German chancellor’s Angela Merkel idiostyle (as seen in the example of New-Year messages)

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.432.4

Merkurjewa V. B.

The article discusses eleven Chancellor’s New-Year greetings from the linguistic perspective from 2006 to 2016. Special attention is paid to the orator’s idiostyle peculiarities: crosscutting themes, reiterations: Arbeitslosigkeit, Ausländer, Europa, etc.; repetition of words with prefixes mit-, zusammen-, etc. The grammatical peculiarities of the Chancellor’s speech include superlative adjectives, personal pronouns, etc. Euphemisms stand out from the stylistic peculiarities; tautology, metaphors, antithesis, allusion and etc are also used. The politician’s New-Year messages are of affirmative character, notable for pompous language and are politically correct.

Keywords: New-Year message, A. Merkel, crosscutting theme, repetition, euphemism, personal pronoun, superlative adjective, metaphor, pompous language, affirmation.

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