Категория: Primary education: theory and practice

Formation of goal-setting action in buryat lessons

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_1_196

Sonombal Th. Sodnomov

Annotation. The paper deals with the problems of forming goal-setting action in Buryat lessons. In the author’s opinion, the problem is especially acute in Buryat lessons as a lot of students consider this subject unnecessary and the knowledge of the Buryat language not prestigious. An analysis of the practical activities of teachers shows that the goals of educational activities are mostly set and formulated by the teacher himself. Ignorance of the lesson goals as well as the goals of studying the educational material make students weary, unwilling to learn the language, and also reduces their working capacity.

The author suggests specific techniques that can be used in Buryat lessons at the stage of goal setting. The proposed techniques increase motivation, help students accept the goals of the lesson.

Key words: Buryat language, modern lesson, goal-setting, educational process, formation, standard, universal learning activities, ability, lesson goal, lesson objectives.

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The system of communication exercises for the development of verbal skills of primary schoolchildren on the basis of folk literature

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_230

Sonombal T. Sodnomov

Abstract. The paper discusses the system of communication exercises based on the materials of small genres of the Buryats folk literature. Buryat folklore consists of myths, legends, üligers, proverbs, sayings, riddles, fairy tales, etc. In this paper proverbs, riddles and fairy tales served as materials for communication exercises. Communication exercises for the development of verbal skills of primary schoolchildren in the study of the epic “Geser” were presented in the paper “Studying the Buryat heroic epic “Geser” at school” in the International Information and Analytical Journal “Crede Experto: Transport, Society, Education, Language” No. 4, 2019.

In the process of acquaintance with small genres of Buryat folklore, primary schoolchildren learn about life, they develop the skills of artistic perception of the world around them.

This paper describes six groups of communication exercises that make up the system. This system of exercises can be used by a teacher of primary school at the lessons of literary reading in the Buryat language in order to enrich and develop the native Buryat speech of primary schoolchildren. The exercises are aimed at the formation of intonation skills, the ability to find and use the expressive means of the Buryat language in speech, at the formation of literary and creative skills, etc.

Key words: primary schoolchild, folk literature, native Buryat language, literary development in the Buryat language, development of verbal skills, system of exercises, communication exercises, expressive means of the native Buryat language.

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An integrated approach to the study of buryat folk tales at the lessons of literary reading

Sodnomov S.Ts.

The Buryat folk tale is a treasure of folk wisdom. It is distinguished by the depth of ideas, rich content, poetic language and a high educational potential.

The author’s experience of working in expert commissions and observing lessons devoted to the study of folk tales at literary reading lessons in the Buryat language showed that teachers do not pay much attention to the structure of fairy tales and do not adequately analyze them. A lesson in literary reading turns into a lesson of reading and retelling a fabulous text. Therefore the paper offers a comprehensive approach and the principle of a holistic analysis of Buryat folk tales at the lessons of literary reading in the Buryat language.

Key words: folk tale, folk wisdom, integrated approach, the principle of holistic analysis, methods of reading and analyzing fairy tales, structure of a fairy tale, literary reading.

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Teaching expressive reading of lyric poems to young learners at literary reading lessons in primary school

Sodnomov S. Ts.

Nowadays, few or almost no methodological works or recommendations on organizing Buryat language lessons or Buryat language literary reading in primary school have been published. The international informational and analytical journal “Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language” is the only one where a primary school teacher working in a Buryat school, a Buryat language and literature teacher can find recommendations in the Buryat language.

This article was written upon the teachers’ request, so it is practice oriented. The article deals with the specifics of teaching the expressive reading of lyric poems to young learners at literary reading lessons in the Buryat language in the Buryat school.

Keywords: literary development in the Buryat language, the development of oral speech of young learners, expressive reading, speech rhythm, keyword, reader’s emotion, artistic sense, poetic sense, expressive means of oral speech.

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Criteria of literary development and levels of perception of art work by junior schoolchildren

UDK 82 (571.54) BBK 83.3 S 57

Sodnomov S. Ts.

The article discusses the criteria for literary development and the levels of perception of art work by children of primary school age at literary reading lessons in the Buryat language.

Key words: primary school, junior schoolchild, criteria for literary development in the Buryat language, levels of perception of a work of art.

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On the literary development of young school-age children at literary reading lessons in the buryat language

UDK 82 (571.54) BBK 83.3 S 57

S. TS. Sodnomov

The features of the literary development of young school-age children of the Buryat primary school are discussed in the paper. The goals and objectives of the literary development of young school-age children at literary reading lessons in the Buryat language are also highlighted.

Key words: primary school, junior school-age child, literary development in the Buryat language.

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The role of folk literature in the literary development of primary school children

UDK 82 (571.54) BBK 83.3 S 57

S. TS. Sodnomov

The article deals with the children’s folklore of Buryats in the development of Buryat children’s literature and the role of Buryat folk literature in the literary development of primary school children.

Keywords: children’s folklore, primary school, primary school child, development, literary development, proverbs, riddles, expressive means.

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The development of speech of younger schoolchildren by means of the native lexical (Buryat) folklore

UDC 371 BBK 74.2(2Рос. Бур)


Sodnomov S. Ts., Sanzhina D. D.

The article deals with descriptive and expressive means of small Buryat folklore genres and features of formation of communicative abilities of primary school pupils in the course of reading and analysis of folklore works.

Key words: junior schoolchildren, folklore, thinking, perception, speech, oral speech, speech development, the meaning of a word, lexical units, ability, communication skills.


Ниитэлэл бага наһанай һурагшадай харилсаанай шадабари бүрилдүүлгын онсодо зорюулжа, тэдэнэй аман хэлэлгэ хүгжөөлгэдэ буряад аман зохёолой лексическэ аргануудые хэрэглэлгын арга боломжонууд тайлбарилагдана.

Тулгалха үгэнүүд: бага наһанай һурагшад, арадай аман зохёол, хэлэлгэ, аман хэлэлгэ, хэлэлгэ хүгжөөлгэ, шадабари, харилсаанай шадабари, үгын удха.

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Psychological features of folklore study by primary school children

УДК 371 ББК 74.2(2Рос.Бур)

Sodnomov S. Ts.

This article focuses on the psychological characteristics of the folklore study by primary school pupils, the perception peculiarities of children’s folklore, imagination, speech development in the process of studying and reading folklore texts.

Key words: primary school pupil, folklore, psychological characteristics, development of speech, perception, imagination, new knowledge, methods of performance.

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Содномов С. Ц.


Ниитэлэл бага наһанай һурагшадай аман зохёол ойлгон абаха психологическа онсодо зорюулагданхай, аман зохёол соо хэлэгдэhэн мэдээсэлые зүбөөр ойлгожо ажаябуулгада хэрэглэхэ шадабари бүрилдүүлхэ онсонуудта зорюулагданхай.

Тулгалха үгэнүүд: бага наһанай һурагшад, арадай аман зохёол, психологическа онсонууд, хэлэлгэ, хэлэлгэ хүгжөөлгэ, мэдээсэл, ажаябуулга, мэдэсэ, бүрилдүүлгэ.