Sociolinguistic characteristics of Russian Germans in the Krasnoyarsk region

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_4_151

Tatiana W. Korbmakher

Abstract. The article is devoted to the sociolinguistic study of the High German island dialects existing on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region, the patterns of their functioning in a foreign language environment in isolation from the main ethnic array. The relevance and significance of the problem of studying the linguistic phenomena under consideration on the material of island dialects is also due to the rapidly changing conditions of existence of «language islands» in Russia, including in the Krasnoyarsk region, leading to their loss, the need to preserve the linguistic and cultural heritage of Russian Germans.

The research is based on the method of interviewing informants. The method of quantitative calculations was used to determine the degree of dialect use among informants in different age groups. It was found that the degree of dialect use varies significantly by age categories, good preservation of the language is observed among informants of the older age group and low dialect competence in the middle age group.

The results of the study clarify the existing modern concept about the current state of the language system island’s dialects of the Krasnoyarsk region, the description of which is important for further study of language interaction theory’s.

Key words: sociolinguistics, Russian Germans, culinary recipes, literary language, dialect, foreign language environment.

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