Klochkova Natalia Yurevna
E-mail: klochk-natalya@yandex.ru
Place of work: Irkutsk College of Geological Prospecting, Russia
Jobtitle: Physics teacher
Areas of scientific interest: Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education
Scientific adviser: Kondratyeva O. G., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Chairholder, Chair of Vocational Education, Technique and Enterprise. Irkutsk Institute of Educators Training.
The most significant publications:
1. Klochkova N.Ju. problemy obshhego srednego obrazovanija kak osnovy dlja poluchenija nachal’nogo, srednego i vysshego professional’nogo obrazovanija / N.Ju. Klochkova //Aktual’nye problemy pedagogiki i psihologii v sovremennoj shkole. 2010. № 2. p. 78-83. (in Russ.)