Sensory and intersensory model of the pilot – aircraft system

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_1_67

Gennady V. Kovalenko

Artem A. Fedorov

Andrey V. Fedorov

Abstract. The paper provides an overview of the components of the pilot model used to design the flight control system which focuses on the physiological aspects and aspects of manual control. The structure of a multi-element system is used which allows the authors to reveal the totality of interaction between the pilot and the aircraft during the implementation of manual control. Manual control is the most difficult process when performing an aircraft flight and requires a lot of experience and high pilot skills. The sensory and intersensory models of the pilot–aircraft system are considered. The application of these models requires knowledge of the mechanisms and processes that are directly involved in the development of the pilot’s spatial orientation when controlling the aircraft manually. The development of a method and a mathematical model for the formation of spatial orientation skills is an urgent task of scientific research.

Keywords: pilot, model, spatial disorientation, aircraft, sensory organs, human factor.

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