Discursive construal of food future in english media

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_3_125

Tatiana I. Semenova

Larisa V. Proskurnina

Abstract. The paper highlights prognostic potential of English analytical mediatexts with the buzz topic Plant based food. Of particular concern in the study is framing in media coverage of what the future of food will look like. The paper considers key role of media narratives in constructing and contesting visions of β€˜better’ meat-free food future. Meatless future is predicted to be good for people, animals and the planet. Our analysis reveals linguistic means and construal operations of shaping a better food future forecast with the key focus on the shift towards plant-based eating and its benefits for the health, environment and animals. The paper reveals the prognostic and pragmatic potential of the references to the epistemic authorities, specific statistics and nominal compounds like fake meat and meatless burger in shaping the future of food. The study brings into focus plant food trend forecasting. Β The results obtained contribute to the study of discursive control and management of the more responsible food choice of the recipients.

Key words: discursive construal, prognostic potential, mediatext, food forecast, food trend, plant based food, fake meat, meatless future.

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