Категория: Authors

Shcerbakov Egor Sergeevich

E-mail: egor.shcherbakov@gmail.com

Place of work:  JSC All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Equipment awarded with the Order of Red Banner, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Post: first Deputy General Designer

Scientific major: navigation and air traffic control


Plyasovskikh Aleksandr Petrovich

E-mail: al.plyasovskih@yandex.ru

Place of work: St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Air Chief Marshal A.A. Novikov, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering Science

Post: Professor of Department 22

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  05.22.13 Air navigation and air traffic control

Scientific major: Air navigation and air traffic control

Important publications:

  1. Pljasovskih A. P. (2020) Application of the Minkowski space for description of aircraft flight. Bulletin of St. Petersburg state university of civil aviation. 3(28): 37-44.
  2. Plyasovskih А. Р., Rubtsov Е. А. (2020) Theoretical substantiation of confirmation of the validity of information about the location of theobject on the work area of the aerodrome. T-Comm. vol. 14, no.3: 32-40.DOI 10.36724/2072-8735-2020-14-3-32-40.
  3. Pljasovskih A. P. (2021) Concerning the geometric visualization of particle motion in space and time on the example of air traffic. Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language. No 1: 6-29. DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_1_6.
  4. Pljasovskih A. P. (2021). On the possibility of motion of bodies with superluminal speed. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 152 p. ISBN 978-620-4-71514-8.
  5. Pljasovskih A. P. (2022). The law of aberration and its applications in navigation and air traffic control. Moscow: Znanie-M, 70 p. ISBN 978-5-00187-223-8.
  6. Plyasovskikh A. P. et al. (2023). The using of special relativity in navigation and ATC. International Scientific Journal “Science and Innovation”. Series A. Volume 2 Issue 2: 46-61. URL: http://scientists.uz/view.php?id=3729


Knyazhsky Alexander Jur”evich

E-mail: knjagskij@mail.ru

Place of work: JSC All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Equipment awarded with the Order of Red Banner

Academic degree:  Candidate of Technical Sciences

Post: Researcher

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 05.22.13 Air navigation and air traffic control

Scientific major: Air navigation and air traffic control

Important publications:

  1. Knyazhsky A., Nebylov A., Nebylov V. Increase in the aerodynamic quality of ground effect vehicle due to the big waves turning around // Cybernetics and Physics. 2017. Т. 6. № 2. P. 71-75.
  2. Knyazhsky A., Nebylov A., Nebylov V. Optimization of longitudinal and lateral motion of vehicle near disturbed surface // Cybernetics and Physics. 2018. Т. 7. № 2. P. 72-77.
  3. Knyazhsky A., Nebylov A., Nebylov V., Benzerouk H. Control of a group of low-flying vehicles near the waved sea surface in order to minimize their average altitude / IFAC-PapersOnLine (см. в книгах). 2018. Т. 51. № 12. P. 69-74.
  4. Knyazhsky A.Y., Nebylov A.V. Optimization of 3D motion trajectory of a non-displacement marine vehicle near the sea surface according to the criterion of minimum mean geometric altitude // 25th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, ICINS 2018 – Proceedings 25. 2018. P. 1-3.
  5. Nebylov A., Nebylov V., Knyazhsky A. Metrology problems of wig-craft motion control // 5th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace. 2018 – Proceedings 5. 2018. P. 424-429


Bezrukov Andrei Nikolaevich

E-mail: in_text@mail.ru

Place of work: Bashkir State University, Birsk branch, Birsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

Post: Associate Professor of the Department of Philology

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.01.01 – Russian literature

Scientific major: theory of artistic discourse, modern Russian literature, poetics of intertextuality, literary text reception

Important publications:

  1. Bezrukov A.N. (2015) Reception of literary text: functional approach: monograph. Wroclaw: “Russian-Polish Institute” Foundation, 2015. 300 p. (In Russian).
  2. Bezrukov A. N. (2017) Intertextuality reception in postmodernist discourse // Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski. 2017. Numer VIII/2.Pp. 263-271. (In English).

Joroev Avtandil Kemelovich

E-mail: Joroev1962@mail.ru

Place of work: Talas State University, Talas, Kyrgyzstan

Post: Senior lecturer Department of Technology of technical processes, Faculty of Technology and Economics, Talas State University, Kyrgyz Republic

Scientific major: General pedagogic, history of Mathematics in Kyrgyzstan

Important publications:

  1. Zhoroev A. K. Kyrgyzstandagy matematikalyk zhogorku bilimdin zhana iliminin tuptolushu / A. Aliev, A. K. Zhoroev. // Mahmud Kashkari Barskani atyndagy chygysh universitetinin Zharchysy. Bishkek. 2009. №1 (10). Pp.54-58.
  2. Zhoroev A. K. Zhogorku bilimduu matematik mugalimderdi dajardoo taryhy // Izvestija vuzov Kyrgyzstana. Bishkek. 2017. №5. Pp. 177-180.
  3. Zhoroev A. K. Zhany muundagy standarttyn talabyna ylajyk okutuunun zaryl zhana zhetishtuu sharttary / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, A. K. Zhoroev // Nauka, novye tehnologii i innovacii Kyrgyzstana. Bishkek. 2018.  №1. Pp. 184-188.


Halikov Abdulhak Abdulkhairovich

E-mail: xalikov_abdulxak@mail.ru

Place of work: Institute of Railway Engineers, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

Academic status:   Professor

Post: Chairholder, Chair of automation and telemechanics in railway transport

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  05.13.05- elements and devices of computing equipment and control systems

Scientific major: multi-stable elements, control systems, communications in railway transport

Important publications:

  1. Halikov A. A. Models of servise calls in the railway networks / A. A. Halikov, O. A. Mirsagdiev // European science revive. № 9-10.  Pp. 116-120.
  2. Halikov A. A. Sushhestvujushhie problemy i perspektivy razvitija poezdnoj radiosvjazi v zheleznodorozhnom tonnele «Kamchik» / A. A. Halikov, O. H. Urakov // Materialy v sbornike trudov konferencii serii: «International scientific review». Boston. USA. 2018. №11 (53). November. S. 24-28.
  3. Halikov A. A. The tasks of organizing and managing the integrated digital network of operational and technological communication based on PIC-D devices at the Angren-Pap railway sections/ A. Halikov, O. X. Urakov // European science review. 2018. № 9-10. September-Oktober. Volume 1.  Pp.. 220-227.
  4. Halikov A. A. Teorija edinogo prostranstvennogo jelektromagnitnogo polja, osnovy obezzarazhivanija, obessolivanija i ochistki vody / A. A. Halikov, O.A. Ibragimova, K.A. Musamedova //  Nauka v sovremennom mire. № 9. S. 28-31.
  5. Halikov A. A. Obezzarazhivanie vody prostranstvennym jelektromagnitnym polem / A. A.  Halikov, O. A. Ibragimova // Jenergosberezhenie i vodopodgotovka. 2017. №2 (106). S. 14-18.


Babayan Anzhela Vladislavovna

E-mail: baanwl@mail.ru

Place of work: Pyatigorsk State University, Pyatigorsk, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences

Academic status: Professor of the Department of Pedagogy

Position: Professor of the Department of Creative and Innovative  Management and Law

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  13.00.01 – general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education

Scientific major: theory and history of Russian education, theory and practice of social and cultural activities

Important publications:

  1. Babayan A. V. Koncepciya nravstvennogo vospitaniya K.Gyuncburga / A.V. Babayan // European Social Science Journal. 2016. №1. S. 142-151.
  2. Babayan A. V. Teoriya nravstvennogo vospitaniya Z. K. Stolicy (konec HIH – nachalo HKH veka) / A. V. Babayan // Nauchno-metodicheskij zhurnal Koncept. 2016. №15. S. 2351-2355.
  3. Babayan A. V. Sem’ya v teorii nravstvennogo vospitaniya I.A.Il’ina / A.V. Babayan // European Social science Journal. 2016. №7. S. 91-95.
  4. Babayan A. V., Korzhevskaya E. N. Improvizaciya kak komponent pedagogicheskoj tekhniki / A. V. Babayan, E. N. Korzhevskaya // Sibirskij uchitel’. 2017. №3 (112). S. 64-67.
  5. Babayan A. V. Organizaciya vneauditornoj deyatel’nosti i dosuga uchashchihsya dorevolyucionnoj shkoly (vtoraya polovina HIH – nachalo HKH vv.) / A.V. Babayan // European Social science Journal. 2017. №1. S. 277-280.
  6. Social’no-kul’turnaya deyatel’nost’: teoreticheskie i tekhnologicheskie osnovy: kollektivnaya monografiya / Pod red. E.V. Efimovoj, A.V. Babayan. Pyatigorsk: PGU, 2019. 199 s.


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