Категория: Actual issues of vocational pedagogy

The development of musical and aesthetic culture of students of pedagogical universities. Some aspects of the problem

UDC 378.14 BBK 74р

Fedotova M. V.

The necessity of the development of musical-aesthetic culture of students of such specialties as 050000 “Education and Pedagogy”, 440000 “Education and Pedagogical Sciences” is justified in the present article. Theoretical interpretation of the process under study and the structural components are observed.

Keywords: development, culture, musical and aesthetic culture, music, aesthetics, aesthetic upbringing, musical art, musical and aesthetic consciousness.

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Training of future teachers for innovation activity: competence-based approach

UDC 37.013.2 BBK 74.5

Gavrilenko L. S.

The basic notion of competence is analysed in reference to the notion of competency in the present article. The pedagogical and psychological interpretation of these terms is given. The structure and the content of competence-based approach used in training of future teachers for innovative activity are revealed.

Key words: competence-based approach, competence, competency, innovative activity, innovation.

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Pedagogical model of formation of significant professional communicative skills of future employees in catering in the system of secondary professional education

UDC 377 BBK 74.56

Borovikova Zh. N.

The author offers a model of formation of significant professional communicative skills of future employees in catering. The way how this model functions is described.

Keywords: model; formation; model approach; system; system approach; meaningful professional communicative skills; students; vocational education.

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Professional mobility of a future teacher as an actual problem

UDC 378.4 BBK 74.58

E. A. Nikitina

In the resent years in the Russian Pedagogics there has been growing interest in a problem of future teacher’s professional mobility. A number of conferences related to the problems of this phenomenon were held. However, the attitude to the concept «professional mobility» is ambiguous. Mobile teachers are in demand primarily due to social and economic reasons in our country as well as forming market policy in all spheres of life. State documents on modernization of the educational system, that includes a social order, also prove the need for preparing mobile teachers.

Key words: professional mobility, educational environment of high school, strategic quality, personality, future teacher

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Educational conditions in the students’ professional competences formation at the vocational school

UDC 373.7 BBK 74.57

Kuznetsova E. N. 

The article touches upon the problem of the practical creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of students’ professional competence. The author considers a pedagogical process as a complete phenomenon which all components are closely interconnected and their realization influences the result – training of highly professional specialists.

Key words: pedagogical conditions, professional competences, preparation of qualified staff, modeling of future students’ professional activity

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