Teaching expressive reading of lyric poems to young learners at literary reading lessons in primary school
Nowadays, few or almost no methodological works or recommendations on organizing Buryat language lessons or Buryat language literary reading in primary school have been published. The international informational and analytical journal “Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language” is the only one where a primary school teacher working in a Buryat school, a Buryat language and literature teacher can find recommendations in the Buryat language.
This article was written upon the teachers’ request, so it is practice oriented. The article deals with the specifics of teaching the expressive reading of lyric poems to young learners at literary reading lessons in the Buryat language in the Buryat school.
Keywords: literary development in the Buryat language, the development of oral speech of young learners, expressive reading, speech rhythm, keyword, reader’s emotion, artistic sense, poetic sense, expressive means of oral speech.
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