Категория: Authors

Hana Vlachová

Email: hana.vlachova@unob.cz

Place of work: the Faculty of Military Leadership, the University of Defence, Brno, the Czech Republic

Jobtitle: Head of Studies Office of the University of Defence in Brno

Academic degree: Ph.D.

Areas of scientific interest: Counter-terrorism, Civil Defence, Transport, Logistics

Important publications:

VLACHOVÁ, Hana. MANPADS – Threat for Aviation Security. In: In 15. ročník mezinárodní konference Riešenie krízových situácií v špecifickom prostredí. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2010, p. 0-0. ISBN 978-80-554-0201-7.

VLACHOVÁ, Hana. Agroterrorism and Its Effects on Economics. In: TRANSCOM 2009: 8th European Conference of Young Research and Scientific Workers. Part 2. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2009, p. 171-174. ISBN 978-80-554-0040-2.

VLACHOVÁ, Hana. Metodologický přístup ke zvýšení bezpečnosti letiště. In: Nové přístupy k zabezpečení obrany: 6th PhD Students’ Conference. Brno: Univerzita obrany, 2011, s. 0-0. ISBN 9788072317752


Musohranova Margarita Borisovna

E-mail: margo_coop@mail.ru

Place of workFederal State Funded Educational Institution for Higher Education “Omsk State Medical University” of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation

Academic degree, academic status: Candidate of pedagogical science, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Post: the Head of the Foreign Languages Department

Scientific major: health education, terminological literacy, speech competence, terminogenesis of medicine, cultural and historical context of the language medicine formation

Specialty by the Nomenclature of scientific workers specialties (HAC) code: 13.00.08 – Professional Education Theory and Methodology, and 09.00.11 – Social Philosophy.

Important publications:

  1. Musohranova, M. B. Terminogenez kak osnova rechevoj kompetentnosti vracha / M.B. Musohranova M.B. Lichnost’. Kul’tura. Obshhestvo : Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal social’nyh i gumanitarnyh nauk. M., 2010. T.XII, vyp. 1(53-54). S. 303-308.
  2. Musohranova, M. B. Jazyk mediciny: ot znaka k letopisi/ M.B. Musohranova. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija : Filosofija. Sociologija. Politologija. 2011. № 4 (16). S. 103-115.
  3. Musohranova M. B. Terminogenez: letopis’ mediciny v social’no-filosofskom kontekste. Monografija / M. B. Musohranova. Omsk : Izd-vo Om.gos. un-ta, 2012. 312 s. (pri podderzhke mezhdunar. granta TEMPUS IV 159328-TEMPUS-FR-TEMPUS-SMHES «Sistema obuchenija v techenie zhizni dlja prepodavatelej medicinskih vuzov»).
  4. Musohranova, M. B., Korzhavyh Je. A. Propedevticheskaja rol’ greko-latinskoj terminologii v farmacevticheskom obrazovanii / M.B. Musohranova, Je.A. Korzhavyh. Vestnik RUDN. Serija «Medicina». № 6. 2013. S. 97-103
  5. Musohranova, M. B., Razumov, V. I. Bolezn’ v razvitii obshhestva: opyty vyrazhenija v terminogeneze mediciny / M.B. Musohranova, V.I. Razumov. Idei i idealy. № 1 (19). T. 2. 2014. S. 3-14.



Gerasimova Svetlana Anatol”evna

Email: gerasvetlana@yandex.ru

Place of work: State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow City Teacher Training University», Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Post: senior assistant professor of the French language and linguistics department of Institute of Foreign Languages

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.19 – language theory

Scientific major:  text theory, history of language, Language teaching.

Important publications:
  1. Gerasimova S. A. Uchebnik inostrannogo jazyka kak ploshhadka dialoga kul’tur [Tekst] / S. A. Gerasimova // Dialog kul’tur. Kul’tura dialoga: v poiskah peredovyh socio-gumanitarnyh praktik. Materialy Pervoj mezhdunarodnoj konferencii (Moskva 14‒16 aprelja 2016 g.) // Pod obshh. red. E. G. Tarevoj, L. G. Vikulovoj. – M.: MGPU; Jazyki Narodov Mira, 2016. – S. 139‒143.
  2. Gerasimova S. A. Metadiskursivnaja strategija kak vektor optimizacii prepodavanija kursa istorii jazyka [Tekst] / L. G. Vikulova, S. A. Gerasimova // Pedagogicheskij diskurs: novye strategii podgotovki uchitelej inostrannyh jazykov: Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii (Moskva 17−19 marta 2016 g.) / Pod obshh. red. E. G. Tarevoj, L. G. Vikulovoj. – M.: MGPU; Jazyki Narodov Mira, 2016. – S. 21‒27.
  3. Gerasimova S. A. Uchebno-didakticheskij tekst v pedagogicheskoj kommu-nikacii: lingvopragmaticheskij aspekt: monografija [Tekst] / S. A. Gerasimova. – M.: MGPU, 2015, – 224 s.


Ishkil’dina Linara Kamilovna

E-mail: lina86_08@mail.ru

Place of work: Institute of History, Linguistic and Literature Ufa Research Center of RAS, Ufa, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Post: research associate

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): the Bashkir language, languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, 10.02.02

Scientific major: turkology, historical phonetics, experimental phonetics, lexicography

Important publications:

  1. Ishkil’dina L. K. Istoricheskoe razvitie konsonantizma bashkirskogo jazyka (na materiale dialektov). Avtoref. disser. kand. filol. nauk. Kazan’: KFU, 2013. 28 s.
  2. Urtegeshev N. S., Hisamitdinova F. G., Ishkil’dina L. K. Atlas artikuljatornyh nastroek soglasnyh vostochnogo dialekta bashkirskogo jazyka. Ufa, 2012. 104 s.


Gajnutdinova Al’bina Fathuddinovna

E-mail: albina_gain@mail.ru

Place of work: Institute of Language, Literature and Art, Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan Republic

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

Post: chief researcher

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): the Tatar language, languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, 10.02.02; comparative and historical, typological, comparative linguistics, 10.02.20.

Scientific major: Language contacts, typology, morphology, corpus linguistics

Important publications:
  1. Gajnutdinova A.F. Substantivacija otglagol’nyh obrazovanij v tatarskom i russkom jazykah / A.F. Gajnutdinova. – Kazan’, 2011. – 208 s.;
  2. Gajnutdinova A.F. Tatar teleneң isemlәshkәn sүzlәr sүzlege / Slovar’ substantivatov tatarskogo jazyka / A.F. Gajnutdinova. – Kazan: IJaLI, 2011. – 172 b.

Efremov Nikolai Nikolaevich

E-mail: nik.efrem50@mail.ru

Place of work: Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

Post: chief researcher

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): the Yakut language, languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, 10.02.02.

Scientific major: syntax, functional grammar, lexicography  

Important publications:
  1. Efremov N.N. Polipredikativnye konstrukcii s prostranstvennym znacheniem v jakutskom jazyke// Sibirskij filologicheskij zhurnal. 2015. №2. S. 27-35.
  2. Efremov N.N. Funkcional’no-semanticheskaja kategorija obuslovlennosti v jakutskom jazyke: prichinno-sledstvennye i ustupitel’nye otnoshenija (v sopostavlenii s kazahskim i altajskim jazykami // Severo-Vostochnyj gumanitarnyj vestnik. 2015. №4. S. 75-81.

Novgorodov Innokentiy Nikolaevich

E-mail: i.n.novgorodov@mail.ru

Place of work: North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

Post: research professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): the Yakut language, languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, 10.02.02.

Scientific major: a history of the Yakut language, a classification of the Turkic languages, an interdisciplinary comprehensive study of the Altaic languages community

Important publications:
  1. Innokentiy Novgorodov, Valeriya Lemskaya, Denis Tokmashev, Erhan Aktaş. On a Multidisciplinary Study of South Siberian Turkic Varieties (in Comparison with Yakut). Part I. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 206 (2015),  pp. 114 – 122.
  2. Innokentiy Novgorodov, Valeriya Lemskaya, Albina Gainutdinova, Linara Ishkildina. The Chulym Turkic Language is of the Kipchak Turkic Language Origin According to the Leipzig–Jakarta List. Türkbilig 2015/29, pp. 1-18.
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