Career orientation work as a science of searching for a vocation (an attempt of organizing career orientation work in Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation)

UDC 377.6 BBK 74.81,6(2) 202.5,0

Barbasheva L. Yu

Career orientation work in Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation is regarded in the article as a part of students’ continuous professional training. Career orientation work in the higher education institution is analyzed through the following elements’ functioning: pre-university training, professional higher education, postgraduate education. Forms and methods of career orientation work aimed at engaging the ablest applicants, establishing conditions for high-quality pre-entry training, rendering assistance to the students (trainees) in their professional identity are represented in the article.

Key words: career orientation work, engineering art, special purpose classes, a student, upbringing methods, forms of upbringing.

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