Категория: Authors

Bobyleva Anastasiya Gennadievna

E-mail: vadim194@inbox.ru

Study: Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch of Rostov State Economic University), Taganrog, Russia

Status: 3rd year student, Department of psychology and social pedagogy in Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch of RSEU)

Academic supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of pedagogy and sociocultural personal development in Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch of RSEU) E. V. Muryukina



Bubnova Yulia Alekseevna

E-mail: nikenikerrr@mail.ru

Place of study: Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Anton Chekhov Taganrog institute” (branch of Rostov State University of Economics), Taganrog, Russia

Status: a student of the 3d course, faculty of psychology and social pedagogics of Anton Chekhov Taganrog institute (branch of Rostov State University of Economics)

Research supervisor: candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of pedagogics and sociocultural development of the personality of Anton Chekhov Taganrog institute (branch of Rostov State University of Economics) E. V. Muryukina


Antonova Alla Borisovna

E-mail: allabb@yandex.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

Position: Associate Professor of Russian as a Foreign Language Department

Academic degree: Ph.D. in Philological Sciences

Research areas: Linguo-culturology, linguo-conceptology, the method of teaching Russian as a Foreign Language, teaching Russian-English translation to the students of the Asian-Pacific region

Major works
  1. Antonova A.B. The axiological analysis of the euphemisms containing a numerical component (as seen in the example of the DRINKING concept) // Modern Research of Social Problems (electronic scientific journal). 2013. No. 7. URL: http://journal-s.org/index.php/sisp/article/view/720136. (in English).
  2. Antonova A.B. The interpretation of the language errors of the Asian-Pacific region students (as seen in the example of Russian-English translation): Collection of research papers: All-Russian scientific and methodological conference proceedings (2-3 March, 2016). – Irkutsk: Preparing Personnel for Defence and Law Enforcement Agencies: Actual Trends and Educational Technologies, 2016. – 392–395. (in Russian)




Dudka Nikolaj Nikolaevich

E-mail: stl.irk@mail.ru

Place of work: Municipal Educational Institution of Supplementary Education «Dvorets tvorchestva», Irkutsk, Russia

Position: a qualified supplementary education teacher, S.K.I.F. member, Black Belt holder, 5th Dan

Research areas: Shotokan karate-do, supplementary education for children, educational technologies, martial arts






Chibisova Olga Vladimirovna

Email: olgachibisova@yandex.ru

Place of work: Federal State Educational institution of higher education “Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University”, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia

Academic degree: PhD in Cultural Studies

Academic status: Associate Professor

Post: Associate Professor of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication Department of Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 24.00.00. – Theory and history of culture

Scientific major: cultural linguistics, intercultural communication, methods of teaching languages and cultures.

Important publications:

  1. Chibisova O.V. Shaping Students’ Sociocultural Competence for World Cooperation. Materials of the XII International scientific and practical conference «Science and civilization». 2016 Sheffield, 2016. P. 75-80.
  2. Chibisova O.V., Shusharina G.A. Exploring the “enemy” in the Russian, English and Chinese languages and cultures. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 2016. Т. 7. № 2. P. 461-464.
  3. Chibisova O.V., Vasil’eva A.A. Speech conflicts in communicative situations of gift // The success of modern science and education. 2016. V. 3. № 8. P. 177-179.
  4. Petrunina Z.V., Chibisova O.V. Regional economic cooperation of the South of Russian Far East and China: problems and prospects // In the book: Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Management, Recht: Probleme der ROBLEME DER Wissenschaft und Praxis. Sammelwerk der wissenschaftlichen artikel. 2015. S. 157-161.



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