Hermeneutic analysis of French feature films about school and university*

UDC 791.2 BBK 85.373(3)

Fedorov A. V.

The hermeneutic analysis of French feature films on the theme of school and university showed that the level of depth of immersion in school-student problems was always connected with the political and socio-cultural context. As the liberation from censorship restrictions and changes in the ethnic composition of the society, the French screen more often modeled acute plot twists related to sex, violence, deviance, political correctness and dialogue of cultures, more and more often revealing dead-end versions of classical approaches to education based on high ideals of humanism and democracy. In this respect, French cinema, of course, echoes as with many American films about the school and university of the second half of XX – beginning of the XXI century, and with some Russian films on the same topic. At the same time, it can be noted that, in general, the school-student thematic segment of the French screen, unlike Hollywood, is less entertainment-oriented, increasingly suggesting a deep insight into sociocultural problems.

Key words: film, cinema, movie, France, cinematography, teacher, educator, school, university, student, education.

* This research was funded by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF, project No. 17-18-01001) at the Rostov State University of Economics. Project theme: “School and university in the mirror of Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts”. Head of the project is professor A. V. Fedorov.

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