Категория: # 4, 2020

Business letter in an electronic intercultural communication

Dyachenko M. P.

The article deals with the phenomenon of the contemporary written business communication, demonstrates a relevance of the research of a business written communication topic in the framework of different approaches towards the investigation of a business letter and peculiarities of its electronic variety in the multicultural communication in a commerce domain.

Key words: business letter, electronic business letter, business written communication, document, text, business discourse.

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Use of microcontrollers for modernization of analog units of aviation equipment systems

Mishin S. V.

The article presents the materials confirming the possibility and explaining the algorithm of partial modernization of on-board equipment analog units on the example of Mi-8 helicopter de-icing system. The proposed solution makes it possible to reduce weight and cost, increase reliability of complex technical systems operation.

Key words: modernization, aviation equipment, digital control unit, microcontroller.

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Development of interethnic tolerance of american students in the process of media education

Mikhaleva G. V.

The article discusses theoretical and practical approaches to developing interethnic tolerance of student youth in the US by means of media education at the present stage. The analysis shows that in the context of fostering interethnic tolerance in the contemporary American system of media education, the following methods of media and information literacy are used: issue-enquiry approach, problem-based learning, scientific enquiry, case study, cooperative learning, critical and semiotic analyses of media content, contextual analysis, “transformation” method of media content, role-plays and simulations, projects.

Key words: student youth, media education, interethnic tolerance, ethnic stereotype, discrimination, racism, USA, mass media, hate speech, media and information literacy.

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Method for determining the fail-safe performance of critical equipment at the stage of system engineering

Savel’ev A. S.

Neretin E. S.

Djachenko S. A.

Bersutskaya O. D.

Ivanov A. S.

To ensure the safety of flight operations is a priority for civil aircraft designers. In this connection, in parallel with the development, the assessment of safety takes place, both at the level of an aircraft and at the level of its separate system.  The present paper is devoted to the analysis of potential problems which can arise during procedures of assessing the system safety on the example of onboard equipment and ways of their elimination. The paper is the first in a circle of articles devoted to developing a strategy of the model-based approach to safety assessment.

Key words: engineering, civil aviation, onboard equipment, safety assessment, reliability, model-based approach.

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