Tsetlin Vladimir Vladimirovich
E-mail: v_tsetlin@mail.ru
Place of work: FSBES SSC RF “Institute of biomedical problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (IMBP RAS), Moscow, Russia
Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering
Post: the head of laboratory of radiant environment of ISS crews
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 05.26.02 – safety in emergencies (branch-wise)
Scientific major: safety of population in emergencies
Important publications:
- Cetlin V. V. Issledovanie reakcii vody na variacii kosmofizicheskih i geofizicheskih faktorov okruzhajushhej sredy / Aviakosmicheskaja i jekologicheskaja medicina. 2010. T. 44. № 6. S. 26–30.
- Cetlin V. V. Vozdejstvie sverh malyh doz ionizirujushhego izluchenija i uslovij gipomagnitnogo polja izmenjajut fiziologicheskie harakteristiki semjan vysshih rastenij / V. V. Cetlin, S. S. Mojsa, M. A. Levinskih, E. L. Nefedova // Aviakosmicheskaja i jekologicheskaja medicina. 2016, T. 50, № 6. – S. 51 – 58.