Категория: Education of children with disabilities

Principal categories of children with disabilities and pecularities of their psycho-pedagogical support

UDC 316.3 BBK 74.5

Wynarka Julia

The article describes the main categories of children with disabilities and the peculiarities of their psycho-pedagogical support. Such students have difficulties in organizing their own behavior, learning, communicating, associated with the peculiarities of their development and somatic diseases. The author describes the characteristics of children with impaired hearing, vision,  musculoskeletal system and intellectual disabilities. These children can and should learn in accordance with specially designed programs with trained teachers. It is necessary to organize educational space and provide pedagogical support for them considering their health peculiarities.

Keywords: children with impaired hearing, vision, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, psycho-pedagogical support.

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Actualization of the problems of educational integration and tangibility of changes

UDC 376.3 BBK 74.3

Tusheva E. S.

The article reveals a wide range of contradictions and unsolved questions of educational integration. It presents a review of the socio-educational situation in the context of innovation and state policy, characterizing the social importance of the integration processes. The scientific and practical achievements defining the Russian peculiarities of embedding special education in the common educational environment are analysed. The questions of professionalization and teachers’ reprofiling in the context of educational integration are considered.

Key words: educational integration; problems; innovation; state policy; children with disabilities; scientific achievements; implementation; teacher of general education; reprofiling.
