Records of the results of pedagogical monitoring in organization of educational activities in the modern college

UDC 377.5 BBK 74.214.22

Nikitina E. A., Korobtsov A. Y., Vereshсhakov I. E.

An important part of practical training within the professional module PM.03 “Methodological support of the training process and pedagogical guidance of a group of students in professions of workers (employees)” is organization and carrying out pedagogical monitoring. This allows to create the competencies needed in the future professional activity of training officers.

In the course of many years’ training officers’ work, teachers of the Irkutsk College of Automobile Transport and Road Construction to organize teaching practice of students (specialty 44.02.06 Professional Education) ‒ a huge experience of carrying out pedagogical monitoring with the participation of trainees has been gained. In the process of implementation of the tasks of the pedagogical monitoring, they do not only provide diagnosis, evaluation and forecasting of the pedagogical process, but also they take into account the results of the organization of educational activities in the College. Presentation of the experience of the joint activities through the eyes of students will contribute to the further improvement of the pedagogical process in the field of teaching training officers.

Key words: pedagogical monitoring, training officer, education, teaching, pedagogical culture, vocational training, diagnosis, assessment, forecasting, pedagogical process.

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