Construction of war in literary discoure of the XX century antiwar japanese prose (on the material of Tayama Katai’s novel «一兵卒» («One soldier»))

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_4_6

Anastasia V. Kolmogorova

Georgii O. Samarkin

Abstract. The paper is devoted to the description of the means and features of the discursive construction of the image of war represented in the antiwar Japanese novel “One Soldier” written by the Japanese author Tayama Katai. The analysis includes a literary concept description algorithm which forms a cognitive basis for the image being constructed.

The research is based on the model of image including a conceptual core, ideological content and pragmatic shell. The analysis of every part of the model allows to describe multifacetedly the image of war.

It is concluded that the conceptual basis of the image has a hierarchical structure and includes the microconcept “war” («戦争» /senso:/), the basic concepts “army” («軍» /gun/) and “competence” («対戦» /taisen/), and the individual concepts “suffering” («悩み» /nayami/) and “memory” («記憶» /kioku/). This conceptual hierarchy results in the discursive basis of the image of war represented as a wound on a society depicting not the good and bad, but the pain and suffering.

Key words: discursive construction, war, Japanese antiwar prose, the Japanese language, literary concept, conceptual analysis.

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