Exogenous processes in veterinary terminology (based on the material of the german language)
DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2025_1_
Abstract. The article considers borrowing as one of the ways to enrich the veterinary terminology system in the German language. The analysis of the factual material revealed that the borrowed terms in the term system under consideration, formed in the majority by hybridization, are derivatives, complex words or terminological phrases. It is revealed that among the derivational methods, the suffix method is the most productive. The formation of complex exogenous terms occurs as a result of hybridization according to three models: 1) the first component of a compound word is a word of German origin, the second component is a loanword, 2) the first component of a compound word is a loanword, the second is a word of German origin, 3) both components of a compound word are loanwords. The most productive confixes involved in the formation of veterinary terms are bakterie-, immun-, toxi-, dermo-, patho-, bio-, hämo-/häm-/hämato-, enzephalo-. Among the terms formed by the syntactic method of word formation, the most frequent are uncomplicated two-component phrases constructed according to the models: Adjektiv/Partizip II + Nomen im Nom or Nomen im Nom + Nomen im Gen. The formation of exogenous terms in the field of veterinary medicine occurs mainly with the help of morphological, morphological-syntactic, as well as syntactic methods of word formation.
Keywords: German veterinary terminological system, borrowings of Greek-Latin origin, term element, exogenous term, hybrid term, confix, morphological methods of word formation, word composition.
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