Nechaev, R. O. Aref’ev // Nauchnyj vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta grazhdanskoj aviacii. 2014. №209. Pp. 5-12 (In Russian).
  5. Arefyev R. O. Characteristics of the integrated GLONASS accuracy field in the optimal placement of pseudo satellites in the aerodrome zone / R.O. Arefyev [et al.] // Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics. 2018. Vol. 19. No 2. Pp. 83-91.


Arefyeva (Astrakhanceva ) Natalya Gennadyvna

e-mail: n_astrahanceva_awesome@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk Branch of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education « Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation», Irkutsk Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Post: associate professor of aviation electronic equipment department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  05.22.13 «Navigation and air traffic control»

Scientific major: Navigation satellite systems, air traffic control, track construction

Important publications:

  1. Skrypnik O. N. Technique of construction and analysis of fields of accuracy GLONASS in the set zone of airspace / N. Skrypnik, R. O. Aref’ev, N. G. Astrakhanceva // Nauchnyj vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta grazhdanskoj aviacii. 221 (2015), Pp. 43-49. (In Russian)
  2. Skrypnik O. N. Experimental research of combined GNSS receiver characteristics in high latitudes / O. N. Skrypnik, R. O. Aref’ev, N. G. Astrahanceva // Scientific bulletin of the Moscow state technical university of civil aviation. 2015. № 221(11). Pp. 35‒42.
  3. Skrypnik O. N. Construction of an optimal flight trajectory in the GLONASS accuracy field / O. N. Skrypnik, N. G. Arefeva // 24th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, ICINS 2017. Pp. 129-131.
  4. Skrypnik O. N. Optimization of an aircraft flight trajectory in the GLONASS dynamic accuracy field / O. N. Skrypnik, N. G. Arefeva, R. O.  Arefyev // The Civil Aviation High Technologies. 2018. 21, no. 5, Pp. 56-66. DOI: 10.26467/2079-0619-2018-21-5-56-66 (in Russian)


Skorobogatov Sergey Victorovich

e-mail: maestro.ru@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk, Russia

Post: senior lecturer of the aircraft and engines department

Scientific major: fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics in applied problems, study of influence of the combustion kinetics of hydrocarbon fuels on the characteristics of jet engines

Important publications:

  1. Isaev A.I, Skorobogatov S.V. Hydrodynamic verification and validation of the numerical methods of the flow calculation in the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine, Trudy MAI, 2017, no. 97. Available at: http://trudymai.ru/published.php?ID=87336. (accessed 18.01.2019). (In Russian).
  2. Isaev A.I, Skorobogatov S.V. Methodological aspects of burning process experimental research in combustion chambers of gas-turbine engines, Trudy MAI, 2018, no. 98. Available at: http://trudymai.ru/published.php?ID=90175.
  3. Isaev A.I, Skorobogatov S.V. [Optimization of the annular combustion chamber inlet of a gas turbine engine with a transverse vortex system]. Sbornik materialov 15 Vserossijskoj konferencii «Novye tekhnologii» [Proc. 15th Int. Conf. «New technology»]. Miass, 2018, pp. 86-94.
  4. Isaev A.I, Skorobogatov S.V. Assuring of operational requirements when designing the flame head of the combustion chamber with a transverse vortex system. Nauchnyj vestnik GosNII GA – Scientific Bulletin of The State Scientific Research Institute of Civil Aviation, 2019, no. 25, pp. 21-32.
  5. Isaev A.I, Skorobogatov S.V. Operational aspects at the stage of formation of the appearance manifold of the gas flow in the combustion chamber. Nauchnyj vestnik  GosNII GA – Scientific Bulletin of The State Scientific Research Institute of Civil Aviation, 2019, no. 25, pp. 32-41.

Isaev Alexandr Ivanovich

e-mail: isaew_alexandr@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

Academic status:  Full professor

Post: professor of the aircraft and engines department

Scientific major: fluid dynamics, computational fluid dynamics in applied problems, study of influence of the combustion kinetics of hydrocarbon fuels on the characteristics of jet engines

Important publications:

  1. Isaev A.I, Skorobogatov S.V. Hydrodynamic verification and validation of the numerical methods of the flow calculation in the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine, Trudy MAI, 2017, no. 97. Available at: http://trudymai.ru/published.php?ID=87336. (accessed 18.01.2019). (In Russian).
  2. Isaev A.I, Skorobogatov S.V. Methodological aspects of burning process experimental research in combustion chambers of gas-turbine engines, Trudy MAI, 2018, no. 98. Available at: http://trudymai.ru/published.php?ID=90175.
  3. Isaev A.I, Skorobogatov S.V. [Optimization of the annular combustion chamber inlet of a gas turbine engine with a transverse vortex system]. Sbornik materialov 15 Vserossijskoj konferencii «Novye tekhnologii» [Proc. 15th Int. Conf. «New technology»]. Miass, 2018, pp. 86-94.
  4. Isaev A.I, Skorobogatov S.V. Assuring of operational requirements when designing the flame head of the combustion chamber with a transverse vortex system. Nauchnyj vestnik GosNII GA – Scientific Bulletin of The State Scientific Research Institute of Civil Aviation, 2019, no. 25, pp. 21-32.
  5. Isaev A.I, Skorobogatov S.V. Operational aspects at the stage of formation of the appearance manifold of the gas flow in the combustion chamber. Nauchnyj vestnik  GosNII GA – Scientific Bulletin of The State Scientific Research Institute of Civil Aviation, 2019, no. 25, pp. 32-41.


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