Категория: Authors

Tsetlin Vladimir Vladimirovich

E-mail: v_tsetlin@mail.ru

Place of work: FSBES SSC RF “Institute of biomedical problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (IMBP RAS), Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering

Post: the head of laboratory of radiant environment of ISS crews

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 05.26.02 – safety in emergencies (branch-wise)

Scientific major: safety of population in emergencies

Important publications:

  1. Cetlin V. V. Issledovanie reakcii vody na variacii kosmofizicheskih i geofizicheskih faktorov okruzhajushhej sredy / Aviakosmicheskaja i jekologicheskaja medicina. 2010. T. 44. № 6. S. 26–30.
  2. Cetlin V. V. Vozdejstvie sverh malyh doz ionizirujushhego izluchenija i uslovij gipomagnitnogo polja izmenjajut fiziologicheskie harakteristiki semjan vysshih rastenij / V. V. Cetlin, S. S. Mojsa, M. A. Levinskih, E. L. Nefedova // Aviakosmicheskaja i jekologicheskaja medicina. 2016, T. 50, № 6. – S. 51 – 58.

Savchukov Sergey Alekseevich

Email: ssa312@yandex.ru

Place of work: FSBES SSC RF “Institute of biomedical problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (IMBP RAS), Moscow, Russia

Post: Acting supervisor, Laboratory of bioregulation and analysis of complex systems, Department of theoretical problems, RAS, as SRI

Scientific major: general physics

Important publications:

  1. Savchukov S. A. Vzaimootnoshenie gravitacionnogo i jelektromagnit-nogo vzaimodejstvij v astrofizike i ustojchivost’ gravitirujushhih tel // Special’nye issledovanija prostranstva «Problemy sovremennoj fiziki». Vypusk II. Moskva, 1995. S. 71-74; 90. ISSN 0869-6551.
  2. Cetlin V. V. Monitoring okislitel’no-vosstanovitel’nyh reakcij vody na vozdejstvie kosmofizicheskih faktorov / V. V. Cetlin, N. K. Belisheva, V. M. Makeeva, S. S. Mojsa, A. V. Smurov, S. A. Savchukov // Hartija Zemli – prakticheskij instrument reshenija fundamental’nyh problem ustojchivogo razvitija. Sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennyj 15-letiju realizacii principov Hartii Zemli v Respublike Tatarstan. Kazan’: Tatarskoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo, 2016. S. 253–255.


Pozheluyeva Zlata Vladislavovna

Email: pozhelueva.zlata@mail.ru

Place of study: FSBEO HE “Moscow state technical university of civil aviation” (MSTU CA), Moscow, Russia

Status: student, the 4rd year, faculty of Mechanics,  MSTU CA,  area of training 20.03.01 “Technosphere safety”

Scientific major: providing the comprehensive security on air transport

Important publications:

  1. Pozhelueva Z.V. O neobhodimosti i vozmozhnosti snizhenija voz-dejstvija chelovecheskogo faktora na bezopasnost’ poljotov / N.I. Nikolajkin, V.V. Cetlin, S.A. Savchukov, Z.V. Pozhelueva, E.Ju. Starkov // Crede Experto: transport, obshhestvo, obrazovanie, jazyk. 2017. № 2. S. 201-218.
  2. Pozhelueva Z.V. Issledovanie geofizicheskogo i geleofizicheskogo vozdejstvija na dejatel’nost’ cheloveka / Z.V. Pozhelueva, N.I. Nikolajkin. Sbornik dokladov H Vserossijskoj konferencii uchenyh i specialistov (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) «Budushhee mashinostroenija Rossii»: 25-28 sentjabrja 2017. M.: Izd-vo MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana. 2017. S. 403 – 405.



Kholmogorov Andrej Aleksandrovich

E-mail: varagon007@yandex.ru

Place of study: Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

Status: post-graduate, Chair of Radio Physics and Radio Electronics

Scientific major:

  • use of satellite navigation systems for diagnostics of the ionosphere;
  • new possibilities to increase positioning accuracy using the satellite navigation systems

Important publications:

  1. Gorbachev O. A. GPS-registracija ionosfernyh jeffektov zemletrjase-nij v dvuhchastotnom i odnochastotnom rezhimah / O. A. Gorbachev, V. B. Ivanov, A. A. Holmogorov // Sovremennye problemy distancionnogo zondirovanija Zemli iz kosmosa. 2016. T. 13. № 5. S. 251–261.
  2. Holmogorov A. A. Registracija ionosfernogo jeffekta solnechnogo zatmenija 20 marta 2015 g. po dannym GPS-monitoringa v odnochastotnom rezhime / O. A. Gorbachev, V. B. Ivanov, A. A. Holmogorov // Solnechno-zemnaja fizika. 2015. T. 1. №. 4. C. 35‒39. ‒ doi: 10.12737/12068
  3. Ivanov V. B. Differencial’no-vremennaja korrekcija oshibok pozicionirovanija dlja sputnikovyh radionavigacionnyh sistem / V. B. Ivanov, O. A. Gorbachev, A. A. Holmogorov // Novosti navigacii. 2015. № 2. S. 17‒23.
  4. Ivanov V. B. Sravnitel’nyj analiz kachestva modelej polnogo jelektronnogo soderzhanija ionosfery / V. B. Ivanov, O. A. Gorbachev, A. A. Holmogorov // Geomagnetizm i ajeronomija. 2016. T. 56. № 3. S. 340–344.




Mezhetov Muslim Amirovich


Place of work: Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk, Russia.

Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Post: Dean of the Faculty Aviation systems and complexes.

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  01.04.03 – Radiophysics.

Scientific major: digital methods of signal generation, reception and processing.

Important publications:

  1. Mezhetov M. A. Perspective scheme of automated radio monitoring system in tasks of air traffic management / M. A. Mezhetov, A. A. Shalaev, A. V. Fedorov // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. – 2023. – Vol. 4(41). – pp. 74-85.
  2. Mezhetov M. A. Signal selection algorithm for aeronautical communication radio band monitoring / M. A. Mezhetov, A. A. Shalaev, E. A. Bolelov // Scientific Bulletin of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation. – 2023. – Vol. 45. – pp. 121-132.
  3. Mezhetov M. A. Developing a Virtual Device to Identify Signals for Aviation Communication Monitoring System // M. A. Mezhetov, A. I. Tikhova, A. A. Shalayev // In: Gorbachev, O.A., Gao, X., Li, B. (eds) Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Aviation. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. – Springer, Singapore. – 2023. – pp. 269-279.




Turincev Sergey Vladimirovich

Email: basek@rambler.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk branch of the Federal State Budget Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation” (MSTU CA), Irkutsk, Russia.

Academic degree, academic status: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Post: Associate Professor, Chair of Avionics.

Scientific major: digital processing of signals

Important publications:

  1. Mezhetov M. A. Zadacha obnaruzhenija signala v programmno-apparatnom priemnike GLONASS / M. A. Mezhetov, S. V. Turincev // Sborniknauchnyh trudov konferencii «Sovremennye problem radiojelektroniki». 4–5 maja 2016. Krasnojarsk: Sib. feder. un-t, 2016. S. 97–101.
  2. Turincev S. V. Programmno-apparatnyj priemnik GLONASS / S. V. Turincev, M. A. Mezhetov // Sbornik tezisov dokladov VI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual’nye voprosy nauki i tehniki v sfererazvitijaaviacii». 19–20 maja 2016. Minsk: Voennaja akademija Respubliki Belarus’, 2016. Ch. I. S. 168.



Lezhankin Boris Valentinovich


Place of work: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk branch, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Post: Head of the Department of Aircraft Radio Electronic Equipment

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 20.02.25 ‒ military electronics, identification aids and systems, military equipment

Scientific major: methods and algorithms of optimal filtration and control in multi-position surveillance systems and integrated navigation systems based on inertial and satellite technologies 

Important publications:

  1. Erokhin, V. Bi-criteria Aircraft Trajectory Optimization in Implementing the Area Navigation Concept / V. Erokhin, B. Lezhankin, T. Portnova // International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences. – 2021. – Vol. 22. – No 4. – P. 948-962. – DOI 10.1007/s42405-021-00353-3. – EDN UQNHOD.
  2. Trajectory control algorithms for unmanned aircraft complexes flying in formation / A. K. Ermakov, T. Y. Portnova, B. V. Lezhankin, V. V. Erokhin // 2021 Wave Electronics and its Application in Information and Telecommunication Systems, WECONF 2021 – Conference Proceedings, Saint-Petersburg, 31 мая – 04 2021 года. – Saint-Petersburg, 2021. – P. 9470714. – DOI 10.1109/WECONF51603.2021.9470714. – EDN SOISKQ.
  3. Povarenkin, N., Lezhankin, B., Portnova, T., Erokhin, V. (2023). Aircraft Position-Fixing in a Multilateration System. In: Gorbachev, O.A., Gao, X., Li, B. (eds) Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Aviation. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3788-0_21.
  4. Bolelov E. A., Lezhankin B. V., Erokhin V. V. and Zyabkin S. A. “Using a MLAT Surveillance System to Locate Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Flying as a Swarm,” 2022 XIX Technical Scientific Conference on Aviation Dedicated to the Memory of N.E. Zhukovsky (TSCZh), 2022, pp. 67-70, doi: 10.1109/TSCZh55469.2022.9802475.
  5. Bolelov E. A., Lezhankin B. V., Erokhin V. V., Zyabkin S. A and Romanenko N. M., “A Study of Aircraft Positioning Precision in a MLAT Surveillance System with Different Flight Paths and Ground Station Layouts,” 2022 XIX Technical Scientific Conference on Aviation Dedicated to the Memory of N.E. Zhukovsky (TSCZh), 2022, pp. 71-75, doi: 10.1109/TSCZh55469.2022.9802457.
  6. Akmaykin, D.A., Bolelov, E.A., Kozlov, A.I., Lezhankin, B.V., Svistunov, A.E., Shatrakov, Y.G. (2021). Radar Systems of Air Transport. In: Theoretical Foundations of Radar Location and Radio Navigation. Springer Aerospace Technology. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-6514-8_11.




Kiryushkin Vladislav Viktorovich

E-mail: kiryushkin.vlad@mail.ru

Place of work: Military educational scientific center of Air force “The Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy “, Voronezh, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Academic status:  Associate Professor

Post: head of the Department of aviation systems and complexes of radio navigation and radio communication.

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  20.02.14 − Armament and military equipment. Complexes and systems of military use

Scientific major: systems of aviation radio communication, radiolocation, radio navigation and methods of their operation

Important publications:

  1. Kirjushkin V. V. Modelirovanie kanala vtorichnoj obrabotki priem-nika mnogopozicionnoj sistemy nabljudenija / V. V. Kirjushkin, E. A. D’ja-konov // V sbornike: Informatika: problemy, metodologija, tehnologii materialy XVI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-metodicheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 133−138.
  2. Kirjushkin V. V. Vlijanie geometricheskih uslovij nabljudenija na voz-mozhnost’ i tochnost’ ocenki koordinat vozdushnoj celi v mnogopozicionnoj sisteme «Navigacionnye sputniki − vozdushnaja cel’ − nazemnyj priemnik» / V. V. Kirjushkin, D. A. Cherepanov, V. I. Kostylev // V sborni-ke: RADIOLOKACIJa, NAVIGACIJa, SVJaZ” XXII Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-tehnicheskaja konferencija. 2016. S. 1395−1408.


Ivanov Vsevolod Borisovich

Email: ivb@ivb.baikal.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Academic status:  professor

Post: professor, Chair of Radio Physics and Radio Electronics

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  01.04.03 – Radio Physics

Scientific major: satellite radio navigation, near-earth-space Physics, radio wave propagation

Important publications:

  1. Ivanov V. B. Sravnitel’nyj analiz kachestva modelej polnogo jelek-tronnogo soderzhanija ionosfery / V. B. Ivanov, O. A. Gorbachev, A. A. Hol-mogorov // Geomagnetizm i ajeronomija. 2016. T. 56. № 3. S. 340.
  2. Gorbachev O. A. GPS-registracija ionosfernyh jeffektov zemletrjase-nij v dvuhchastotnom i odnochastotnom rezhimah // O. A. Gorbachev, V. B. Iva-nov, A. A. Holmogorov // Sovremennye problemy distancionnogo zondiro-vanija Zemli iz kosmosa. 2016. T. 13. № 5. S. 251‒261.
  3. Gorbachev O. A. Registracija ionosfernogo jeffekta solnechnogo zatme-nija 20 marta 2015 g. po dannym GPS-monitoringa v odnochastotnom rezhime O. A. Gorbachev, V. B. Ivanov, A. A. Holmogorov // Solnechno-zemnaja fizika. 2015. T. 1. № 4. S. 35‒39.
  4. Ivanov V.B., Gefan G.D., Gorbachev O.A. Global Empirical Modeling of the Total Electron Content in the Ionosphere for Satellite Radio Navigation Systems // Journal Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 2011. v.73. P. 1703-1707.
  5. Kholmogorov A.A., Ivanov V.B., Gorbachev O.A. New Possibility Of In-crease Of Positioning Accuracy In Satellite Navigation Systems // International scientific conference, METF 2013. Krasnoyarsk, February 6-8. P. 36-44.


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