Категория: Authors

Klochkova Natalia Yurevna

E-mail:  klochk-natalya@yandex.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk College of Geological Prospecting, Russia

Jobtitle: Physics teacher

Areas of scientific interest: Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education

Scientific adviser: Kondratyeva O. G., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Chairholder, Chair of Vocational Education, Technique and Enterprise. Irkutsk Institute of Educators Training.

The most significant publications:

1. Klochkova N.Ju. problemy obshhego srednego obrazovanija kak osnovy dlja poluchenija nachal’nogo, srednego i vysshego professional’nogo obrazovanija / N.Ju. Klochkova //Aktual’nye problemy pedagogiki i psihologii v sovremennoj shkole. 2010. № 2. p. 78-83. (in Russ.)

Mikhaleva Natalia Viktorovna

E-mail: 1987ddt@mail.ru

Place of work: The House of children’s creativity «Sozvezdiye». Sayansk. Russia

Jobtitle: Director

The most significant publications:

1. Mihaljova N. V. Tolerantnost’ uchitelja kak aktual’naja problema teorii i praktiki vospitanija / N, V. Mihaljova // Razvitie lichnosti shkol’nika v vospitatel’nom prostranstve malogo goroda: materialy 15 tradicionnogo godichnogo sobranija Vostochno-Sibirskogo Centra razvitija pedagogicheskoj nauki i obrazovanija. Irkutsk: IIPKRO, 2006. p. 46-51 (in Russ.)

Rebikov Valery Borisovich

E-mail:  dtsch.lesson@gmail.com

Place of work:  Saint-Petersburg State University. Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Associate professor

Jobtitle: Associate professor. Chair of German Philology

Areas of scientific interest: Use of Coumputer Technologies in Foreign Languages Teaching, Russian book printing in Germany in the first third of the 20th century.

Postgraduate specialty: 10.02.04. – Germanic languages

The most significant publications:

1. Rebikov V. B. Prepodavanie nemeckogo jazyka s ispol’zovaniem Moodle. // Materialy IX Nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Dopolnitel’nye obrazovatel’nye programmy po inostrannym jazykam» 18-20 janvarja 2009 g. Sankt-Peterburg, 2009. p. 159, 137-152. (in Russ.)

2. Rebikov V. B. Ispol’zovanie uchebnoj platformy Moodle v prepodavanii nemeckogo jazyka kak special’nosti. — Mul’timedijnye sredstva v prepodavanii filologicheskih disciplin. // Materialy sekcii XLI Mezhdunarodnoj filologicheskoj konferencii. SPb.: Filologicheskij fak-t SPbGU, 2012. p. 3-8. (in Russ.)

Postovalova Valentina Ilinishna

E-mail: aroni4@yandex.ru

Place of work:  The Institute of Linguistics, Russian academy of Sciences.
Department of theoretical and applied linguistics (Department of theoretical linguistics). Moscow. Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Professor

Jobtitle: Chief researcher

Areas of scientific interest: Phonology, Phylosophy of language, Theory and Methodology of Linguistic Studies, Historiography of Linguistics, Theolinguistics

Postgraduate specialty: 10.02.19. – Theory of language

The most significant publications:

  1. Postovalova, V.I. Nauka o jazyke v svete ideala cel’nogo znanija [Tekst] / V.I. Postovalova // Jazyk i nauka konca 20 veka: sb. statej. — M.: Ros. gos. gumanit. un-t, 1995. (4 l.). (in Russ.)
  2. Postovalova, V.I. Jazyk i real’nost’: ontologicheskaja koncepcija v russkoj religiozno-filosofskoj mysli shkoly Vseedinstva, ejo istoki i puti osmyslenija v sovremennom poznanii [Tekst] / V.I. Postovalova // Gorizonty sovremennoj lingvistiki: Tradicii i novatorstvo: sb. v chest’ E. S. Kubrjakovoj. — M.: Jazyki slavjanskih kul’tur, 2009. (1,2 l.). (in Russ.)

Puzeikina Larisa Nikolaevna

Пузейкина Л. Н.E-mail:  pusejkina@gmail.com

Place of work: Saint-Petersburg State University. Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Jobtitle: Associate professor. Chair of German Philology

Areas of scientific interest: German Folkloristics, German Dialectology, Science Studies.

Postgraduate specialty: 10.02.19 – Theory of language

The most significant publications:

  1. L.N. Pusejkina. Russische Entlehnungen in den Volksliedern der deutschen Kolonisten in Russland (auf der Grundlage des „Deutschen Volksliedarchivs in Leningrad» von V. M. Schirmunski) // Das Wort. Germanistisches Jahrbuch Russland. 2010 Bonn,  2011.  S. 272, 183-197. (in Ger.)
  2. Puzejkina L.N. Nemcy v S.-Peterburgskoj gubernii: istorija, jazyk, pesni / L. N. Puzejkina. SPb.: Nestor-Istorija. 2013. № 65. p.384., il. (in Russ.)


Starodubtseva Galina Alexandrovna

E-mail: galinastarodubceva@gmail.com

Place of work:  Irkutsk Institute of Educators Training. Russia

Academic degree:  Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Jobtitle: Senior lecturer. Chair of Pedagogical Technics and Innovative Processes Management

Areas of scientific interest: Organizational Psychology, Management Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Child Psychology, Psychosemantics

Postgraduate specialty: 19.00.05 – Social Psychology

The most significant publications:

1. Starodubceva G.A. Cennosti lichnosti v razvitii organizacionnoj lojal’nosti sotrudnikov / G.A. Starodubceva // Integrativnaja psihologija: Prakticheskie metody novogo pokolenija: materialy nauchnoj prakticheskoj konferencii. M., 2010.p. 38 (in Russ.)

2. Starodubceva G.A. Problemy razvitija organizacionnoj lojal’nosti na praktike / G.A. Starodubceva, V.V. Kozlov // Organizacionnye sposobnosti v sisteme psihologicheskogo menedzhmenta i mental’nogo upravlenija potencialami social’nyh grupp i organizacij: sb. materialov 3-go Mezhdunar. simp.; Kostroma, 30 sentjabrja – 1 oktjabrja 2011 g. M.-Kostroma: KGU im. N.A. Nekrasova, 2011. p. 213-220. (in Russ.)

Schieser Hans

E-mail: profschieser@t-online.de,


Place of work: DePaul University. Chicago. The USA

Academic degree: PhD in Linguistics. Professor

Jobtitle: Professor

Areas of scientific interest: Pedagogics. Education

The most significant publications:

a. Textbooks in co-operation:

  1. Schieser Hans The Principle of HEIMAT in European Urban Education, in Kopan & Walberg, eds., Rethinking Urban Education, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1972. (in Eng.)
  2. Schieser Hans Equality versus Freedom in Kopan & Walberg, eds., Rethinking Educational Equality, National Society for the Study of Education Series on Contemporary Educational Issues, (Berkeley, CA: McCut Publishers/Chicago: NSSE, 1974. (in Eng.)
  3. Schieser Hans The German Education System, in Ignas & Corsini, eds., Comparative Education Systems, Ithasca, IL: Peacock Publ, 1980. (in Eng.)
  4. Schieser Hans  Teacher-Learner Congruency,   in Lakebrink, ed., Children’s Success in School, Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas Publishers, 1983. (in Eng.)

b. YBs, jubilee collections of articles and documents: 

  1. Schieser Hans Das Beispiel der Continuing Education an Colleges und Universitäten in den Vereinigten Staaten, in Bensberger Protokolle 31/1980, Thomas Morus Akademie), 1980. (in Ger., Eng.)
    1. Schieser Hans  God’s Own Country — Utopisches Denken in Amerika, und Education for Civil Courage» in Thomas Morus Jahrbuch, Düsseldorf, 1985. Paper zum Internationalen Morus/Fisher Symposium, London 1985. (in Ger., Eng.)
    2. Schieser Hans Staat und Kirche: God’s Servant First. Das Prinzip Kirche im historischen Konflikt zwischen Heinrich VIII und Thomas Morus, in Thomas Morus Jahrbuch 1985/86.  (in Ger., Eng.)
  2. Schieser Hans Thomas Morus und die Pietas: Person und Kirche im Spannungsfeld, in Thomas Morus Jahrbuch 1989. (in Ger.)
  3. Schieser Hans Verantwortung und Verantwortlichkeit des Staatsmanns, in Thomas Morus Jahrbuch 1990. (in Ger.)
  4. Schieser Hans  Der Marchtaler Plan – Philosophische und wissenschaftliche Grundlagen, in MARCHTALER PÄDAGOGISCHE BEITRÄGE 2/1994, Vol 17. (in Ger.)
  5. Schieser Hans Die Situation des Kindes in den USA, in: C. Posch, Hrsg., Kinder im Mittelpunkt,Innsbruck, 1990, Vortrag zum Internationalen Sozialpädag. Symposium, 1990. (in Ger.)
  6. Schieser Hans Im Ringen um Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit: “Theoria” und “christliche Intelligenz”, inIm Ringen um die Wahrheit, Remigius Bäumer et al.Hrsg, Festschrift der Gustav-Siewerth-Akademie zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof.A.von Stockhausen, Bierbronnen: G.S.Akademie, 1997. (in Ger.)
  7. Schieser Hans Freedom and Creativity” (“СВОБОДА И КРЕАТИВНОСТЬ”) in: Fernkonferenz der Staatlich Pädagogischen Universität Krasnojarsk, 22-27.Oktober 2005 (English & Russ). (in Eng.)
  8.  Schieser Hans Das erfolgreichste pädagogische Modell des 20. Jahrhunderts: Die SOS-Kinderdörfer, in: T. B. Фypяeвa (ed.), COЦИAЛЬHAЯ PEAБИЛИTAЦИЯ….” (Krasnojarsk: Pädag.Universität 2011) (in Ger., Russ.).

 c.   ERIC Documents (Educational Resources Information Center; US Dept.of Educ.):

  1. Schieser Hans Challenges of Educating Today’s Youth: Entry — Retention — Graduation. Career & Vocational Guidance and Development». ED19 8269/CE 027841, 1981. Paper zum SESS Kongress in Los Angeles, 1979. (in Eng.)
  2. Schieser Hans Socialization of the Young Child: Successful Models and Principles, ED 19 2877/PS 011643, 1981), Paper zum XVI. Weltkongress der OMEP, Quebec, 1981. (in Eng.)
  3. Schieser Hans Basics and principles of Education in a Post-industrial Era» (# ED 271877, 1986; Paper zum Kongress Scholars and Educators in Hackensack NJ, 1985; veröffentlicht in Scholars and Educators, Vol.10/1-2, 1986. (in Eng.)

d.  Articles:

  1. Schieser Hans Returning to the Basics: But what is Basic? // Delphian Quarterly, Vol.62/Nr.3, Summer 1979/ (in Eng.)
  2. Schieser Hans Polis and Paideia: Two Classic Ideals and Their Relevance Today// Delphian Quarterly, Vol.63/Nr.2, Spring 1980. (in Eng.)
  3. Schieser Hans Education and the Crisis of Culture// Listening Journal of Religion & Culture, Vol.18/2, 1983. (in Eng.)
  4. Schieser Hans Educating America’s Labor Force to Meet a Global Competition // Training Today, February 1987. (in Eng.)
  5. Schieser Hans A New Age…: 1891 — And One Hundred Years Later: 1991 — (Rerum Novarum); Cardijn Newsletter, Nr.8/Winter 1990/91 (in Eng.)

Volkova Natalia Viktorovna

E-mail: volkovanvi@yandex.ru

Place of work:  The Shukshin Altai State Academy of Education. Biysk. Russia

Academic degree:  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Jobtitle: Associate professor. Chair of Pedagogics

Postgraduate specialty: 13.00.01 – General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education

Areas of scientific interest: Humanitarian research of innovations in education, educational eventfulness in vocational training of students.

The most significant publications:

  1. Volkova N.V. Gumanitarnaja shkola: opyt i fenomen obrazovatel’noj sobytijnosti / N.V. Volkova // Perehod k Otkrytomu obrazovatel’nomu prostranstvu. Ch. 2. Tipologizacija obrazovatel’nyh innovacij: kol. monografija / pod red. G.N. Prozumentovoj. Tomsk: Izd-vo Tom. un-ta, 2009. p. 44-64. (in Russ.)
  2. Volkova N.V. Obrazovatel’naja sobytijnost’ innovacionnogo opyta Gumanitarnoj shkoly / N.V. Volkova // Izvestija Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. A.I. Gercena. 2009. № 113. p. 17-25. (in Russ.)

Sheblakova Elena Nikolaevna

E-mail: helen102@nm.ru

Place of work:  Irkutsk Institute of Educators Training. Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Associate professor

Jobtitle: Head of Quality Management Center

Areas of scientific interest: History of Pedagogy and Education

Postgraduate specialty: 13.00.01 – General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education

The most significant publications:

  1. Shhebljakova E. N. Sostojanie obrazovanija i problemy uchitel’stva Vostochnoj Sibiri (vtoraja polovina XIX — nachalo XX veka): monografija / E. N. Shhebljakova. Irkutsk: IGLU, 2007. p. 180. (in Russ.)
  2. Shhebljakova E. N. Kachestvo shkol’nogo obrazovanija kak problema Vostochnoj Sibiri (vtoraja polovina XIX — nachalo XX vv.) / E. N. Shhebljakova // Lichnost’ i obshhestvo: problemy vzaimodejstvija: materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii, 23 apr. 2009 g. Cheljabinsk: izd-vo «1-Al’jans», 2009. p. 70-77. (in Russ.)

Kirdiankina Svetlana Vladimirovna

E-mail: kirdynkina@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk Institute of Educators Training. Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Jobtitle: Associate professor, Chair of Pedagogical Technics and Innovative Processes Management

Areas of scientific interest: Education Management, Scientific and Methodological Support of Teaching, Childhood Optional Education

Postgraduate specialty: 13.00.08 – Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education

The most significant publications:

  1. Kirdjankina S. V. Programmy v obrazovatel’nom uchrezhdenii dopolnitel’nogo obrazovanija detej: sovremennye trebovanija k soderzhaniju i strukture: metod. posobie / S. V. Kirdjankina. Irkutsk: Izd-vo IIPKRO, 2013. p.110. (in Russ.)
  2. Kirdjankina S. V. Upravlenie kachestvom i razvitiem obrazovatel’nogo uchrezhdenija / S. V. Kirdjankina // Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal Upravlenie sovremennoj shkoloj. Zavuch dlja administracii shkol. 2010. № 6. p. 5-114. (in Russ.)
  3. Kirdjankina S. V. Kompetentnostnoe upravlenie kak rezul’tat razvitija professional’nyh kompetencij pedagoga / S.V. Kirdjankina // Materialy VIII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. SPb.: SPbGAPPO, 2009. p.161-163.(in Russ.)
  4. Kirdjankina S. V. Kompetentnostnyj podhod kak sredstvo dostizhenija novogo kachestva obrazovanija: upravlencheskij aspekt / S.V. Kirdjankina // Materialy VI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. SPb.: SPbGAPPO, 2006. p.168-170.(in Russ.)
  5. Kirdjankina S. V. Kompetentnostnyj podhod k professional’nomu obrazovaniju rukovoditelja obrazovatel’nogo uchrezhdenija v sisteme postdiplomnogo obrazovanija / S.V. Kirdjankina // Materialy V Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj prakticheskoj konferencii. – SPb.: SPbGAPPO, 2005. p.152 -153. (in Russ.)
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