Категория: Actual issues of vocational pedagogy

Existential potential of professional development of a teacher in the space of an innovative educational complex

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2025_1_

Elena M. Kazantseva

Elena N. Kikhtenko

Svetlana S. Lyutkevich

Abstract. The paper presents a component model of the existential potential of a teacher’s professional development, implemented in the Educational complex “Point of the Future” (Irkutsk), which is a vivid example of an innovative educational environment that supports the existential nature of teachers’ professional development, where self-development acts as a value guideline for both teachers and students. The features of pedagogical work in an innovative educational organization are revealed: “versatility of activity”, “high uncertainty of conditions” and “redundancy of professional opportunities”. Examples of activities contributing to the disclosure of the existential potential of professional development of teachers in the private educational institution “Point of the Future” are given. The tasks of scientific and methodological support are defined as one of the key conditions for actualizing the existential potential of a teacher. The article will be useful for education professionals and heads of educational institutions.

Keywords: existential potential, existential fulfillment, professional identity, reflective culture, professional development of a teacher, innovative educational complex.

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Teaching foreign language theory at university in the conditions of digital reality

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_172

Ivan D. Kachurin

Abstract. The educational reality of modern university is constructed by two crucial factors: conceptual, associated with the change of educational paradigm, and organizational, reflected in the transition to the levels of education. The methodology of teaching foreign language theory is determined by the aforementioned factors. This study focuses on current issues of teaching linguo-theoretical courses and is meant to develop some elements of the methodological system in accordance with the educational realities of the modern university environment and the systematic, analytical and digital competence-based priorities of FSES 3++. The paper outlines the use of a digital linguistic system of German language – Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (DWDS) – as a structured digital learning environment with a dictionary and corpora, supported by multilevel tools such as a word profile, concordance and corpora manager. DWDS components are validated of their potential in solving methodological problems of teaching foreign language theory. According to the identified methodological problems, some arguments pro incorporation of digital linguistic system (hereafter referred to as DLS) in teaching linguo-theoretical courses at university are provided. Based on the identified methodological problems, the Digital Linguistic System (hereinafter DLS) is considered as one of the possible solutions to methodological problems in teaching foreign language theory.

Key words: methodology, linguo-theoretical courses, FSES 3++, competencies, digital technologies, student-centred learning, corpora.

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Law enforcement officers’ social and humanitarian support in the period of their professional and personal development

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_3_171

Larisa Yu. Nezhkina

Abstract. The paper is devoted to the idea of law enforcement officers’ social and humanitarian support during their professional and personal development. The professional development of an officer’s personality begins in the period of his/her training in an educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and is an important part of life because during this period he/she gains the necessary professional knowledge, skills and abilities which will practically influence the result of his/her activities. It is important to note that during that period significant business and personal qualities are formed as well as moral guidelines that show the person’s attitude to work and people, and therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the formation of business, personal and moral qualities during the officer’s professional and personal development. In this regard, the idea of social and humanitarian support for officers is proposed. An officer’s social and humanitarian support during the training period is understood as creating conditions for the development of a conscious understanding of the profession and his/her role in it, formation of the best human qualities, motivation for self-education and self-study. Such conditions imply a dialogue interaction between the teacher and the student, psychological and pedagogical assistance and support. The author outlines the main essence of social and humanitarian support and possible ways of its implementation. At the end of the paper, the importance of the implementation of social and humanitarian support in the period of officers’ professional and personal development is emphasized. The practical significance lies in the fact that the implementation of officers’ social and humanitarian support during the training period in an educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia will make it possible to qualitatively change the educational environment, create conditions for the development of spiritual and moral maturity, the existential orientation of the individual to self-actualization, professional and personal development.

Key words: personal development, profession, formation, education, support, officer, humanistic approach.

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The relationship between evaluation and self-assessment in the training of future pedagogues

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_172

Marina P. Tselykh

Annotation. The article deals with the issues of relationship between evaluation and self-assessment in the training of future teachers. It was found that the learning process as a complex unity of the teacher and students activities is closely related to aspects and procedures of the evaluation.

It is argued that pedagogical reflection and the self-assessment ability are significant components of professionalism and the key for its formation and further development. It is noted that learning activity can be increased by specially selected types of work and tasks oriented students to the manifestation of independence, self-expression, introspection, as well as involvement in the educational process.

The results of a survey and fragments of assignments in pedagogical disciplines of the students of the pedagogical university became the material for empirical analysis. It is concluded that the creation of correlation conditions between assessment and self-assessment in the learning process, the use of methods focused on the awareness of students of their status as active subjects of cognition, contributes to the formation of pedagogical reflection and involves students in the process of professional formation improving generally the quality of pedagogical education.

As a result, students are able to acquire and develop competencies not only of the reproductive, but also of the reconstructive and research type.

Keywords: self-assessment, pedagogical reflection, professional training of the teacher.

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The influence of life values on the level of formation of orientation-motivational component of students’ independent work through benchmarking-technology

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_4_207

Liliya R. Ziyazieva

Abstract. The article considers the influence of life values on the formation of the orientation-motivational component of students’ independent work through benchmarking-technology by M. Rokich’s method. The terminal and instrumental concepts of learners are defined, and the influence of life values on the formation of the orientation-motivational component is proved. It is shown that the formation of the personality of students, their system of values, learning motivation are influenced not only by society, but also by the institute of family, community, and events happening in the world. The author considers the orientation-motivational component together with life priorities as one of the components of the pedagogical model of university student’s readiness for independent work using benchmarking-technology and finds their interrelation and influence on the formation of students’ preparedness for independent work. As well as the influence of life priorities and the influence of the mentality of nations on the motivational component.

The orientation-motivational component of students’ independent work is aimed at students’ awareness of a specific goal in their self-study activities, focused on performing individual work through benchmarking-technology, providing additional tasks and topics focused on future professional activities.

Key words: level of formation, orientation-motivational component, benchmarking-technology, independent work, life values, mentality of nations.

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Business game as a tool of building professional competence of internal affairs officers

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_190

Larisa  Yu. Nezhkina

Natal’ya S.  Novolodskaya

Abstract. The need of the internal affairs bodies in highly qualified specialists is a strategic goal of the educational policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia insofar as the Russian Law on the Police Force defines the main tasks of a law enforcement officer, where he must show a high professional level and high personal maturity. Professional abilities and personal maturity constitute professional competence (knowledge, abilities, skills and talents), which must be formed during training in the educational organization of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In this regard, a business game “Kedrovaya Street” was developed and implemented for internal affairs officers as a means of building the professional competence of policemen. The business game was conducted as part of practical training in the learning process in the educational organization of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors present the content and the procedure for conducting a business game. They discuss the results obtained after its implementation in the training groups of policemen. At the conclusion of the article, the findings are presented. The findings in general, reflect the importance of developing and conducting such business games that contribute to a significant increase of the professional competence of internal affairs officers.

Keywords: professional competence, building, abilities, business game, methods, discussion, reflection, educational process, team, internal affairs officers.

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Development of the teacher’s subjective position in conditions of network educational event

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_2_179

Emiliya Choyzhalsanovna Zhambalova

Zhargal Urzhinsuren

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of the development of subjective position of the personality in general and teachers in particular. In order to determine and substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the development of the subjective position of the teachers, an analysis of the literature and a questionnaire were carried out, the results of which are presented in the article. It was revealed that one of the conditions for the development of subjective position of the personality, including students, is the implementation of the event approach through educational events. Educational events are considered as a situation of reflexive activity that contributes to the development of the subject of activity.

The paper describes approaches to the definition of the concepts of “educational events” and “network educational events”, defines the characteristics of educational events and necessary conditions for their organization in the network. The author presents and substantiates the possibility of using network educational events as a productive form for advanced training in general and for the mastering new roles in particular. The author gives the refined interpretation of the concept of “network educational event”, which was formulated based on the results of the research.   

Keywords: subjective position of the teachers, event approach, educational event, network educational event.

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The need of humanitarian knowledge for creative education

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_188

Elena A. Kozlova

Abstract. The article examines the features of the modern higher education system in the aspect of the excessive focus of the curriculum on the formation of practical skills of students. Employers need a professional who can immediately take up their duties without long-term training. At the same time, employees with leadership qualities and creative thinking are more appreciated. These qualities are part of the humanitarian knowledge. Only with highly educated and creative specialists is it possible to successfully modernize production, increase the competitiveness and business image of companies. The creative abilities of a person depend on the characteristics of the work of the right and left hemispheres: figurative and logical components, harmoniously combined when analyzing problems. It is the ability of analysis and synthesis that higher education is called upon to develop, this is its mission. The gap between technical and humanitarian knowledge is the reason for the lack of initiative, creativity and ethical responsibility of university graduates. The global reorientation of society towards knowledge that is useful from a material point of view leads the heads of universities, applicants and their parents to an erroneous point of view about guarantees of professional efficiency. The work proves that humanitarian knowledge, more than any other, effectively influences the formation of high-quality logical thinking, creative consciousness, self-awareness, social and professional qualities. The concept of creativity and linguistic creativity is revealed in detail. Humanitarization is considered as a process of saturation of curricula with disciplines of the humanitarian cycle. And also as a system of thoughtful and balanced measures aimed at the priority development of general cultural competencies, presented in the goals and objectives, the content of academic disciplines, learning technologies focused on the comprehensive development and improvement of the human personality, which is central to the structure of social relations. The essence of the humanization of education is the recognition of the spiritual world of a person as the highest value, the raising of ethical questions at the center of educational activities.

Key words: mission of universities, leadership, humanitarization, creativity, social responsibility.

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Efficiency of mastering basic mathematics at the university of railway transport

UDL 378.6 BBK 74.58

Chernyaeva T. N.

The paper studies the issue of improving the efficiency of mastering basic mathematics with the help of the developed training system of specialists. The techniques and methods of teaching students mathematics at the technical university on the basis of competency-based education are described. Each semester subject tests in mathematics for specialists are given.

Key words: efficiency, competences, increased activity, students motivation, rating, levels of training, testing, test assignments.

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Library and information activity as a direction of training of masters for the library industry

UDK 02-051:378.22 BBK 78

Kolesnikova M. N.

The paper describes some results and problems of training of masters in library and information activity on the basis of the Library and Information Department of Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts. The statistics of the contingent of students for 2011–2019, the percentage of admission and graduation, including the departments of the faculty; the percentage of students with specialized and non-core education; statistics of employment of students of the correspondence course; statistics of citizenship of students, etc. are mentioned. The comparative analysis of statistical data and the main conclusions are presented in the paper. The main problems of recruitment and training of full-time and part-time students, including foreign citizens are identified; the system problems of Master’s programme as the second level of higher education in the library and information industry are identified. The current situation with the development of educational programs in connection with the approval of Federal state educational standard of higher professional education 3++ and its introduction in September 2019 is presented.

Keywords: master’s degree, library and information activity, Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, contingent statistics, training problems, educational programs.

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