Категория: Authors

Volkov Andrei Konstantinovich

E-mail: andreivolkov9@mail.ru

Place of work:  Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute, Ulyanovsk, Russia

Post: assistant, Chair of Aviation security support

Scientific major: aviation security, the research of a human factor, data mining.

Scientific supervisor

Gladkih Anatolij Afanas’evich

E-mail: nadejda_kazydoub@mail.ru

Place of work: Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute, Ulyanovsk, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Academic status:  Full professor

Post: professor, Chair of Aviation security support

Important publications:

1. Volkov An. K. Sovershenstvovanie organizacii professional’noj podgotovki operatorov dosmotra s primeneniem sistemy registracii dvizheniya glaz i metodov klasternogo i diskriminantnogo analiza [Tekst] / An. K. Volkov, V. V. Ionov // Nauchnyj vestnik MGTU GA. – Moskva: MGTU GA, 2018. – T. 21 (3). – S. 45–36.

2. Gladkih A. A. Ocenka razmernosti prostranstva kompetencij operatorov rentgenotelevizionnyh introskopov metodom glavnyh komponent [Tekst] / A. A. Gladkih, An. K. Volkov, Al. K. Volkov // Nauchnyj vestnik GosNII GA. – Moskva: GosNII GA, 2018. – №. 21 (332). – S. 82–

3. Zubkov B. V. Metodika optimizacii sostava kompleksa tekhnicheskih sredstv obespecheniya aviacionnoj bezopasnosti [Tekst] / B. V. Zubkov, A. K. Volkov, A. K Volkov // Nauchnyj vestnik MGTU GA. – Moskva: MGTU GA, 2016. – № 225 (3). – S. 105–111.


Zdrachuk Sergei Vladimirovich

E-mail: s-zdrachuk@mail.ru


Place of study: Irkutsk branch of the Federal State Budget Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation” (MSTU CA), Irkutsk, Russia.

Status: student of Irkutsk Branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, MSTU GA


Garashchenko Liubov Vitalyevna

E-mail: glovevita@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of pedagogical sciences

Academic status:  Associate professor

Post: associate professor of the pedagogy chair, Pedagogical Institute

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  13.00.01 – General pedagogics, history of pedagogics and education

Scientific major: history of education development, socialization of the personality.

Important publications:

1. Garashchenko, L. V. Private educational institutions development in Irkutsk in the middle of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries [Tekst] / L. V. Garashchenko // Azimuth of Scientific Research: Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2016. – № 1 (14). – S. 33–37.

2. Garashchenko, L. V. The organization of out-of-class work at private schools of Irkutsk in the middle of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries [Tekst] / L. V. Garashchenko // Baltic Humanitarian Journal. – 2016. – Vol. 5, №  2 (15). S 137–141.

3. Garashchenko, L. V. Participation of pupils of private and state schools of Irkutsk in charity in the first decade of the XX century: experience of the patriotic education organization [Tekst] / L. V. Garashchenko // European Social Science Journal. – 2017. – № 4. – S. 362–370.

4. Garashchenko, L. V. Private national schools in Irkutsk (mid XIX – early XX centuries) [Tekst] / L. V. Garashchenko // Pedagogical Review. – 2018. – № 4 (22). – S. 187–196.

San’ko Andrej Anatol’evich

E-mail: min.777.144@mail.ru

Place of work: Educational establishment “Belarusian State Academy of Aviation”, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.

Degree, academic title: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Position: Professor of the Department of Aircraft and Aviation Equipment.

Specialty in the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers (code VAK): 20.02.17 – operation and restoration of weapons and military equipment, technical support.

The main directions of scientific research:Research in the field of technical diagnostics and technical operation of aviation systems.

The most important publications:

1. San’ko A. A. Ocenka tehnicheskogo sostojanija mehanicheskih sistem vertoleta na osnove nejronnyh setej / A. A. San’ko, V. R. Vashkevich // Vestn. Voen. akad. Resp. Belarus’. Minsk: VARB, 2007. №4. S.27-35.

2. San’ko A. A. Analiz jeffektivnosti metodov trendovogo kontrolja i prognozirovanija tehnicheskogo sostojanija turbokompressora gazoturbinnogo dvigatelja vertoleta po dannym vibroizmerenij. / A. A. San’ko, A. A. Shejnikov, S. N. Romanenok // Vestn. Voen. akad. Resp. Belarus’. Minsk: VARB, 2014. №2/43. S.145-150.

3. San’ko A. A. Algoritm bezuslovnoj optimizacii sistem tehnicheskogo obsluzhivanija s nalichiem skrytyh otkazov i neispravnostej, i s uchetom zatrat na provedenie reglamentnyh rabot i remonta. / A. A. San’ko, V. I. Kardakov, R. R. Kaljakin// Vestn. Voen. akad. Resp. Belarus’. Minsk: VARB, 2017. №3/56. S.41-48.

4. San’ko A. A. Algoritm ispol’zovanija simpleks metoda dlja optimizacii processa tehnicheskoj jekspluatacii slozhnoj aviacionnoj sistemy na primere aviacionnogo oborudovanija BLA / A. A. San’ko, K. E. Rogachevskij, A. V. Shejnikov // Aktual’nye  problemy  sovremennoj  nauki: sbornik statej HI Mezhdunarodnoj  nauchnoj  konferencii (g.  Aktobe, 19 maja 2017 g.): Aktobe: izd-vo Print-A, 2017. C. 214-217.

5. San’ko A. A. Metodika raspoznavanija narushenij normal’noj raboty aviacionnogo dvigatelja po ego parametram i parametram nesushhego vinta s ispol’zovaniem regressionnogo analiza / A. A. San’ko, A. A. Shejnikov, S. N. Romanenok // Vestn. Voen. akad. Resp. Belarus’. Minsk: VARB, 2018. № 2(59). S.40-47.

Molokova Olga Aleksandrovna

E-mail: omolokova@mail.ru

Place of work: Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Irkutsk, Russia

Academic degree, academic title: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Position: Associate Professor of the Center for Additional Professional Education

Specialty on the Nomenclature of specialties of scientists (HAC code): 03.03.01 – physiology

Main research areas: adaptation of students, support, person-centered approach

The most important publications:

1. Molokova O. A. Predictive model of students’ adaptation in the new educational environment in terms of person-centered approach / O. A. Molokova // Proceedings of the Irkutsk State University. – 2017. – T.22. – Pp. 55-66.

2. Molokova O. A. Theoretical prerequisites for using a person-centered approach to students support at the stage of adaptation in the new environment / O. A. Molokova // Psychological and pedagogical search. – 2018. – № 1. – Pр. 79-88.

Lebedintseva Liubov Aleksandrovna

E-mail: llebedintseva879@gmail.com

Place of work: Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Academic degree: Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor

Post: Associate Professor of Economic Sociology Department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  22.00.03 – Economic Sociology and Demography

Research major: comparative studies of Russian and Chinese societies, sociology of intellectual work, sociology of professions, social studies of nutrition

 Important publications:

1. Veselova L. S. Vektory stanovlenija kitajskoj sociologii: pragmaticheskaja napravlennost’, sohranenie tradicii / L. S. Veselova, P. P. Deriugin, L. A. Lebedintseva // Sociologicheskie issledovanija. 2018. №7. S. 124-134.

2. Veselov Ju.V. Social’nye praktiki pitanija i zdorov’e naselenija (na primere Sankt-Peterburga i Leningradskoj oblasti) / Ju. V. Veselov, C. Czin’, L. A. Lebedintseva // Diskurs. 2018. №1. S.61-70.

Deriugin Pavel Petrovich

E-mail: ppd1@rambler.ru

Place of work: Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia;

Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Academic degree: Doctor of Sociology

Post: Professor of Applied and Industrial Sociology Department

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission): 22.00.01 – Theory, Methodology and History of Sociology

Research major: network diagnostics of values, comparative analysis of corporate structures, organizational culture

Important publications:

1. Deriugin P. P. Polifunkcional’nost’ sovremennoj sel’skoj sem’i: teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovanija issledovanija  / P. P. Deriugin, O. V. Jarmak, D. M. Serebrov // Diskurs. 2018. №1. S.84-95.

2. Veselova L. S. Vektory stanovlenija kitajskoj sociologii: pragmaticheskaja napravlennost’, sohranenie tradicii / L. S. Veselova, P. P. Deriugin, L. A. Lebedintseva // Sociologicheskie issledovanija. 2018. №7. S.124-134.


Smelova Alena Andreevna

E-mail: a.a.smelova@spbu.ru

Place of work: Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Academic degree: Candidate of Social Sciences

Post: Associate Professor in the Department of Economic Sociology

Specialty from nomenclature of scientific specialties (Code of Higher Attestation Commission):  22.00.03 Economic Sociology and Demography

Research major: economic sociology of capitalism, social studies of finance, sociology of transnational processes and institutional changes, comparative studies of Russian and Chinese societies

 Important publications:

1. Smelova A.A. Social Practices of Child Feeding: Breast-Feeding as Social-Economic Problem// Theory of Practice of Social Development. 2018. №10. URL: https://doi.org/10.24158/tipor.2018.10.5 (in Russian)

2. Smelova A.A. Social Practices of Child Feeding in the Era of Project Capitalism// Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy. 2018. №. 10. URL: https://doi.org/10.24158/spp.2018.10.8(in Russian)

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