Modus of imagination in the categorial space of the english language

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_72

Tatiana I. Semenova

Anna S. Ishenina

Abstract. The theoretical background of the research is a set of principles and assumptions of cognitive linguistics to the study of the interrelation of linguistic and cognitive structures. The goal of the paper is to consider linguistic conceptualization of mental imagery. Linguocognitive approach to mental verbs as mental representations enables to highlight the complexity of the semantic structure of imagination predicates. The paper brings into focus the issue of the categorical status of the linguistic phenomenon of imagination. It is argued that imagination is structured in the language as a modus category in which the role of the cognizing subject is fixed. The authors claim that modus of imagination represents a specific knowledge structure of the formation of mental images of objects, situations, and states of affairs in the mind of a cognizing subject. The findings obtained may be helpful for further study of the role of language in providing access to cognitive structures and to understanding how human mind works.

Key words: imagination, knowledge structure, mental representation, mental image, linguistic conceptualization, categorical status, modus.

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