Категория: Authors

Lapina Olimpiada Aleksandrovna

Place of work: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Irkutsk State University”, Pedagogical Institute, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Academic status: Full professor

Post: professor of Pedagogy department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 13.00.01 – General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education

Important publications:
  1. Lapina O.A. Vvedenie v pedagogicheskuju dejatel’nost’: uchebnoe posobie (grif UMO dlja studentov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij) / O.A. Lapina, N.N. Pjadushkina. M.: Centr «Akademija», 2008 . 160 s.
  2. Lapina, O. A. Projavlenie individual’nosti vo vremeni i tvorcheskih sud’bah [Tekst] : monografija / O. A. Lapina. – Irkutsk : Izd-vo GOU VPO «Vostochno-Sibirskaja gosudarstvennaja akademija obrazovanija», 2009. – 227 s.
  3. Lapina O.A. Projavlenie individual’nosti vo vremeni i tvorcheskih sud’bah: Monografija. Irkutsk–Germanija, 2011. 256 s.;
  4. Lapina O.A. Psihologo–pedagogicheskie osnovy professional’noj individual’nosti: Uchebnoe posobie. Irkutsk, 2013. 252 s.

Shutova Tatyana Anatolievna

Email: tatyana.66@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Academic status: Associate professor

Post: associate professor of the Department of Airlines Economics

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 13.00.01 – General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education

Scientific major: realization of competence approach in education; knowledge management; human capital.

Important publications:

Shutova T. A. Analiz problem v sisteme upravlenija motivaciej professorsko-prepodavatel’skogo sostava vuza // Professional’noe razvitie pedagoga: materialy Vseros. nauch.-prakt.konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem. Irkutsk, 22-23 ijunja 2015 g. / FGBOU VPO “IGU”. Izd-vo IGU, 2015. S. 37-40.

Stepuk Tatiana Dmitrievna

Email: tatyana_stepuk@rambler.ru

Place of study: Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Irkutsk State University”, Irkutsk

Status: 4th year student

Bachelors nomenclature: 03.03.02 – physics, section: “Condensed matter physics”

Scientific major: physics of x-ray fluorescence

Important publications:

  1. Stepuk T. D. Ocenka dopustimogo predela neodnorodnosti smyvov s maslofil’tra aviacionnyh dvigatelej // Vestnik Irkutskogo universiteta / FGBOU VPO «IGU»; [redkol.: O. A. Jedel’shtejn, G. V. Logunova]. – Irkutsk: Izd-vo IGU, 2015. – Vyp. 18. – S. 327–331.
  2. Pavlinskij G. V. Rentgenofluorescentnyj kontrol’ neodnorodnosti osadkov otrabotannogo masla aviacionnyh dvigatelej / G. V. Pavlinskij, L. I. Vladimirova, V. G. Drokov, T. D. Stepuk // Zavodskaja laboratorija. Diagnostika materialov, 2016. – № 2. – Tom 82. – S. 40–42.

Pavlinsky Gelij Veniaminovich

Email: pavlinsky@chem.isu.ru

Place of work:  Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Irkutsk State University”, Irkutsk

Academic degree: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics

Academic status: Professor at the Department of General Physics

Post: Professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): Condensed matter physics

Scientific major: Physics of x-ray radiation

Important publications:
  1. Pavlinsky G.V. Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics/ Cambridge International Science Publishing Ltd, UK, 2008, 244 c.
  2. Pavlinskij G. V. Rentgenovskaja fluorescencija / Irkutsk: Izd-vo IGU, 2013. ‒ 85 s.

Veretennikova Anna Yevgenievna

E-mail: newannver@gmail.com

Place of work: Federal State Public Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Training “Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation”, Omsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Post: Associate Professor of Foreign Languages department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 13.00.01 – General Pedagogy

Scientific major: critical thinking, writing development, communication theory,  communicative culture, project based learning.

Important publications:
  1. Veretennikova, A. E. Kommunikativnaja kul’tura sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del [Tekst] : monografija / A. E. Veretennikova. – Omsk : OmA MVD Rossii, 2009. – 119 s.
  2. Veretennikova, A. E. Razvitie kommunikativnoj kul’tury kursantov obrazovatel’nogo uchrezhdenija MVD Rossii [Tekst] : monografija / A. E. Veretennikova. – Novosibirsk : Nauka-Centr, 2010. – 170 s.



Nissinen Marianne Kristiina

E-mail: m.nissinen@narfu.ru

Place of work: The Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Post: Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Nordic Languages

Scientific major: Foreign language teaching, Cultural studies

Important publications:

Nissinen M. K. Äidinkielen vaikutus suomenoppijoiden kirjallisiin tuotoksiin venäjä-suomi – käännökset esimerkkien valossa (Vlijanie rodnogo jazyka v pis’mennom tekste u izuchajushhih finskogo jazyka) // Bubrihovskie chtenija: sbornik nauchnyh statej / Federal’noe agentstvo po obrazovaniju. Gosudarstvennoe obrazovatel’noe uchrezhdenie vysshego professional’nogo obrazovanija Petrozavodskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, pod red. T. I. Starshovoj. – Petrozavodsk, 2009. – S. 263-276.

Vasсhuk Angelina Sergeevna

Email: va_lina@mail.ru

Place of work: Institute of history, archaeology and ethnography of the peoples of the far-east of far-eastern branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of historical sciences, professor

Academic status: Full professor

Post: head of social-political researches department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 07.00.02 – National History

Scientific major: social, political, economic history of Russia in XX ‒ beginning of XIX century, historiography, intellectual history

Important publications:
  1. Vashhuk A. S. Istoricheskie problemy social’no-politicheskoj bezopasnosti rossijskogo Dal’nego Vostoka (vtoraja polovina XX – nachalo XXI v.). Kn.1. Dal’nevostochnaja politika: strategii social’no-politicheskoj bezopasnosti i mehanizmy realizacii / A. S. Vashhuk, A. E. Savchenko, Ju. N. Kovalevskaja i dr. / pod obshh. red. A. S. Vashhuk. – Vladivostok: IIAJe DVO RAN, 2014. – 360 s.
  2. Vashhuk A. S. Istoricheskie problemy social’no-politicheskoj bezopasnosti rossijskogo Dal’nego Vostoka (vtoraja polovina XX – nachalo XXI v.). Kn. 2. Migracionnye vyzovy i strategii obespechenija social’no-politicheskoj bezopasnosti dal’nevostochnyh territorij / A. S. Vashhuk, A. V. Druzjaka, E. N. Chernoluckaja i dr. / pod obshh. red. A. S. Vashhuk. – Vladivostok: IIAJe DVO RAN, 2014. – 224 s.
  3. Vashhuk A. S. Sud’ba Dal’nego Vostoka ili vklad regiona v razvitie Rossii: issledovatel’skij opyt // Dialog so vremenem. Al’manah intellektual’noj istorii. M., 2015. № 52. S. 303 – 322.


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