The current state of criminological security of participants in educational relations

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_195

Ekaterina Z. Sidorova

Abstract. The present study contains up-to-date information about modern problems that hinder the provision of a high level of criminological security of the educational environment. The author turns to the analysis of official statistics data, the analysis of current regulatory legal acts and other materials that allow us to identify four key security problems of participants in educational relations. According to the author, we can talk about various types of security that need to be provided in an educational environment. In particular, we are talking about anti-criminal security, and in this case the researcher pays priority attention to the problem of school shooting (an armed attack on participants in educational relations within the walls of educational institutions); about anti-extremist security, and in this case the author reveals the problem of the existence of a large number of youth extremist groups; about security on the Internet, covering which, the author says that currently there is a real threat for participants in educational relations to become victims of Internet criminals; about anti-suicidal safety, and in this case, the problem of involving adolescents in suicidal-oriented social groups is highlighted. The author concludes that conducting such studies will contribute to the development of scientifically sound proposals to overcome these difficulties.

Keywords: school shooting, armed assault, crime in education, educational environment, national security, education system, suicidal influence.

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