Some peculiarities of a character’s artistic image development in the text of literary work (on the material of the novel «The Narrow Corner» by W. S. Maugham)

UDC 81.25 BBK 81.432.1

Verbitskaya O. M.

The present work investigates created by the writer fictional world which is so similar and at the same time dissimilar to the real one and thus containing the author’s vision of the world hidden in literary images. The article thoroughly explores the main character’s image formation mechanism.  The investigator studies interaction of various language means in the process of the main character’s image development. Therefore an artist faces an extremely difficult task to reach the aesthetic perfection of all literary images under creation. Only under this condition both the principal heroes as well as the conflict tying them in one knot will be able to realize the author’s concept, to prove to the reader the fairness of the idea for the sake of which a piece of literary work is actually created. The article throws fresh light on linguistic and stylistic means of holding the reader in suspense and character’s development. The work also focuses its attention on the role of different types of cohesion in achieving the harmony and integrity of the main character’s image. The article is recommended to the specialists in the field of text linguistics.

Key words: literary image, the author’s concept, text cohesion, experienced speech, thematic progression, pragmatic aspect of the text

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