Mineeva Lyudmila Mikhaylovna
Place of work: State budgetary professional educational institution in Irkutsk region “Irkutsk aviation technical school”, Irkutsk, Russia
Post: teacher
Place of work: State budgetary professional educational institution in Irkutsk region “Irkutsk aviation technical school”, Irkutsk, Russia
Post: teacher
Place of work: State budgetary professional educational institution in Irkutsk region “Irkutsk aviation technical school”, Irkutsk, Russia
Post: teacher, methodologist
Place of work: State budgetary professional educational institution in Irkutsk region “Irkutsk aviation technical school”, Irkutsk, Russia
Post: head of information and communication technology department
E-mail: aleksa.93_93@list.ru
Place of study: Federal State Budget-Financed Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Vyatka state agricultural academy», Kirov, Russia
Post: Undergraduate of the 1 course, ЭЭм -110 group
Master’s programme: 38.04.01 ‒ Economics, profile: marketing
Scientific major: paper market, corporate income tax, market for non-state pension services
E-mail: Olgap28@yandex.ru
Place of study: Federal State Budget-Financed Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Vyatka state agricultural academy», Kirov, Russia
Post: Undergraduate of the 1 course, EEm -111 group
Master’s programme: 38.04.01 ‒ Economics, profile: marketing
Scientific major: market conditions, monitoring of the commodity markets, valuation methods of production efficiency of agrarian and industrial complex enterprises, complex assessment of meat production market, world and regional market of meat processing.
E-mail: medvedeva.19931207@mail.ru
Place of study: Federal State Budget-Financed Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Vyatka state agricultural academy», Kirov, Russia
Post: a student of the 1st course, EEm-110 group
Master’s programme: 38.04.01 ‒ Economics, profile: marketing
Scientific major: marketing of territories, region branding, image policy of region
E-mail: ASK2712@mail.ru
Place of work: Federal State Budget-Financed Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Vyatka state agricultural academy», Kirov, Russia
Academic degree: candidate of philology
Post: associate professor of History and Philosophy department
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.02.01 – The Russian language
E-mail: Evgeniad@list.ru
Place of work: Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Siberian Federal University», Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Post: teacher of linguistics and cross-cultural communication department
Scientific major: cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 10.02.19 – language theory
E-mail: onastra@mail.ru
Place of work: Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk branch, Irkutsk, Russia
Academic degree: Doctor of Historical Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Jobtitle: Chairholder, Chair of Social and Political Disciplines
Areas of scientific interest: history of Russia, history of Russian Army, history of Russian aviation
Postgraduate specialty: 07.00.02 – National History
The most significant publications:
E-mail: malygina7193@inbox.ru
Place of study: Federal State Budget-Financed Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Vyatka state agricultural academy», Kirov, Russia
Post: Undergraduate of the 1 course, EEm-111 group
Master’s programme: 38.04.01 ‒ Economics, profile: marketing
Scientific major: advertising market, development of advertising campaign of the enterprise, principles of effective advertising