Категория: Authors

Yurin Aleksandr Yurievich


Place of work: Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISDCT SB RAS), Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Academic status:  associate professor

Post: leading researcher, head of the laboratory

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  2.3.5. – Mathware and software of computers, complexes and computer networks

Scientific major: decision support systems, expert systems, knowledge bases, diagnostics, technical systems 

Important publications:

  1. Yurin A. A Technique for Rapid Development of Declarative Knowledge Bases for Aircraft Diagnostics Based on Decision Tables / A.Yu. Yurin, O.A. Nikolaychuk, N.O. Dorodnykh, Yu.V. Kotov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, Vol.502, P. 140-149. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-09076-9_13
  2. Yurin A. Knowledge Bases Engineering Based on Event Trees Transformations: A Case Study for Aircraft Diagnostics / A.Yu. Yurin, O.A. Nikolaychuk, N.O. Dorodnykh, A.B. Stolbov, Y.V. Kotlov, V.M. Popov // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, Vol 566, P. 3-12. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-19620-1_1

Sokolov Oleg Arkadyevich


Place of work: Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Post: associate professor of the department of automatic control

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  2.9.6. – Air navigation and operation of aviation equipment

Scientific major: adaptive systems for automatic flight control, algorithms for fault-tolerant strapdown inertial navigation systems, technical operation of integrated avionics complexes 

Important publications:

  1. Sokolov O. A. A variant of the reference model of an adaptive system for improving the stability and controllability of an aircraft for the “damper” mode / O. A. Sokolov, A. L. Kivokurtsev, D. O. Sokolov // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. – – No. 3 (20). – pp. 60-68. – EDN YQKJWH.
  2. Kivokurtsev A. L. Improving the reliability of an integrated avionics complex based on the sliding redundancy method / A. L. Kivokurtsev, O. A. Sokolov // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. – – No. 2 (31). – pp. 120-129. – EDN VEMAMT.
  3. Kivokurtsev A. L. Features of optimization for orientation algorithms of the aviation strapdown inertial navigation system / A. L. Kivokurtsev, O. A. Sokolov // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. – – No. 3 (24). – pp. 62-73. – EDN FFOQCN

Kivokurtsev Aleksandr Leonidovich


Place of work: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk Branch, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Post: associate professor of the department of aviation electrical systems and flight and navigation systems

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 2.9.6. – Air navigation and operation of aviation equipment (05.22.14 – Operation of air transport)

Scientific major: technical operation of integrated onboard equipment complexes, algorithms for fault-tolerant strapdown inertial navigation systems, adaptive systems for automatic flight control

Important publications:

  1. Kivokurtsev A. L. Improving the reliability of an integrated avionics complex based on the sliding redundancy method / A. L. Kivokurtsev, O. A. Sokolov // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. – 2021. – No. 2 (31). – pp. 120-129. – EDN VEMAMT.
  2. Kivokurtsev A. L. Features of the use of “FAROS A-320” procedural simulators for the preparation of students at the university / A. L. Kivokurtsev // Actual problems and prospects of development of civil aviation: Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference, Irkutsk, October 14-15, 2021 – Irkutsk: Irkutsk branch MSTUCA, 2021. – pp. 144-153. – EDN BQHYIX.
  3. Kivokurtsev A. L. Features of optimization for orientation algorithms of the aviation strapdown inertial navigation system / A. L. Kivokurtsev, O. A. Sokolov // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. – 2019. – No. 3 (24). – pp. 62-73. – EDN FFOQCN
  4. Sokolov O. A. A variant of the reference model of an adaptive system for improving the stability and controllability of an aircraft for the “damper” mode / O. A. Sokolov, A. L. Kivokurtsev, D. O. Sokolov // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. – 2018. – No. 3 (20). – pp. 60-68. – EDN YQKJWH.

Vakhrusheva Ulyana Sergeevna


Place of study: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk Branch, Irkutsk, Russia

Post: student.

Scientific major: information transmission systems using LoRa technology, Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

Important publications:

  1. Mezhetov M.A., Tikhova A.I., Vakhrusheva U.S., Fedorov A.V. Applying LoRa Technology in Unmanned Aircraft Systems // Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Problems of Civil Aviation Development”. 2021. Volume 2. P. 180-185.
  2. Mezhetov, M., Tikhova, A., Vakhrusheva, U., Fedorov, A. Applying LoRa Technology in Unmanned Aircraft Systems // Gorbachev, O.A., Gao, X., Li, B. (eds) Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Aviation. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. 2023. С. 189-197.

Tikhova Anna Ivanovna


Place of work: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk Branch, Irkutsk, Russia

Post: Engineer of the Department of Aircraft Radio Electronic equipment.

Scientific major: Digital methods of signal generation and transmission in aircraft communication lines, monitoring systems of aircraft communication lines, satellite radio navigation systems, broadband data transmission systems.

Important publications:

  1. Mezhetov M.A., Tikhova A.I., Vakhrusheva U.S., Fedorov A.V. Applying LoRa Technology in Unmanned Aircraft Systems // Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Problems of Civil Aviation Development”. 2021. Volume 2. P. 180-185.
  2. Mezhetov, M., Tikhova, A., Vakhrusheva, U., Fedorov, A. Applying LoRa Technology in Unmanned Aircraft Systems // Gorbachev, O.A., Gao, X., Li, B. (eds) Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Aviation. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. 2023. С. 189-197.

Lebedeva Anastasia Aleksandrovna


Place of work: Sberbank of Russia, Irkutsk, Russia

Status: senior auditor

Рlace of study: Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

Status: graduate student

Scientific major: machine learning, mathematical modeling and computer vision

Spasibko Alexandra Borisovna


Place of work: Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

Status: graduate student of the direction «Mathematical modeling» / trainee researcher of the Scientific Research Center «Baikal Region»

Scientific major: reliability of technical systems, optimization, search for optimal ways to increase the level of reliability


Petruneva Raisa Moradovna


Place of work: Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Аcademic status: Full professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  13.00.08 – Theory and Methods of Professional Education

Scientific major: didactics of higher education, educational activities and youth policy 

Important publications:

  1. Petruneva R. M. Bologna deadlock… what next? / R. M. Petruneva, V. D. Vasilieva // Alma mater (Herald of Higher Education). – 2022. – № 11. – C. 10-21. DOI: 10.20339/AM.11-22.010.
  2. Petruneva R. M. Internationalization of education: la peau de chagrin of the russian language / R. M. Petruneva, L. . Belyakova, T. L. Sidorova // Higher education in Russia (Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii). – 2021. – № 7. – C. 139-148. DOI: 10.31992/0869-3617-2021-30-7-139-148.
  3. Petruneva R. M. Problems of higher school didactics: Uncut pages / R. Petruneva, V. D. Vasilyeva, Yu. V. Petruneva // Higher Education in Russia (Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii). – 2021. – № 8-9. – C. 56-68.
  4. Petruneva R. M. Problems of Globalization and Pedagogical Work with “Digital Natives” at Technical Universities [Electronic resource] / R. Petruneva, V. D. Vasilieva, O. V. Toporkova // Growth Poles of the Global Economy: Emergence, Changes and Future Perspectives / ed. by Elena G. Popkova. – Cham (Switzerland) : Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020. P. 1241-1246. – URL : https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-15160-7. (Book ser. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS) ; vol. 73).

Khazanov Dmitry Vladimirovich


Place of work: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk branch, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Academic status: Associate professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  01.04.03 – radiophysics.

Scientific major: methods and algorithms for optimal filtering and control in multi-position surveillance systems and integrated navigation systems based on inertial and satellite technologies

Important publications:

  1. Khazanov D.V., Burenkov S.I. Movement of charged particles in electromagnetic fields. Actual problems and prospects for the development of civil aviation: Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume 2. Irkutsk: Irkutsk branch of MSTU GA, 2021. Pp.256-274.
  2. Gorbachev O. A., Zalutsky V. T., Ivanov V. B., Khazanov D.V. Evaluation of the quality of the GEMTEK full electronic content model for autonomous location determination in global navigation satellite systems // Gyroscopy and navigation, N1 (88). – 2015. – C. 100-108. – DOI 10.17285/0869-7035.2015.23.1.100-108. – EDN TQLDQT.
  3. Gorbachev O. A., Ivanov V. B., Khazanov D.V., Kholmogorov A.A. Time variations of positioning errors in the GPS satellite navigation system // Nauchnyy vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta grazhdanskoy aviatsii. 195: 118-125. EDN RBDCTH. [in Russian].

Boginskaya Olga A.


Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

Academic status:  Full professor

Post: professor at the Department of foreign languages No 2

Specialty in accordance with the nomenclature of academic fields (Code of the Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.19 – Theory of language

Research interests: discourse analysis, legal discourse, academic discourse, metadiscourse

Important publications:

  1. Boginskaya, O. Popularizing in legal discourse: What efforts do Russian judges make to facilitate juror’s comprehension of law-related contents? // Discourse Studies. 2022, 24 (5). Pp. 527-544.
  2. Boginskaya, O.A. Cross-disciplinary variation in metadiscourse: A corpus-based analysis of Russian-authored research article abstracts // Training, Language and Culture. 2022, 6 (3). Pp. 55-66.
  3. Boginskaya, O. Discursive mediation of expert knowledge to a lay audience: An analysis of Russian jury instructions // Iberica. 2022 (43). Pp. 55-76.
  4. Boginskaya, O. Functional categories of hedges: A diachronic study of Russian research article abstracts // Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2022, 26 (3). Pp. 645-667.
  5. Boginskaya, O. Popularization strategies as discursive tools to mediate legal knowledge in online forums // Revista de Llengua i Dret. 2021, (76). Pp. 169-185.
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