Категория: Personality and media: humanitarian studies in media education

Plot analysis of the family image and family education in russian feature films (1920-2020) in the context of media education

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_201

Galina V. Mikhaleva

Abstract. The article contains a plot analysis of the film image of the family and family education in Russian feature films (1920-2020). The thematic variety of plots is associated with the representation of family and family education. It includes such traditional topics as intergenerational conflict (the problem of “fathers and sons”), the preservation of family values in the light of their historical transformation in the lives of several family generations, challenges of young families and their relationships with representatives of the older generation, the film image of adoptive parents and the problems of adopted children, social orphanhood and homelessness, hardships of large families, loss of family members, family reunions, the film image of a happy family. Further analysis of the transformation of the theme of family and family education in Russian audiovisual texts remains relevant both in cultural and media education aspects.

Keywords: family, family education, cinema, film adaptation, media education, film education, film, critical thinking.

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“Soviet screen” magazine in the “perestroika” era

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_2_189

Alexander V. Fedorov

Anastasia Al. Levitskaya

Abstract. The authors based on content analysis (in the context of historical, socio-cultural and political situation, etc.) of the texts published in the “thaw” period of the “Soviet Screen” magazine (1986-1991). ), the authors concluded that the materials on the subject of Western cinema at this stage can be divided into the following genres: ideologized articles emphasizing criticism of bourgeois cinema and its harmful influence on the audience (1986-1987); articles on the history of Western cinema; biographies and creative portraits of Western actors and directors; interviews with Western filmmakers; reviews of Western films; articles on international film festivals and foreign film weeks in the USSR; reviews of the current repertoire of Western national cinemas.

Keywords: “Soviet Screen” magazine, Western cinema, film criticism, ideology, politics, reviews, articles.

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Theoretical articles of the film critic I.V. Weisfeld (1909-2003) in the Art of cinema magazine

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_2_182

Olga I. Gorbatkova

Abstract. The paper analyzes the evolution of theoretical film studies concepts of the famous film scholar I.V. Weisfeld (1909-2003) in the “Art of Cinema” journal (1931-2003).

The objective of the study is to perform a comprehensive content analysis of the evolution of I.V. Weisfeld’s theoretical film studies concepts in the “Art of Cinema” journal (1931-2003) in the context of the transformation of historical and socio-cultural space.

Based on the content analysis of the discourse of film studies formations concentrated in I.V. Weisfeld’s theoretical articles in the “Art of Cinema” journal (1931-2003), the following was revealed:

  • V. Weisfeld’s theoretical film studies concepts were largely confined to the study of problematization vectors of film studies, namely, they concerned a detailed deconstruction of film construction issues, plot and structural image, the style movement of the artist, and a hero’s character;
  • most of his theoretical articles were written in line with the ideological and political dogmas of a particular historical period. The texts of the film scholar’s theoretical articles clearly reflected the ideology of the ruling Communist Party, with frequent quotations of the works of K. Marx, V. Lenin and I. Stalin, as well as the resolutions of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party;
  • a number of articles contained a sharp criticism of “bourgeois concepts” of Western cinema, defended the values of the ideological and moral content of Soviet cinema as well as the unity of the ideological and professional approach in film studies;
  • a significant portion of I.V. Weisfeld’s articles was devoted to the cinematic legacy of famous Soviet filmmakers: S. Eisenstein, D. Vertov, V. Pudovkin, N. Zarkhi, and N. Lebedev in close correlation with criticism and outlining the merits of their work and the development of film studies as a science;
  • A significant segment of the author’s conceptual views concerned the problems of integrating film into the educational process of schools and universities;
  • The author’s theoretical articles are written at a high professional level (using cinematic terminology), not deprived of expressive artistic imagery; presented theoretical concepts are supported by a clear logic of presentation and coherent arguments based on primary sources;
  • The author’s position and attitude towards the subject of research are clearly traceable in the general content and generalizing conclusions; structurally, his articles are usually in a scientific style, have a clear structure and a significant volume;
  • V. Weisfeld’s theoretical film studies concepts are presented in a correlative relationship and determination of the transformation processes of the political and socio-cultural segment in the context of historical stages.

Keywords: Weisfeld, theoretical articles, film studies concept, film history, “Art of Cinema” journal.

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Theoretical articles of film critic R.N. Yurenev (1912 – 2002) in the cinema art journal

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_132

Olga I. Gorbatkova

Abstract. The presented article analyzes the conceptual views of the famous Russian film critic R. N. Yurenev (1912–2002) in his articles published on the pages of one of the oldest Cinema Art journals on the history and theory of cinema.

The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of the conceptual views of R.N. Yurenev in the context of the analysis of theoretical articles in the Cinema Art journal in the focus of domestic film studies.

The analysis of the theoretical articles of the film critic R. N. Yurenev in historical, political, socio-cultural focus allows us to determine the range of conclusions. His conceptual views are clearly determined by the socio-cultural and political situation characteristic of the specified historical period. A significant number of theoretical works by R. N. Yurenev are devoted to the study of the problem field of the cinematic landscape, content components and methods, methods of approaches to the study of cinematography. His articles are the reflections of methodological and professional problems: analysis of the theoretical heritage of the classics of Soviet cinema, directing, methodological tools, and professional requirements for film criticism. The articles by R. N. Yurenev combine the broadcast in a single segment of an ideological and professional approach to cinematography.

Keywords: Yurenev, film critic, film critic, film studies, historical context, the Art of Cinema magazine.

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Analysis of russian military patriotic feature films of the soviet and post-soviet periods*

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_4_194

Irina V. Chelysheva

Abstract. The article deals with the problems of using educational, developmental and educational tasks of media education in a university environment. The author presents a theoretical review of research on the topic, analyzes methodological approaches in working with students, contributing to the development of civic engagement, the formation of civic consciousness, a sense of patriotism based on Russian military patriotic feature films of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods.

Analysis of cinematic material includes the study of key media educational concepts: “media agencies”, “media categories”, “media language”, “media technologies”, “media representations”, “media audiences”. Also, the examples of creative assignments are presented, the use of which is possible in lectures and practical classes in a student audience.

The article also presents a short filmography of cinematographic works of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods.

Key words: media, media education, art cinematography, patriotism, civic engagement, media text analysis, students.

*The reported study was funded by RFBR and EISR, project number21-011-31036 «Formation of university students’ civic engagement based on the material of national art cinema».

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Development of university students’ civic culture on the material of russian social drama films

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_4_180

Galina V. Mikhaleva

Abstract. The article discusses the technologies and methods of conducting university classes with the elements of film education that contribute to promoting students’ civic engagement based on Russian social drama films. The main research method is a critical analysis of audiovisual media texts about acute social problems of our time, including the analysis of the social stereotypes representations, character analysis, plot analysis and ethical analysis of media representations. Film education allows one to meet some specific educational objectives when viewing and analysing social drama films in the student audience, which are as follows: developing university students’ critical skills in analysing audiovisual media texts, including social stereotypes; teaching students to reasonably defend their life and civic positions, and attitudes to various social challenges of our time; cultivating spiritual and moral values, awareness of national and state identity among young people; fostering civic culture and responsibility; encouraging models of constructive behaviour in various difficult life situations, including problematic and conflict situations; inspiring a strong feeling of rejection of antisocial and disruptive behaviour among young people.

Keywords: civic engagement, civic culture, social drama, university students, film education, audiovisual media text, social stereotype, media representation, civic education, civic competence, critical analysis.

The reported study was funded by RFBR and EISR, project number 21-011-31036.

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Development of interethnic tolerance of student youth on the material of the motion pictures

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_216

Irina V.Chelysheva

Abstract. The article discusses methodological and methodical approaches to the problem of the development of interethnic tolerance of the student audience based on the material of fiction movies. The author presents the implementing of a cycle of media education classes in the educational process of a university based on the identified main Russian and foreign theoretical and methodological concepts for the development of interethnic tolerance, which can be a promising basis for further successful development in Russian conditions in the context of using educational, educative tasks of media education; development of technologies and methods for conducting training sessions at the university with elements of media education, contributing to the development of interethnic tolerance.

The author presents an analysis of classes, the fundamental basis of which is modern domestic and foreign methods and technologies that are most widely used in modern media education practice. The work with feature films is based on the main types of analysis of works of media culture: autobiographical, structural, critical, semiotic, identification, analysis of cultural mythology, analysis of key characters, etc.

Keywords: media, media education, interethnic tolerance, students, motion pictures, creative activities, analysis of the media text.

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Development of interethnic tolerance among university students on the material of television media texts

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_202

Galina V. Mikhaleva

Abstract. The article discusses the methodological and methodical tools in the study of realizing educational objectives by means of media education based on the material of television media texts, including the technologies and methods of conducting university practical classes with elements of media education to foster students’ interethnic tolerance. Practical approaches are based on the methodology for performing literary-imitative, literary-analytical, theatrical role-playing activities on the material of media culture, based on the key concepts of media education: media agencies, media categories, media languages, media technologies, media representations, media audiences. Media education allows one to solve specific educational tasks in the discussion of television programs on the topic of interethnic tolerance in the student audience, which are as follows: forming a stable sense of rejecting the ideology of racial, national, interethnic, interfaith intolerance and extremism among university students; developing students’ critical skills for analysing media texts on the topic of interethnic tolerance; destroying social prejudices and stereotypes in the university environment; teaching young people to define methods of media manipulation and the propaganda of interethnic intolerance in the media based on a critical analysis of media texts; expanding and enriching the cultural, historical and social experience of the youth audience in the field of intercultural communication.

Keywords: interethnic tolerance, television media texts, students, dialogue of cultures, ethnic stereotypes, media education, media text, re-presentation, hate speech, national identity, ethnic culture, xenophobia.

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Development of interethnic tolerance among university students on the material of documentary films

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_151

Galina V. Mikhaleva

Abstract. The article discusses the methodological and methodical tools in the study of implementing educational tasks by means of media education based on documentary films, including the development of technologies and methods of teaching university classes with elements of media education to foster students’ interethnic tolerance. Hands-on approaches are based on the methodology of performing literary-imitative, literary-analytical, theatrical role-playing tasks on the material of media culture using the key concepts of media education: media agencies, media categories, media languages, media technologies, media representations, media audiences. Media education allows to solve specific educational tasks during the discussion of documentaries with students on the topic of interethnic tolerance.  These tasks are to teach university students to reject the ideology of racial, national, interethnic, interfaith intolerance and extremism; improve interpersonal relations among students based on mutual understanding, patience and mutual assistance; develop students’ ability to listen and hear, to “put” themselves in the place of the interlocutor; develop students’ skills of critical analysis of media texts on the topic of interethnic tolerance.

Keywords: interethnic tolerance, documentary films, students, dialogue of cultures, ethnic stereotypes, media education, media text, representation, hate speech, national identity, multicultural state, ethnic culture, xenophobia.

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Development of interethnic tolerance of american students in the process of media education

Mikhaleva G. V.

The article discusses theoretical and practical approaches to developing interethnic tolerance of student youth in the US by means of media education at the present stage. The analysis shows that in the context of fostering interethnic tolerance in the contemporary American system of media education, the following methods of media and information literacy are used: issue-enquiry approach, problem-based learning, scientific enquiry, case study, cooperative learning, critical and semiotic analyses of media content, contextual analysis, “transformation” method of media content, role-plays and simulations, projects.

Key words: student youth, media education, interethnic tolerance, ethnic stereotype, discrimination, racism, USA, mass media, hate speech, media and information literacy.

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