Категория: #1, 2017

Career orientation work as a science of searching for a vocation (an attempt of organizing career orientation work in Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation)

UDC 377.6 BBK 74.81,6(2) 202.5,0

Barbasheva L. Yu

Career orientation work in Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation is regarded in the article as a part of students’ continuous professional training. Career orientation work in the higher education institution is analyzed through the following elements’ functioning: pre-university training, professional higher education, postgraduate education. Forms and methods of career orientation work aimed at engaging the ablest applicants, establishing conditions for high-quality pre-entry training, rendering assistance to the students (trainees) in their professional identity are represented in the article.

Key words: career orientation work, engineering art, special purpose classes, a student, upbringing methods, forms of upbringing.

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Representation of sexism in the modern German-speaking advertisement

UDC 81-119 BBK 81.2-3

Stepanenko V. A., Blank Ju. V.

The article is devoted to the study of verbal and nonverbal means in the German sexism advertisement where ambiguous slogans are often used. The ambiguity is achieved by addressing to nonverbal means representing a female either as sex product or as a creature unequal in intellect with a male.

Key words:  sexism, German-speaking advertisement, K. Schmerl’s classification, stereotype, discrimination.

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The manipulative potential of linguistic means in forming the negative image of Russia in German mediadiscourse

UDC 811.112.2 BBK 81.432.4

Merkurjewa V. B., Salchak A. A.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the notion «political media discourse», which includes manipulative potential of the political discourse and media discourse. The article is devoted to the analysis of linguistic means used to manipulate the public opinion to form the negative image of Russia in German mediadiscourse.

Key words: political discourse, media discourse, political media discourse, the image of Russia, manipulation.

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Improving the scientific communication skills together: the review of new trends

Ivanova L. A.

Merkurjewa V. B.

Добрый день, уважаемые читатели! По старой и доброй традиции мы с вами встречаемся в марте, на сей раз уже 2017 года. Мы очень рады, что вы остались нашими активными авторами и читателями.

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Diagnostics of development level of professionally significant abilities to pedagogical activity of the students at teaching beginners school

UDC 377.6 BBK 74.05

Nikitina E. A.

This article deals with the results of the author’s empirical research which help to analyze the development of professionally significant abilities of the students at teaching beginners school (TBS) to the pedagogical activity. The abilities are considered to be important for successful work as a teacher/ training officer in the professional educational institution. The diagnostics helps to correct the working plan of teaching beginners school, to plan the promotion program of each young specialist, to consider the needs of a teacher/training officer according to the akmeogramma of a certain specialist.

Keywords: diagnostics, professional and significant abilities, pedagogical activity, teaching beginners school, teacher, training officer, secondary professional education.

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Some sources of studying the question of military aviation personnel training in Siberia

UDC 94(470) BBK 63.3

Astrahancev O. N.

This article describes some of the published and unpublished materials which can serve as sources of studying the question of military aviation personnel training in the period from 1910 to 1945. The author divides sources into groups: official documents, unpublished archive documents, memoirs and periodicals.

Key words: Air Force, aeronautics, military schools, aviation, World War II, archive.

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Students’ research work as a tool to form media competence of the secondary language personality

UDC 372.881.111.1 BBK 74.58:73

Khlyzova N. Ju.

The article deals with the issues of students’ research work in order to form media competence of the secondary language personality. It gives its relevance and necessity to organize it. It describes its forms, directions, principles, methods and stages.

Keywords: students’ research work, media competence of the secondary language personality, forms, directions, principles, methods, stages.

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A new manual of English lexicology

UDC 811.111 BBK 81.002.1

Diensberg B.

The article represents a book review of a recent edition titled «Borrowed Words. A History of Loanwords in English» of Philip Durkin, Deputy Chief Editor with the ongoing revision of the Oxford English Dictionary. The structure and the content of Dr. Durkin‘s book are attentively analysed and localized in the context of the predominant trends in the field. It is argued that the publication under discussion provides a complete and a reliable information about borrowed words in English.

Key words:  English lexicology, borrowed words, history of English vocabulary, handbook, book review.

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Organizational and pedagogical conditions of school library activities on the legal education of students

UDC 373.1.02 BBK 74.262

Tretyakov A. L.

The author and founder of the idea of school centers of legal information focuses the reader on some of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of the school library activities on issues of legal education of modern younger generation (students). The author describes the relevance of the issue and the legal basis on which the idea of school centers of legal information is built and reveals the philosophy of the activities of such centers. A special role is given to teaching activities of the school librarian, who acts as an intermediary (service provider) in the formation of legal culture of students. It is noted the significant role of the school centers for legal information in the arrangement of the information educational environment of educational institutions and implementation of Federal state educational standards.

Key words: legal culture of studying, students, school library, organizational and pedagogical conditions, education.

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Genesis of the language of medicine

UDC 61:93+001.4

Musokhranova M. B.

В работе делается акцент на архаический период становления медицины, в котором шло формирование её языка, репрезентирующего человека в отношениях с окружающим миром посредством терминов.

Ключевые слова: истоки медицины, язык медицины, термин.

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