Категория: Authors

Kondratenko Polina Igorevna

E-mail: polina.i.kondratenko@yandex.com

Place of study: Saint-Petersburg State University. Saint Petersburg, Russia

Status: fourth-year bachelor student

Areas of scientific interest: literature studies (19th- and 20th-century German literature), sociolinguistics, Variational Linguistics

Research supervisor: Puzeikina Larisa Nikolaevna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate professor.

The most significant publications:

Kondratenko, P. I. „Mir träumte, du verließest mich“ — lyrische Welten in den Traumgedichten von Heinrich Heine. Shlossman L. (Ed.) (2015). The Sixth European Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics. Proceedings of the Conference (April 26, 2015). Vienna, OR: «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, Vienna. S. 53–57.


Ha Dong Jin

E-mail: djha77@yandex.ru

Place of study: Federal State Educational institution of higher education “Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University”, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia

Status: undergraduate of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication Department of KnASTU


Ruzal, Julia Vladimirovna

Email: juruzal@gmail.com

Place of study: State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University», Moscow, Russia

Status: a master student of psychological-social technologies department of Institute of psychology, sociology and social relations, 2nd course.

Research supervisor: Dr. of pedagogical science, professor of psychological-social technologies department of Institute of psychology, sociology and social relations Tatyana Leonidovna Kremneva, State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education “Moscow city pedagogical university”.


Salny, Roman

Email: roman_tag82@mail.ru

Place of work: Anton Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch of Rostov State University of Economics), Taganrog, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Post: Associate Professor of physical education department

Postgraduate specialty: 13.00.01 – General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education.

Scientific major: media perception, esthetics and philosophy of media

The most significant publications:

  1. Salny R. V. Resources of media texts in overcoming clip thinking [Text] // R. V. Salny // National education, 2014. № 6. 193‒202.
  2. Salny R. V. Media perception as philosophical and psychological issue [Text] / R. V. Salny //Media education, 2014. № 3. P. 24–37.


Khamaeva Elena Alekseevna

E-mail: hamaeva2003@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk State University. Russia

Post: Docent of Department of Oriental and Asia-Pacific Studies

Academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles): 10.00.19 Theoretical Linguistics

Research areas: 

Theory of translation (Chinese language);

Omastics and anthroponomics;

Grammatology of Chinese writing system.

Important publications:

Khamaeva E.A. Kitajskie antroponimy: monografija. Irkutsk: MGLU EALI, 2015. 308 s.

Khamaeva E.A., Hahaeva V.V. Osobennosti perevoda antroponimov na nekotorye vostochnye jazyki // Pravovaja politika sovremennoj Rossii: realii i perspektivy: Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 75-letiju obrazovanija Irkutskoj oblasti. 2012. S. 386-387.


Kulehova Anna Mihajlovna

E-mail: annakuula@yandex.ru

Place of work: state autonomous educational institution of additional professional advanced training “The institute of education development of Irkutsk region”, School №20, Irkutsk, Russia

Post: Senior context specialist, teacher of the Russian language and Literature

Scientific major: sociolinguistics, bilingualism, psycholinguistics, dialects, contrastive linguistics

Important publications:

Kulehova A.M. Sociolingvisticheskij analiz dvujazychija v Pribajkal’e i Zabajkal’e / A.M. Kuleshova, N.N. Rogoznaja // Primo Aspectu. 2013. T. 12. № 2 (105). S. 185-188.

Kulehova A.M. Graficheskaja interferencija v burjatskoj rechi zapadnyh burjat // Izvestija Samarskogo nauchnogo centra Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Social’nye, gumanitarnye, mediko-biologicheskie nauki. 2012. T. 14. № 2-2. S. 445-448.

Kulehova A.M. Social’nye aspekty dvujazychija v Pribajkal’e // Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. 2011. № 4 (51). S. 255-259.



Sivkova Anastasia Viktorovna

E-mail: nvn_60@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Historical Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Post: Associate Professor of the Department of Advertising

The speciality of the Nomenclature of specialties of researchers: 07.00.02 – Russian History

Scientific major: The main directions of scientific research: integrated marketing communications, public relations and advertising, the system of mass media, History of the Russian Empire, History of Siberia.

Most important publications:

Sivkova A.V. Legislative regulation of the public service in Siberia in the late XVIII – first half XIX century // the Historical annual. Novosibirsk: Institute of History, Siberian branch of RAS, 2007. P. 45-58.

Sivkova A.V. Outrageous advertising as a sign of the Postmodern society // Materials of first international scientific-practical forum “Nature and business” (16-17 April 2009). Irkutsk: IGLU, 2009. P. 62-69.

Denis Tokmashev

E-mail: kogutei@yandex.ru

Place of work: Institute of Power Engineering, Tomsk Polytechnic University; Foreign Languages Department, Tomsk, Russia.

Academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Post: associate professor of foreign Languages Department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  

10.02.02 – languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation (Turkic)

10.02.20 — Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics

Scientific major: Turkic languages of Siberia; history of language; language contacts; lexicology; onomastics; folklore

Important publications:
  1. Tokmashev D.M. Kategorija prinadlezhnosti v teleutskom i chulymsko-tjurkskom jazykah: imennye konstrukcii [Jelektronnyj resurs] = Possessive noun constructions in Teleut and Chulym-turkic / D. M. Tokmashev (Denis TOKMASHEV), V. M. Lemskaja (Valeriya LEMSKAYA) // Tomskij zhurnal lingvisticheskih i antropologicheskih issledovanij (Tomsk Journal linguistic and anthropological studies). 2015. № 4 (10). S. 24-35. Rezhim dostupa: http://ling.tspu.edu.ru/files/ling/PDF/articles/tokmashev_d._m._24_35_4_10_2015.pdf
  2. Tokmashev D. Involutionary Trends in Contemporary Teleut? [Electronic resource] / D. M. Tokmashev, A. Ilgın, D. Tokmasheva // Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. – 2015. – Vol. 206 : Linguistic and Cultural Studies: Traditions and Innovations. P. 62-66. Режим доступа: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.10.028


Muraeva Olga Gennadievna

Email: olya.muraeva@yandex.ru

Place of work: Nizhny Tagil State social and pedagogical institute (the branch) of Federal state Autonomous educational institution “Russian state vocational pedagogical University”, Nizhny Tagil, Russia.

Post: senior lecturer of the Department of foreign languages, theory and methods of teaching.

Scientific major: the history of pedagogical thought, social and pedagogical movement, the teacher’s personality.

Important publications:

Muraeva O.G. The idea of valuable attitude to the pedagogical activity in works by Petr Grigoryevich Redkin // Pedagogical education in Russia. 2008. №3. P. 85-90.

Muraeva O.G. V. P. Vahterov’s views to the problem of valuable attitude to the pedagogical activity // Standards and monitoring in education. 2009. № 6. P. 46-50.


Gorbik Aleksandra Aleksandrovna

Email: agorbik@yandex.ru

Place of study: State autonomous educational institution of the higher education of Moscow “Moscow city pedagogical university”, Moscow, Russia

Status: post graduate student of Romance philology department of Institute of foreign languages of State autonomous educational institution of the higher education of Moscow “Moscow city pedagogical university”

Research supervisor: Doctor of Philology, professor of Romance philology department of Institute of foreign languages of State autonomous educational institution of the higher education of Moscow “Moscow city pedagogical university” L. G. Vikulova



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