Категория: Comparative Pedagogics

Professionalization of social work in the United States

UDC 378.2 BBK 74.58

Tselykh M. P.

The article describes the process of professionalization of social work in the United States in historical aspect. The subject of the analysis is the problem of the formation of the professional status and the definition of social work. Various criteria and features describing the level of development of social work as a profession are discussed. The author shows that the leading component of professionalization of social work is the system of knowledge, professional authority of the specialists; approval of the society; Code of ethics and professional culture. It is revealed that the leading factor of the professionalization of social work in the United States is the activity of professionals united in professional associations.

Keywords: social work, profession, professionalization.

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The professional pedagogical education in Belgium

UDC 37.013.74(493)(045) BBK 74.4(4Бел)

Orlova L. V.

The special features of the development of contemporary pedagogical education are revealed in this article. The structure and content of pedagogical education in Flemish and French Communities are compared.

Key words: pedagogical education; structure and content of pedagogical education; linguistic and cultural communities.

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Ideological prerequisites of the ethnocultural and polycultural education of Kazakh and German pedagogics

UDC 378:37.013 BBK 73.3(0)я73-1

Uskenbaeva S. T., Kabenova D. M.

The article deals with the issue of the modern polycultural world, etnopedagogization of the modern Kazakhstan education system that based on the traditions of human national pedagogics. It shows the importance of ethnocultural and polycultural education from the positions of comparative pedagogics.

Key words: national pedagogics, etnopedagogics, etnopedagogization, polycultural education, comparative pedagogics

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Sociocultural peculiarities of an adoptive family (from the experience of a Russian-German project)

UDC 37.018 BBK 74.90

Malanina Ju. N.

The article explores the institution of an adoptive family, its culturantropological, socio-economic and national peculiarities and considers the similarities and differences of forming the social institution in Russia and abroad.

Key words: sociocultural peculiarities; children without parental care; adoptive parents; family education; adoptive family; patronate families; foster families; children’s villages; halfway houses.

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The German teachers: Education – Tasks – Problems

UDC 37.08 BBK 80

Schieser H.

The German teachers among the best-paid in the world. Their education and training at the universities. Problem of political-ideological influences and professional competencies. Compared responsibilities of Kindergarten teachers Secondary Level, and University professors.

Key words: Best-paid teachers. Political-ideological education and training. Influence of teachers compared: Kindergarten-Elementary-Secondary, College levels


Deutsche Lehrer gehören zu den bestbezahlten der Welt. Ausbildung an der Universität, problematisch die „Politisierung“, und fachliche Kompetenz. Verantwortung der Lehrer(innen) im Kindergarten, verglichen mit der Sekundarstufe und Universität.

Schlüsselwörter: Best-bezahlte Lehrer der Welt, Politisierung der Bildung, Einfluss der Lehrer verglichen: Kindergarten – Elementar- und Sekundarschule – Universität

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