Категория: Authors

Sataeva Larisa Asankulovna

E-mail: sataeva-larisa@mail.ru

Place of work: Talas State University, Talas, Kyrgyzstan

Jobtitle: Head of the natural-pedagogical sector, Department of secondary vocational education, Talas State University, Kyrgyzstan

Areas of scientific interest: methodology of teaching physics

The most significant publications:
  1. Kurmankulov Sh. Zh. Jeske tutuunu jeskertip sabak ötüünün jeffektivdüülügü [Tekst] / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, L. A. Sataeva // Jel agartuu. 2012. № 3‒4. S. 76‒82 b.
  2. Kurmankulov Sh. Zh. Tabigyj matematikalyk predmetterdi insanga bagyttap okutuu problemasy / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, L. A. Sataeva // ZhAGU zharchysy. 2012. № 3 S.19-26.
  3. Kurmankulov Sh. Zh. Okuuchulardyn ooz jeki zhana zhazuu zhooptorunun ajrymachylyktary / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, L. A. Sataeva // Vestnik KNU im Zh. Balasagyna. 2014. Special’nyj vypusk. S. 157-162.
  4. Kurmankulov Sh. Zh. Kompetenttüü adis dajardoonun zaryl zhana zhetishtüü sharttary / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, L.A. Sataeva // Jel agartuu. 2011. № 1‒2. S. 46-53.

Pashchenko Julia Andreevna

E-mail: nemchinova_j@mail.ru

Place of work: public state educational institution of the Rostov region “Taganrog special school №19″

a competitor of General pedagogics department, Anton Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch of Rostov State University of Economics), Taganrog, Russia

Post: teacher

Supervisor: Marina Petrovna Tselykh, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 13.00.01 – General pedagogics, history of pedagogics and education.

Important publications:

  1. Pashhenko Ju.A. Ideological sources to form professional educational concept of the American social workers of Mary Richmond / Ju.A. Pashhenko // Pedagogical education in Russia. № 9, 2015. – P. 13 – 18 (0,6 p.p.).
  2. Pashhenko Ju.A. Teaching a case method within the concept of professional education of Mary Richmond / Ju.A. Pashhenko // The higher school bulletin «Alma Mater» № 3. 2016. – P.108 – 111. (0,4 p.p.).


Ivanova Natal“ja Sergeevna

E-mail: nativanova556@gmail.com

Place of study: State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University», Moscow, Russia

Status: Graduate student, Chair of Romance Philology, Institute for Foreign Languages, Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University

Research advisor: L. G. Vikulova, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chair of Romance Philology, Institute for Foreign Languages, Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University


Vysokikh Elena Viulovna

E-mail: vyssokh@yandex.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Linguistic University / Eurasian Linguistic Institute. Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Psychology

Academic status: Associate professor

Important publications:
  1. Vysokikh E.V. Pervye shagi navstrechu francuzskomu yazyku delovogo obshcheniya. Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov VUZov i uchashchihsya uchebnyh innovacionnyh zavedenij.Rekomendovano UMO po obrazovaniyu v oblasti lingvistiki Minobrazovaniya RF. Irkutsk: IGLU, IrGTU, 144 s.
  2. Vysokikh E.V. Vliyanie rodnoj kul’tury na verbal’noe povedenie studentov v ino-yazychnoj kommunikacii ( na francuzskom yazyke) Issledovaniya mezhkul’turnoj kommunikacii v psiholingvistike: Vestnik IGLU. Ser. Psiholingvistika. Irkutsk: IGLU, 2007. № 2. S. 10-14.

Shishmareva Tatyana Evgenyevna

Email: taniyashi72@yandex.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk State University. Russia

Post: Associate Professor of Department of Oriental and Asia-Pacific Studies

Academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles): 10.00.19 Theoretical Linguistics

Research areas: Chinese lexicography, history of the Chinese language, Chinese language teaching methods

Important publications:

  1. Shishmareva, T. E. Nekotorye aspekty kanonovedenija v Kitae [Tekst] / T. E. Shishmareva // Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvistiche-skogo universiteta. – M.: IGLU, 2012. – S. 7-8.
  2. Gotlib, O. M., Kremnjov, E. V., Shishmareva, T. E. O principah i modeljah organizacii raboty po sostavleniju uchebno-metodicheskih kompleksov po obucheniju kitajskomu jazyku [Tekst] / O. M. Gotlib, E. V. Kremnjov, T. E. Shishmareva // Kitajskij jazyk: sozdanie uchebnyh posobij, standarty prepodavanija i normativy ocenki znanij: Sbornik tezisov dokladov uchastnikov rossijsko-kitajskoj konferencii (Moskva, 12 dekabrja 2012 g.) / Nacional’nyj issledovatel’skij universitet «Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki». Otdelenie vostokovedenija; Otv. red. A. I. Janishevskaja; Sost.: Ju. A. Seliverstova, T. V. Peresad’ko. – M.: Grifon, 2013. – S. 155-161.



Gotlib Oleg Markovich

Email: ogotlib@gmail.com

Place of work: Irkutsk Euro-Asian Linguistic Institute (Branch of Moscow State Linguistic University, Russia)

Post: Professor of Oriental Languages Department

Academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles): 10.02.22 Languages of the foreign countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, natives of America and Australia (Chinese language)

Research areas: Grammatology of Chinese writing, Chinese language teaching methods, Ethnology of China

Major works:
  1. Gotlib, O.M. Osnovy grammatologii kitajskoj pis’mennosti: monografija [Tekst] / O.M.Gotlib. – M.: Vostok-Zapad, 2006. – 282 s.
  2. 2.      Gotlib, O.M., Kremnjov, E.V., Shishmarjova, T.E. O principah i modeljah organizacii raboty po sostavleniju uchebno-metodicheskih kompleksov po obucheniju kitajskomu jazyku [Tekst] / O.M.Gotlib, E.V.Kremnjov, T.E.Shishmarjova // Kitajskij jazyk: sozdanie uchebnyh posobij, standarty prepodavanija i normativy ocenki znanij: Sbornik tezisov dokladov uchastnikov rossijsko-kitajskoj konferencii (Moskva, 12 dekabrja 2012 g.) / Nacional’nyj issledovatel’skij universitet «Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki». Otdelenie vostokovedenija; Otv. red. A.I. Janishevskaja; Sost.: Ju.A.Seliverstova, T.V. Peresad’ko. – M.: Grifon, 2013. – S. 7-8.

Gavrilova Tatyana Georgievna

Email: tanya_gavrilova_1972@mail.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget-Financed Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Gorno-Altaisk State University», psychoeducational faculty, social pedagogics department, Altai Republic. Russia

Post: senior teacher of social pedagogics department

Scientific major: Health saving pedagogics, creative activity

Important publications:

  1. Gavrilova T. G. Zdorov’esberegajushhaja dejatel’nost’ uchastnikov obrazovatel’nogo processa // Obshhestvo i jekonomika postsovetskogo prostranstva Mezhdunarodnyj sbornik nauchnyh statej. (Lipeck, 17 oktjabrja 2014 g.). Otv. red. A. V. Gorbenko. Lipeck, 2014. S. 90-93.

Tabakaeva Irina Vladimirovna

Email: tabackaeva.irina1978@yandex.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget-Financed Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Gorno-Altaisk State University», psychoeducational faculty, social pedagogics department, Altai Republic. Russia

Post: senior teacher of social pedagogics department

Scientific major: preschool education, tolerance

Important publications:
  1. Tabakaeva I. V. Formirovanie tolerantnosti v otechestvennom obrazovanii // Obshhestvo i jekonomika postsovetskogo prostranstva Mezhdunarodnyj sbornik nauchnyh statej. (Lipeck, 17 oktjabrja 2014 g.). Otv. red. A.V. Gorbenko. Lipeck, 2014. S. 129-131.
  2. Tabakaeva I. V. Informacionno-kommunikativnye tehnologii v doshkol’nom obrazovanii // Informacija i obrazovanie: granicy kommunikacij. 2015. № 7 (15). S. 298-299.

Marasanov Pavel Оlegovich

Email: p_marasanov88@mail.ru

Place of study: Post-graduate, Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education” Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation” (MSTU CA), Moscow, Russia

Research advisor: Haljutin Sergej Petrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chair of Electrical Engineering and Aircraft Electrical Equipment, Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education ”Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation” (MSTU CA), Moscow, Russia

Postgraduate specialty: 05.22.14 – Aircraft Operation

Areas of scientific interest: Airport electricity supply system

Important publications:

  1. Marasanov P.O. Ocenka nadjozhnosti sistemy jelektrosnabzhenija ajeroporta grazhdanskoj aviacii // Nauchnyj Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudar-stvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta grazhdanskoj aviacii. 2015. №: 213 (3) S. 43-49.
  2. Marasanov P.O. Ocenka nadezhnosti sistemy jelektrosnabzhenija ajeroporta grazhdanskoj aviacii / Materialy 13-oj Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii «Aviacija i kosmonavtika – 2014». 17–21 nojabrja 2014 goda. Moskva. MAI. Tezisy. SPb.: Masterskaja pechati, 2014. 712 s. S. 339-340.
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