The formation of media competence of students through modern musical-aesthetic development

UDC 37 BBK 74.200.544.3

Vorobieva I. E.

Modern pupils from early childhood are in close interaction with video, cellphones, video players; new caregivers of the modern generation are so-called «parallel school», virtual communication environment through media. The Internet for the most young users are the main source of information not only in the preparation of different tasks, but also for their free time. For this reason, figurative and virtual views of pupils about contemporary reality prevail over the intellectual. This article describes a focus group – pupils of the musical aesthetic studio and allows understanding more precisely pupils’ media competence, their tastes, hobbies, main reasons and frequency of using media, musical competence, through monitoring, oral conversations, debates, creative tasks.

Key words: pupils; media competence; focus group; media culture.

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