Категория: Authors

Dubnyakova Oxana Alekseevna

E-mail: dubnyakovaoa@mgpu.ru

Place of work: State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education «Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University», Moscow, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic status:  Associate Professor

Post: Associate Professor of Romance Philology department of Institute of Foreign Languages

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.05 – Romance languages

Scientific major: linguistics, literary studies.


Important publications:

  1. Dubnyakova O. A., Raiskina V. A., Morfosintaksicheskie tipy’ nominatsii tsiklicheskogo personazhnogo litsa (na materiale romana «Queste del Saint Graal») // Vestnik Moskovskogo Gorodskogo Pedagogicheskogo Universitetа. Seriya «Filologiya. Teoriya yazyka. Yazykovoye obrazovaniye» / gl. red. А.V. Shcepilova. – М.: MCPU, 2017. – №  4(28). – S. 50−55.
  2. Dubnyakova О. А., Yumakulova L. SH. Obraz Rossii v memuarakh ZH. de Stal’ «Desyat’ let v izgnanii» (k 200-letiyu so dnya smerti avtora) // Aktual’nyye problemy filologii i metodiki prepodavaniya inostrannykh yazykov. 2017. T. 11. S. 47–50.
  3. Dubnyakova О. А., Yumakulova L. SH. Modeli konstruirovaniya obraza Rossii vo frantsuzskoy proze 19 veka: memuary ZH. de Stal’ «Desyat’ let v izgna-nii» // Filologicheskiy aspekt. 2018. № 5 (37). S. 121–126.
  4. Teleshova R. I., Dubnyakova О. А. Dialog Frantsiya i Rossiya vo frantsuzskoy literature [Текст] // Vestnik Novosibirskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet. – 2017. – № 4. – S. 223–237.


Andrusov Vadim Jeduardovich

E-mail: vadim_andrusov@mail.ru

Place of work: Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Jobtitle: Head of department of analysis of health staffing

Postgraduate specialty: 05.02.22 – organization of production (transport)

Scientific major: public safety in emergencies, professional qualifications

Important publications:

  1. Hudjakov Ju. G. Upravlenie opasnostjami proizvodstvennoj sredy / Ju. G. Hudjakov, N. I. Nikolajkin, V. Je. Andrusov. M.: Izd. «Prospekt», 2017. 128 s.
  2. Andrusov V. Je. Ob uchete chelovecheskogo faktora pri prognozirovanii chrezvychajnyh situacij / V. Je. Andrusov, Ju. G. Hudjakov // Nauka, obrazovanie, proizvodstvo v reshenii jekologicheskih problem (Jekologija – 2018): materialy XIV MNPK. Ufa: RIK UGATU, 2018.– T. 1. S. 11–17.


Sharov Valerij Dmitrievich

E-mail: vdsharov@mail.ru

Place of work: Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education ”Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation” (MSTU CA), Moscow, Russia

Jobtitle: Professor, Chair of Flight and Life Safety

Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

Postgraduate specialty: 05.22.14 – Maintenance of air transport

Scientific major: flight safety control

Important publications:

  1. Zubkov B. V. Teorija i praktika opredelenija riskov v aviapredprijatijah pri razrabotke sistemy upravlenija bezopasnost’ju poletov / B. V. Zubkov, V. D. Sharov. M.: MGTU GA, 2010. 196 s.
  2. Sharov V. D. Prognozirovanie i predotvrashhenie vykatyvanij samoleta za predely vzletno-posadochnoj polosy / V. D. Sharov. Germanija: LAP – Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. 112 s.

Senina Inna Valer”evna

E-mail: innasenina@bk.ru

Place of work:  Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Ph.D. in Philology

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  10.02.04 ‒ German languages

Post: Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages  № 2

Scientific major: Terminology, German Dialectology, German language

Important publications:

  1. Blem (Senina), I. V. Rol’ inoyazychnykh zaimstvovaniy v nemetskoy i russkoy lingvisticheskikh terminosistemakh (The role of foreign language borrowings in German and Russian linguistic terminology systems), Vestnik IrGTU, 2007, 1 (29), pp. 123-126.
  2. Blem (Senina), I. V., Merkur’yeva, V.B. Stanovleniye lingvisticheskogo terminovedeniya (Formation of linguistic terminology), Vestnik IrGTU. 2014. 7. pp. 166-169.
  3. Senina, I.V. Terminologicheskaya leksika dialektologii nemetskogo yazyka: osobennosti formirovaniya s uchotom otnosheniya k dialektu (Terminological vocabulary of the German dialectology: features of the formation, taking into account the attitude to the dialect), Nauka segodnya: vyzovy i resheniya: materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, Vologda, OOO «Marker», 2019, pp. 122–124.
  4. Senina, I. V. K voprosu o tochnosti termina (na materiale nemetskoy lingvisticheskoy terminologii v oblasti dialektologii) (To the question of the precision of the term (based on the german linguistic terminology in the field of dialectology)), Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta, 2019, 19 (2), pp. 170–175. doi: https://doi.org/10.18500/1817-7115-2019-19-2-170-175
  5. Senina, I. V. K voprosu o razgranichenii ponyatiy «termin» i «predtermin» (na materiale nemetskoy terminologii v oblasti dialektologii) (To the question of differentiation of the concepts “term” and “pre-term” (on material of the german terminology in the field of dialectology)), Credo Experto. 2019. 1. pp. 90-99. (In Russian)
  6. Senina, I. V., Merkur’yeva, V. B. Lingvisticheskaya terminologiya v kontekste stanovleniya i razvitiya dialektologii nemetskogo yazyka (Linguistic terminology in the context of the formation and development of dialectology of the German language), Irkutsk, ISU Publishing House, 2020 (CD-ROM)

Beshkempirova Venera Kurbonovna

E-mail: beshkempirova@list.ru

Place of work: the Talas State University, Talas City, Kyrgyzstan

Present occupation: Senior Teacher, Faculty of Science and Pedagogy, the Talas State University, Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Main scientific research areas: General Pedagogy, Theory and methods of Chemistry and Natural Sciences teaching


The most important publications:

  1. Beshkempirova V. K. Self-study of the subject with the using the table ” B, B, B” by the teacher / V. K.Beshkempirova, Sh. Zh.Kurmankulov // Bulletin of the KNU named after Zh.Balasagyn. 2014. Special issue. 164–167 p.
  2. Beshkempirova V.K. Factors accounted in the organization of successful (quality) students’ education / V.K.Beshkempirova, Sh.Zh. Kurmankulov // Pedagogy and modernity. 2016. №1. 60–63 p.
  3. Beshkempirova V. K. Increasing student activity using the Bell-Lancaster method / V. K. Beshkempirova, Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov // National education. 2016. № 11-12.  9–15 p.
  4. Beshkempirova V. K. Study of educational material in self-administration/ Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, V. K. Beshkempirova // Bulletin of the Issyk-Kul State University named after K. Tynystanov. 2016. № 42. 119–122 p.


Tashtanbekova Tazagul Toktoraalievna

E-mail: tazagul_8902@mail.ru

Place of work:  Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University named after B. Sydykov, Osh, Kyrgyzstan

Post:  teacher of the department “Mathematics, Physics and teaching methods”

Scientific major: theory and methods of training and education (physics)

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 13.00.02 – CIS Languages

Important publications:

  1. Tashtanbekova, T. T. Features of the technology of passing innovative lessons in schools / G. J. Kurmankulov, T.T. Tashtanbekova / / Proceedings of the Osh Technological University named after M. M. Adyshev. 2018. Sto 1 P 108-113.
  2. Tashtanbekova, T. T. Transcendental inhibition of mental potentials of students in the development of new educational materials / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, T. T. Tashtanbekova // International Information and Analytical Journal (MIAJ) “Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language”. 2018. No. 1. Pp. 299-307.
  3. Tashtanbekova, T. T. Specification of the use of the “starting experiment” method in a physics lesson // Science. Education. Equipment of the Kyrgyz-Uzbek University. 2018. No. 3. Pp. 141-148.

Kurmankulov Shekerbek Zhanyshbaevich

E-mail: sheken-55@mail.ru

Place of work: Talas State University, Kyrgyzstan

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Education

Academic status:  Associate Professor, Acting Professor

Post: Ph.D., Associate Professor

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  13.00.02 – CIS languages

Scientific major: General pedagogy, theory and methodology of teaching physics and natural subjects

Important publications:

  1. Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Non-traditional form of knowledge control in subjects // Bulletin of Karaganda University “Bolashak”. No. 3. pp. 229-232.
  2. Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh . RAMO – formulas of physics and koldonuu // Izvestia of the Kyrgyz Academy of Education. No. 3. pp. 115-118.
  3. Kurmankulov, G. J. Formula for successful teacher education / / education against new technologies and innovations in Kyrgyzstan. No. 1. pp. 219-222.
  4. Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Systematics of independent cognitive process of students // Higher School of Kazakhstan. No. 3. pp. 243-249.
  5. Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Bloom’s taxonomy and the problem of transcendental inhibition / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, A. O. Kurmanalieva // Higher School of Kazakhstan. 2014. No. 3. pp. 254-258.
  6. Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Systematics of knowledge acquisition by students / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, L. A. Sataeva // Actual problems of humanities and natural sciences. 2016. No.2. pp. 74-77. URL: http:///publikacia.net ; (accessed date?).
  7. Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Strengthening knowledge about the laws of physics using the game “collecting cards” / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov G.S. Norzalieva //Electronic journal Modern Pedagogy”. 2016. No. 2. URL: http:/// https://pedagogika.snauka.ru (accessed: January 2016?)
  8. Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Features of the element of teaching natural-mathematical disciplines based on competence / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, V. K. Beshkempirova // Pedagogy and modernity. 2016 No. 1(21). pp. 60-63.URL: http://journal.tagcnm.ru (date of application:?)
  9. Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Non-linear ways of organizing creative work of students in secondary schools of Kyrgyzstan //Modern scientific research and Innovation. 2016. No. 1. pp. 196-200.
  10. Kurmankulov Sh. Zh. Combination of teacher parameters for successful teaching of pupils in rural schools of Kyrgyzstan / Sh.Zh. Kurmankulov, L.A.Sataeva // Modern problems of humanities and natural sciences. Moscow: Institute for Strategic Studies, Pero, 2016. 192 p.
  11. Kurmankulov Sh. Zh. Implementation of an innovative approach to education in the Kyrgyz Republic / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, V. K. Beshkempirova // International Information and Analytical Journal (MIAJ) “Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language”. – 2019. № 2. – pp. 197-208.
  12. Kurmankulov Sh. Zh. The difference of factors influencing the activity of students in subjects / Sh.Zh. Kurmankulov, T.T. Tashtanbekova // Science and new technologies and innovations of Kyrgyzstan. No. 10. pp. 214-218.
  13. Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Methodological principles of innovative teaching of natural subjects / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, T. T. Tashtanbekova // News of universities of Kyrgyzstan. 2020. No. 1. pp. 134-138.
  14. Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Inspiring driving forces for the independent assimilation of educational material by students / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, M. K. Zhoroeva // Science and new technologies and innovations of Kyrgyzstan. No. 2. pp. 224-228.
  15. Kurmankulov, Sh. Zh. Application of the table “I know, I want to know and I learned” in teaching physics / Sh. Zh. Kurmankulov, U. A. Mamatova // News of universities of Kyrgyzstan. 2021. No. 1. pp. 244-248.
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