E-mail: sheken-55@mail.ru
Place of work: Talas State University, Kyrgyzstan
Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Education
Academic status: Associate Professor, Acting Professor
Post: Ph.D., Associate Professor
Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 13.00.02 – CIS languages
Scientific major: General pedagogy, theory and methodology of teaching physics and natural subjects
Important publications:
- Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Non-traditional form of knowledge control in subjects // Bulletin of Karaganda University “Bolashak”. No. 3. pp. 229-232.
- Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh . RAMO – formulas of physics and koldonuu // Izvestia of the Kyrgyz Academy of Education. No. 3. pp. 115-118.
- Kurmankulov, G. J. Formula for successful teacher education / / education against new technologies and innovations in Kyrgyzstan. No. 1. pp. 219-222.
- Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Systematics of independent cognitive process of students // Higher School of Kazakhstan. No. 3. pp. 243-249.
- Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Bloom’s taxonomy and the problem of transcendental inhibition / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, A. O. Kurmanalieva // Higher School of Kazakhstan. 2014. No. 3. pp. 254-258.
- Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Systematics of knowledge acquisition by students / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, L. A. Sataeva // Actual problems of humanities and natural sciences. 2016. No.2. pp. 74-77. URL: http:///publikacia.net ; (accessed date?).
- Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Strengthening knowledge about the laws of physics using the game “collecting cards” / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov G.S. Norzalieva //Electronic journal Modern Pedagogy”. 2016. No. 2. URL: http:/// https://pedagogika.snauka.ru (accessed: January 2016?)
- Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Features of the element of teaching natural-mathematical disciplines based on competence / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, V. K. Beshkempirova // Pedagogy and modernity. 2016 No. 1(21). pp. 60-63.URL: http://journal.tagcnm.ru (date of application:?)
- Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Non-linear ways of organizing creative work of students in secondary schools of Kyrgyzstan //Modern scientific research and Innovation. 2016. No. 1. pp. 196-200.
- Kurmankulov Sh. Zh. Combination of teacher parameters for successful teaching of pupils in rural schools of Kyrgyzstan / Sh.Zh. Kurmankulov, L.A.Sataeva // Modern problems of humanities and natural sciences. Moscow: Institute for Strategic Studies, Pero, 2016. 192 p.
- Kurmankulov Sh. Zh. Implementation of an innovative approach to education in the Kyrgyz Republic / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, V. K. Beshkempirova // International Information and Analytical Journal (MIAJ) “Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language”. – 2019. № 2. – pp. 197-208.
- Kurmankulov Sh. Zh. The difference of factors influencing the activity of students in subjects / Sh.Zh. Kurmankulov, T.T. Tashtanbekova // Science and new technologies and innovations of Kyrgyzstan. No. 10. pp. 214-218.
- Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Methodological principles of innovative teaching of natural subjects / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, T. T. Tashtanbekova // News of universities of Kyrgyzstan. 2020. No. 1. pp. 134-138.
- Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Inspiring driving forces for the independent assimilation of educational material by students / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, M. K. Zhoroeva // Science and new technologies and innovations of Kyrgyzstan. No. 2. pp. 224-228.
- Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Application of the table “I know, I want to know and I learned” in teaching physics / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, U. A. Mamatova // News of universities of Kyrgyzstan. 2021. No. 1. pp. 244-248.