Категория: Authors

Zambulaeva Natalia Gomboevna

E-mail: zambalai@mail.ru

Place of work: Bokhan Branch of the Buryat State University. Republic of Buryatia, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Academic status: Associate professor

Jobtitle: Associate professor

Areas of scientific interest: The Buryat language teaching in a dialectal environment

Postgraduate specialty: 13.00.02. – Theory and Teaching Methodology (Mongolian Languages)

The most significant publications: 

  1. Zambulaeva N. G. Model’ obuchenija mladshih shkol’nikov literaturnomu burjatskomu jazyku v dialektnyh uslovijah / N.G. Zambulaeva // Vestnik BGU. Serija: Teorija i metodika obuchenija i vospitanija. 2011. № 15. S. 124–128. (in Russ.)

    2. Zambulaeva N. G. Tunkinskij govor v sisteme burjatskih dialektov: morfologicheskie osobennosti / N.G. Zambulaeva // Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta. 2011. Irkutsk. № 3(15). S. 69–76. (in Russ.)

Yamusheva (Grigoreva) Irina Valerievna

E-mail: grigorjn2008@rambler.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Linguistic University / Eurasian Linguistic Institute. Irkutsk, Russia

Jobtitle: Deputy Head of the Department of multimedia and technologies (E-learning)

Areas of scientific interest: University informational and educational environment. Media education at high school. Media competence of a future teacher

Postgraduate specialty: 13.00.01 – General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education

The most significant publications:

  1. Grigoreva I. V. Interpretacija ponjatija «mediaobrazovatel’noe prostranstvo»: k probleme sistematizacii nauchnoj terminologii / I. V. Grigor’eva // Vestnik TGU RF. 2008. № 315. S. 198-201. (in Russ.)
  2. Grigoreva I. V. Virtual’nyj metodicheskij kabinet prepodavatelja — strategicheskij mehanizm organizacii mediaobrazovatel’nogo prostranstva sovremennogo vuza / I. V. Grigor’eva // Vestnik IGLU RF. 2011. № 3 (15). S. 184-191.(in Russ.)
  3. Grigoreva I. V. Ot mediaobrazovatel’nogo prostranstva vuza – k mediakompetentnosti budushhego pedagoga / I. V. Grigor’eva // Vestnik IrGTU RF. 2012. № 5. T. 64. S. 280-287. (in Russ.)

Ruleva Tamara Mikhailovna

E-mail: rulev-irk@yandex.ru

Place of work: School №19 with profound studying of separate subjects. Irkutsk, Russia

Jobtitle: Teacher of Chemistry

The most significant publications:

1. Ruleva T. M. Uchenie s uvlecheniem (iz opyta prepodavanija himii) / T. M. Ruleva, A. Ju. Rulev //Festival’ pedagogicheskih idej «Otkrytyj urok» (2005 / 2006 uchebnyj god). http://festival.1september.ru/authors/104-111-172 (in Russ.)

2. Izhboldina L. P. Zadachi i uprazhnenija po organicheskoj himii. V 2 ch. Ch. 1. Kislorodsoderzhashhie soedinenija / L. P. Izhboldina, T. M. Ruleva, A. Ju. Rulev, O. A. Jedel’shtejn. Irkutsk, IIPKRO. 2011. 106 s. (in Russ.)


Kosmakova Zoya Vasilievna

E-mail: zzzoya@yandex.ru

Place of work: School № 23. Irkutsk, Russia

Jobtitle: Deputy director on educational work. Teacher of the Russian language and Literature

Areas of scientific interest: Cultural aspect of the Russian language and Literature lessons. Art Education

The most significant publications:

  1. Kosmakova Z. V. Kul’turologicheskij aspekt urokov russkogo jazyka i literatury / Z. V. Kosmakova // «Filologicheskaja kompetentnost’ v kontekste sovremennoj obrazovatel’noj paradigmy: soderzhanie, formirovanie, puti optimizacii: materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt konf.» (XIX pedagogicheskie chtenija, posvjashhjonnye pamjati professora V. D. Kudrjavceva, 30 marta 2011 g.). Irkutsk: FGBOU VPO «VSGAO», 2011. S. 101-103. (in Russ.)

Bodunova Natalia Valentinovna

E-mail: 1987ddt@mail.ru

Place of work: The House of children’s creativity «Sozvezdiye». Sayansk. Russia

Jobtitle: Deputy director on scientific and methodical work

The most significant publications:

1. Vospitanie shkol’nikov v uchrezhdenijah dopolnitel’nogo obrazovanija / sost. N. Bodunova, S. V. Sojnikova [i dr.] / pod obshh. red. E. V. Nabievoj. Irkutsk, 2008. p.192 (in Russ.)

Alkebaeva Dina Akbergenovna

Алкебаева Дина АлькебаевнаE-mail: alkebaeva@mail.ru

Place of work: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Almaty. Kazakhstan

Academic degree: Doctor of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Professor

Jobtitle: Professor. Chair of Kazakh Philology. Faculty of Philology, Literary Studies and World Languages

Areas of scientific interest: Stylistics, Speech Culture, Pragmastylistics, Speech Ecology

Postgraduate specialty: 10.02.02 – Languages of CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)

The most significant publications:

  1. Alkebaeva D.A.  Прагмастилистика  казахского  языка: монография / D.A. Alkebaeva. Almaty: Қазақ университеті.  2005.  276 с. (in Kaz.)
  2. Alkebaeva D.A.  Фоника стиль түзуші тәсіл “Ақиқат” ұлттық  қоғамдық-саяси журналы. 2005. № 12. С. 76-80. (in Kaz.)
  3. Alkebaeva D.A.  Kul’tura rechi: ucheb. posobie / D. A. Alkebaeva. Almaty: Izdatel’stvo «Cennye bumagi». p.192.  (in Russ.)

Zheleznova Tatiana Ivanovna

Zheleznova Tatiana Ivanovna

E-mail: tatianazheleznova@gmail.com, jeleznova_ti@irgups.ru

Place of work:  School named after I. A. Leonov. Irkutsk. Russia

Jobtitle: English language teacher

Areas of scientific interest: Methodology and Pedagogy of Higher education (foreign languages teaching), Study of contaminated structures in the French, English and Russian languages.

The most significant publications:

  1. Zheleznova T. I. Nespecificheskoe vyrazhenie prichinnosti sredstvami francuzskogo sintaksisa / T. I. Zheleznova // Vestnik Burjatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Vyp. 11: Romano-germanskaja filologija. Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo Burjatskogo gos. un-ta, 2009. p. 31–34. (in Russ.)
  2. Zheleznova T. I. Kompetentnostnyj podhod k prepodavaniju inostrannogo jazyka v tehnicheskom vuze s ispol’zovaniem virtual’nyh laboratornyh rabot / T. I.  heleznova / Novye vozmozhnosti obshhenija: dostizhenija lingvistiki, perevodovedenija i tehnologij prepodavanija inostrannyh jazykov: mat-ly Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. / pod red.  E.S. Dikovoj [i dr.].  Irkutsk: NI IrGTU, 2011.  p. 65–73. (in Russ.)
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