Borrowings in the German language taken in the middle of the XVIII century (in the I. Ya. Lerche diaries)

UDC 930.253 BBK 63.2

Savchenko G. K.

The article introduces the results of the linguistic study of the German traveler and scientist I. Ya. Lerche diary. He lived in Russia in the period between 1731 and 1780. The diaries contain a lot of information on the history of Russia. Also they could be of great interest as a source of the history of Russian and German cultural ties, the history of the Russian and German languages in the XVIII century. The subject of the research is borrowings in the I. Ya. Lerche’s written speech.

Key words: I.Ya. Lerkhe, source studies, the Lower Volga region, borrowings

The research is executed in support of the Russian humanitarian scientific fund within the RGNF research project «The history of the Lower Volga region in the I. Ya. Lerche’s manuscript heritage «, project № 13-11-34003 а/В.

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