Категория: State and law

Teacher as a participant in criminal proceedings

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2024_1_206

Ekaterina Z. Sidorova

Evgeny G. Usov

Abstract. The field of education is very extensive and diverse. It includes various industries and directions. It is safe to say that the elements of the educational system, its participants somehow come into contact with various aspects of our life. Such an area of public relations as the sphere of criminal proceedings, which develops in connection with the commission of crimes by individual citizens, has not become an exception. In such cases, the guilty person is obliged to be justly punished. However, before such a punishment is imposed, the process of bringing a person to criminal responsibility established by law must take place. It is in this process that teachers and psychologists often take part. The purpose of this study is to address the legal status of a teacher participating in criminal proceedings and performing certain functions established by the legislator. It seems to the authors of this study that the appeal to the topic of the legal status of a teacher in criminal proceedings has not only theoretical, but also applied significance, since it gives citizens an idea of the role of a pedagogical worker in the field of criminal proceedings that develops in connection with the commission of a criminal offense by one or another person.

Keywords: teacher, minor, criminal proceedings, legal status, criminal liability, psychological assistance.

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The current state of criminological security of participants in educational relations

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2022_4_195

Ekaterina Z. Sidorova

Abstract. The present study contains up-to-date information about modern problems that hinder the provision of a high level of criminological security of the educational environment. The author turns to the analysis of official statistics data, the analysis of current regulatory legal acts and other materials that allow us to identify four key security problems of participants in educational relations. According to the author, we can talk about various types of security that need to be provided in an educational environment. In particular, we are talking about anti-criminal security, and in this case the researcher pays priority attention to the problem of school shooting (an armed attack on participants in educational relations within the walls of educational institutions); about anti-extremist security, and in this case the author reveals the problem of the existence of a large number of youth extremist groups; about security on the Internet, covering which, the author says that currently there is a real threat for participants in educational relations to become victims of Internet criminals; about anti-suicidal safety, and in this case, the problem of involving adolescents in suicidal-oriented social groups is highlighted. The author concludes that conducting such studies will contribute to the development of scientifically sound proposals to overcome these difficulties.

Keywords: school shooting, armed assault, crime in education, educational environment, national security, education system, suicidal influence.

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Preschool education and criminal law: relationship between concepts

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_183

Ekaterina Z. Sidorova

Abstract. The author of the article addresses an unusual topic. In this paper, an attempt was made to correlate such social institutions as preschool education and criminal law. The author analyzes these concepts and in the research process concludes that these institutions have certain points of contact. In order to identify the general level of preschool teachers’ knowledge of the basics of criminal law, the author conducted a survey among educators and came to the conclusion that in most cases educators do not even have a general idea of what criminal law is, how important it is to know about the types of criminal penalties and how exactly knowledge about criminal law can help an educator in his work. In our opinion, knowledge of the basics of criminal law is necessary for the educator and, undoubtedly, will help him in performing his professional functions. Knowing about the negative consequences that may occur if a teacher commits a crime, including in relation to his pupil, an educator will be more attentive and responsible to his work duties.

Keywords: education system, criminal law, preschool education, interdisciplinary communication, criminal responsibility, teachers, educators, rights of pupils, rights and duties of children.

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Modern problems of prevention of juvenile delinquency in the Irkutsk region

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_244

Ekaterina Z. Sidorova

Sergey V. Gabeev

Abstract. The topic of preventing juvenile delinquency is very broad and multifaceted. In this article, the authors address the current problems that, in their opinion, hinder the implementation of high-quality prevention of illegal behavior of adolescents at the level of the Irkutsk region. The issues of the current state of juvenile delinquency are discussed, and the structure of this type of crime is highlighted. Some general and specific problems of juvenile delinquency prevention (specific to the Irkutsk region) are revealed. In particular, such problems as the “transfer” of modern crime to the virtual sphere, the unfavorable socio-economic situation in the country and the region, the deformation of the family institution, the high level of criminalization of society, the lack of control of minors and their lack of activities in public, sports, cultural and other socially significant life are highlighted. At the end of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to adjust the methods used at the present stage of prevention of youth crime in our region. In order to influence the crime of minors in the Irkutsk region, it is necessary to develop a unified regional state program for the prevention of juvenile delinquency. The authors state that the development of such a program is a very complex, time-consuming and responsible work that must be carried out with the participation of specialists and criminologists.

Keywords: juvenile delinquency, criminological prevention, crime prevention, deviant behavior, crime in the Irkutsk region, general social prevention, early prevention.

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Federal government policy in the field of prevention of suicides

Sidorova E. Z.

Anti-suicidal state policy refers to the purposeful activities of state and local self-government bodies aimed at combating suicide. One of the levels of state policy in the field of suicide prevention is the Federal level. State policy is manifested in the adopted and implemented legal acts. Analysis of a number of Federal documents aimed at combating suicides showed that many issues at the national level in this area are still not resolved.

Key words: suicide; suicidal behavior; suicide prevention; anti-suicidal measures; suicide prevention levels.

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Testimony as evidence in russian law in XVIII-XIX centuries

UDK 343 BBK 67.408

Sidorova E. Z.

The paper is devoted to the historical and legal analysis of the existence and development of testimony as one of the types of evidence in the criminal law of Russia of the past centuries. The author points out that the legislator mentions the rights and duties of witnesses both in the XVIII and XIX centuries. Nevertheless, the scope of witness rights and obligations in Russian criminal and criminal procedure legislation of the XVIII and XIX centuries was different. The author connects their more detailed regulation with the development of Russian law.

Key words: criminal law, witness, criminal procedure, history of criminal law.

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To a question of powers of the Constitutional court of the Russian Federation in the rule-making sphere

UDC 342.565.2 BBK 67.300

Ostapovich I. Iu.

In article experience of the constitutional control in foreign countries and possibility of use of their powers in practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is analyzed. Powers of Committee of the constitutional supervision are investigated. It is offered that some of them gain today special relevance regarding investment of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with them. Practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is analyzed where it is specified that granting to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of powers on implementation of preliminary constitutional control of drafts of the laws establishing or strengthening criminal, administrative or other types of responsibility looks positive. Besides, elements of preliminary constitutional control could play a positive role regarding elimination of «excess rule-making».

Key words: Constitutional court of the Russian Federation, power, preliminary constitutional control, «excess rule-making».

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