Quiz as a tool to attract readers to writings about russian robinsons

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_222

Tatiana V. Shvetsova

Veronika E. Shakhova

Abstract. The article describes the concept of creation and application of quiz-technology as an actual tool for participation of students to reading works about adventures «robinsons» from Mezen in the Arctic. Material for the design of the class serves an 18th century essay. The book by P. L. Le Roy «The adventures of four Russian sailors to the island of East Spitsbergen brought by storm, where they have lived for six years and three months» (1766) is difficult to perceive for a modern teenager. As practice has shown, quiz is a productive means of encouraging schoolchildren to reading the text. In our case, the quiz allows us to solve two problems in a game form: to increase the motivation for studying the literature, and to acquaint with one of the key stories in the literary history of the Russian North – the survival of fishermen on the Edge island in 1743-1749.

Keywords: Russian Robinsons, Quiz Technology, Arctic Quiz, Native Literature, Arctic studies.

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