Категория: General Linguistics

Exogenous processes in veterinary terminology (based on the material of the german language)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2025_1_ 

Giulnara A. Khakimova

Svetlana A. Zakharova

Abstract. The article considers borrowing as one of the ways to enrich the veterinary terminology system in the German language. The analysis of the factual material revealed that the borrowed terms in the term system under consideration, formed in the majority by hybridization, are derivatives, complex words or terminological phrases. It is revealed that among the derivational methods, the suffix method is the most productive. The formation of complex exogenous terms occurs as a result of hybridization according to three models: 1) the first component of a compound word is a word of German origin, the second component is a loanword, 2) the first component of a compound word is a loanword, the second is a word of German origin, 3) both components of a compound word are loanwords. The most productive confixes involved in the formation of veterinary terms are bakterie-, immun-, toxi-, dermo-, patho-, bio-, hämo-/häm-/hämato-, enzephalo-. Among the terms formed by the syntactic method of word formation, the most frequent are uncomplicated two-component phrases constructed according to the models: Adjektiv/Partizip II + Nomen im Nom or Nomen im Nom + Nomen im Gen. The formation of exogenous terms in the field of veterinary medicine occurs mainly with the help of morphological, morphological-syntactic, as well as syntactic methods of word formation.

Keywords: German veterinary terminological system, borrowings of Greek-Latin origin, term element, exogenous term, hybrid term, confix, morphological methods of word formation, word composition.

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Different fate of latin verb constructions type «infinitive + habeo» and «habeo + past participle» in french and other romance languages

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_150

Lydia A.Stanovaïa

Abstract. This article examines the different fate of Latin verb constructions type cantare habeo > je chanterai and habeo cantatam > j’ai chanté. As a result of the analysis, the reasons for the appearance of these periphrases in the Latin language were identified; the features of their further transformation into vulgar Latin during the formation of Romance languages were established; the specifics of the further development of the considered constructions in the process of evolution of the French language and their place in the verb system of modern French were determined; a new explanation of this amazing phenomenon of the evolution of French and other Romance languages was proposed.

Keywords: Latin, Romance languages and Romance linguistics, grammatization, history of the French language, linguistic economy, verb system.

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Phonetic characteristics of mixed west-middle german dialect of Krasnoyarsk region (based on culinary recipe texts of russian germans)

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_1_183

Larisa I. Moskalyuk

Tatiana W. Korbmakher

Abstract. The article aims to consider the phonetic features of island Russian-German dialects of the Krasnoyarsk region. The research material was the author’s corpus of oral texts of culinary recipes recorded by digital audio recording during dialectological expeditions to the former German villages of the Krasnoyarsk region. General phonetic features of the studied High German dialects of the Germans of the Krasnoyarsk region (settlers from the Volga region and their descendants), reflected in the dialect texts of culinary recipes, transmit the features characteristic of the West Middle German dialect area with a Rhenish-Frankish basis. Consonantal changes illustrate the nature of the second (High German) movement of Germanic consonants of the specified dialect area.

The phonetic features of the German dialects of the Krasnoyarsk region, described in the article on the material of the culinary recipe texts, clarify the existing views about the current state of the island dialect language system, the description of which is important for further study of German dialectology and the theory of languages interaction.

Keywords: phonetic features, Russian Germans, culinary recipes, literary language, dialect, foreign language environment.

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Sociolinguistic characteristics of Russian Germans in the Krasnoyarsk region

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_151

Tatiana W. Korbmakher

Abstract. The article is devoted to the sociolinguistic study of the High German island dialects existing on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region, the patterns of their functioning in a foreign language environment in isolation from the main ethnic array. The relevance and significance of the problem of studying the linguistic phenomena under consideration on the material of island dialects is also due to the rapidly changing conditions of existence of «language islands» in Russia, including in the Krasnoyarsk region, leading to their loss, the need to preserve the linguistic and cultural heritage of Russian Germans.

The research is based on the method of interviewing informants. The method of quantitative calculations was used to determine the degree of dialect use among informants in different age groups. It was found that the degree of dialect use varies significantly by age categories, good preservation of the language is observed among informants of the older age group and low dialect competence in the middle age group.

The results of the study clarify the existing modern concept about the current state of the language system island’s dialects of the Krasnoyarsk region, the description of which is important for further study of language interaction theory’s.

Key words: sociolinguistics, Russian Germans, culinary recipes, literary language, dialect, foreign language environment.

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Entry of arabic lexical units into the french language

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_2_135

Tamara V. Slastnikova

Abstract. The aim of the present article is to study the stages of occurrence of arabisms in the French language in order to identify the movement of the French vocabulary`s layer of Arabic origin. In this article the definition of a borrowing is given, taking into consideration the fact that in linguistic literature the question on what a loan word is is still debatable. In the article significant phases in the history of arabisms in the French language are given, the actual problem of adaptation of Arabic vocabulary in the French language environment is addressed. For the first time the vocabulary of Arabic origin in the French language is considered and analysed in the comparative study of dictionaries of the three centuries, namely: M. Devic, “Dictionnaire étymologique des mots d’origine orientale” (XIX), A. Dauzat, “Nouveau dictionnaire étymologique et historique” (XX) and Dictionnaire Larousse français monolingue et bilingues en ligne (XXI). It allows to designate the period most accurately in the history of the French language when Arabic lexical units were borrowed most intensively.

Keywords: borrowing, Arabic lexical units, diachrony, vocabulary of the French language, intermediary language, historicism.

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Metalanguage in modern german fairy tales for adults in dialect

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_251

Vera B. Merkuryeva

Natal’ya S. Novolodskaya

Abstract. The object of the article is mostly modern german humorous fairy tales for adults in dialect. Thoughts on the language, clarification of language points, comments on some lexemes, grammatical and stylistic phenomena are typical for all german-speaking writers working in different genres. A modern author’s fairy tale as a type of text also reflects the interest of its authors in certain linguistic points. The article analyzes examples of metalanguage, metacommunication in dialect about dialect, as well as in some cases about literary or foreign-language inclusions.  Various pragmatic effects created by metalanguage passages within the textotype of the fairy tale are studied.

Keywords: dialect, standard language, author’s fairy tale for adults, metalanguage, metacommunication, humor.

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Francien dialect and scripta: features of franciеn scripta

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_108

Lydia A. Stanovaïa

Abstract. The corpus of franciеn manuscripts is sufficient for an in-depth study of the francien scripta. The paradoxical opinion of certain researchers affirming the total absence of written attestations of Francien, is linked to the imperfect and often discutable localization of several French manuscripts, including franciens. The important features of franciеn scripta are the following: (1) coexistence of two scriptural norms (etymological and analogical) of the graphic representation of the nominal declension; (2) homogeneity of language usage, ensured by the majority use of franciеn Forms; (3) respect of protographs that franciеn copyists modified with moderation.

Keywords: history of the French language; historical dialectology; scriptology; dialect; scriptа.

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Affixation as a type of term formation based on components Dialekt/Mundart

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_118

Inna V. Senina

Svetlana Y. Pozdnyakova

Abstract. The article deals with the main types of affixation as one of the leading mechanisms of term formation based on the components Dialekt / Mundart, which are the basic concepts of German dialectology. The main attention is paid to the identification of productive affixes, on the basis of which terms are able to form new terminological nests. The predominant use of affixes of Greek-Latin origin, as well as affixes of borrowed nouns and adjectives, allows to indicate the tendency for the further consolidation of the borrowed term Dialekt as the most commonly used.

Keywords: affixation, derivation, term, term formation, terminological nest, dialect, dialectology.

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Francien dialect and scripta: contours of the francien scriptural zone

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_97

Lydia A. Stanovaïa

Abstract. The franciеn scriptural zone includes the scripta of Paris, Orléanais, Soissons, Senlis and Compiègne. The scripta of Burgundy constitute particular scripta. The status of scripta of Berry and Turraine requires a specialized study. The francien scriptural zone, medieval, corresponds in broad lines, but not totally, to the dialectal zone, current. The territory of the francien scriptural and dialectal zones does not correspond to that of the current Region of Île-de-France.

Keywords: history of the French language, historical dialectology, scriptology, dialect, scriptа.

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Studying the buryat heroic epic “Geser” at school

UDK 82 (571.54) BBK 83.3 S 57

Sodnomov S. Ts.

The paper discusses the features of the literary development of schoolchildren and the possibility of developing their verbal skills in the process of studying the Buryat heroic epic “Geser” in the Buryat school.

Keywords: literary development in the Buryat language, Buryat heroic epic, the development of verbal skills of schoolchildren, epithet, hyperbole, metaphor, alliterating words, comparison.

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