Graphic marking of art discourse: pragmatic features (on the material of the english language)

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_3_87

Ekaterina V. Miletova

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the actualization of graphic means in the art discourse; the author focuses on the recurrent use of italics in thematic texts on art. The research material is English-language texts published in The Artist magazine, aimed at professional artists. The author emphasizes the pragmatic potential of graphic means in art discourse; it is aimed at drawing the addressee’s attention to significant pieces of information in the sphere of professional interaction between artists. The results of the research indicate the most common cases of italics’ usage in the communication of artists. Taking into account the semantic and pragmatic features of this corpus of linguistic units, we have identified the following lexical groups: 1) proper names (the name of the artist, the title of the work, the name of the museum, the title of the exhibition, etc.); 2) professional vocabulary (techniques and methods of painting, terms and their definitions, foreign words). Each presented group has its own frequency indicator within the analyzed sample.

Key words: art discourse, discursive markers, sign system, professional communication of artists, graphic means, italics, text, English.

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