Linguistic creativity in discursive modeling of the future food vision in english media discourse

DOIΒ 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_181

Tatiana I. Semenova

Abstract. Linguistic creativity is viewed as a cognitive and discursive phenomenon. The paper discusses creative language use in discursive construal of future food vision in English media. Of central concern in the study is the issue of how the creative potential of the language system is realized in the process of alternative construal of the future food vision in the English media discourse. The study considers cognitive operations of conceptual integration, focus shift involved in alternative construal of fake meat products in English media discourse. The author highlights the issue that the concept FAKE MEAT is a way of conceptualizing food made from plants with the appearance of meat thus being like meat and being different from meat. The study brings into focus the violation of the language norm as potential resource for creativity. The paper reveals pragmatic potential of the conceptual blends like meatless meat and fake meat in shaping health and environmental benefits of a meat-free food style in media discourse. The results obtained may be helpful for further research into the linguistic realization of creativity in media discourse.

Kew words: alternative construal of the world, lingvocreativity, nomination, world-building model, conceptual integration, mental model, focus shift.

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