Specific features of media-educational activity in the period of perestroika

UDK 37.013.43 BBK 74.03(2)

Muryukina E. V.

Gorbatkovа O. I.

The article provides the activities of teachers in the field of media education during the perestroika period in the USSR. The study allowed us to formulate the specific features of media education: the backlog of theoretical and methodological foundations of domestic media education from the” challenges “of the time, world trends and experience; “incompatibility” of some theoretical provisions with existing in the period of time practical experience of media teachers; the possibility of referring to Western concepts of media education, which are able to expand the boundaries of understanding the media text, its contexts.

Keywords: media pedagogic, media education, theory, specificity, transformation, USSR, the period of “perestroika”.

* The article was written in the framework of the study with the financial support of the grant of the Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR). Project No. 19-013-00597 “Transformation processes in Russian media education of the period of “perestroika” performed at Rostov State Economic University. Project Manager – E. V. Muryukina.

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