An integrated approach to the study of buryat folk tales at the lessons of literary reading

Sodnomov S.Ts.

The Buryat folk tale is a treasure of folk wisdom. It is distinguished by the depth of ideas, rich content, poetic language and a high educational potential.

The author’s experience of working in expert commissions and observing lessons devoted to the study of folk tales at literary reading lessons in the Buryat language showed that teachers do not pay much attention to the structure of fairy tales and do not adequately analyze them. A lesson in literary reading turns into a lesson of reading and retelling a fabulous text. Therefore the paper offers a comprehensive approach and the principle of a holistic analysis of Buryat folk tales at the lessons of literary reading in the Buryat language.

Key words: folk tale, folk wisdom, integrated approach, the principle of holistic analysis, methods of reading and analyzing fairy tales, structure of a fairy tale, literary reading.

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