Author’s fairy tale for adults in hessian dialect

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_3_74

Vera B. Merkuryeva

Natal’ya S. Novolodskaya

Anna L. Shadrina

Abstract. The article is devoted to the author’s fairy tale for adults in dialect. The authors of the article aim to present and study in this fairy tale discourse the coexistence, mutual influence and joint functioning of the Hessian dialect and the literary German language.  The research material is a fairy tale for adults by Frank Fodderwestje “Dornrösjche un de böse Froschkönisch…”, written by him in the Hessian dialect. The Hessian dialect dominates the fairy tale, and the German literary language clarifies the meaning of dialect words.  The author of the fairy tale includes literary German in the narrative only in cases that are particularly difficult to understand.  The local connectedness of the fairy-tale discourse with the Hessian territory is overcome thanks to literary words, and the fairy tale becomes accessible to all German-speaking readers. Thus, the author of the fairy tale seeks to attract as many readers as possible, including those who do not speak the Hessian dialect.

Keywords: dialect, literary language, fairy-tale discourse, author’s fairy tale, humorous effect.

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