Word-forming analysis of russian professional jargon of IT-specialists
UDK 81-25 BBK 81.8
The article is devoted to the study of ways of forming professionalisms of IT-specialists. The author notes that the process of forming a professional language of IT-specialists is influenced by many factors: the young age of its speakers, the specifics of the profession, the status hierarchy, the general speech practice, etc. The author compares computer jargon with escapade and draws readers’ attention to a large number of compound words, stylistically reduced synonyms of nouns. The article discusses the ways of grammatical adaptation of individual abbreviations, options for the use of English acronyms and full lexical cognates that meet the requirements of brevity and convenience. The author makes a conclusion about the variability of the ways of forming professionalisms in the field of IT-technologies.
Keywords: рrofessional hierarchy, lexical-derivational professional jargon, lexical-semantic professional jargon, escapade, sociolect, expression, euphemism, deverbatives.
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