Категория: History of Pedagogy and Education

«New» education methods at private schools of Irkutsk in the early 20th century

BBK 74.57 UDK 373 (571.53) G 20

L. V. Garashchenko

The article deals with the educational practice of private schools that successfully operated in Irkutsk in the early XX century analyzing unique historical and pedagogical sources. It presents the experience of using «new» methods in work with children and adults. These methods stimulated cognitive activity, developed independence and creativity. It characterizes the initial theoretical positions on which the pedagogical system of separate schools of «new type» was built.

Keywords: history of education, private education, private school, educational process, training methods, cognitive activity development, Irkutsk.

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The problem of valued attitude to pedagogical activity in works by N. A. Dobroliubov

UDC 37:[011.31] BBK 74.03

Muraeva O. G.

This article is devoted to the description of the views of N. A. Dobrolubov, the prominent representative of the social and pedagogical movement of Russia of the second half of XIX century, on the topical problem of valued attitude to the pedagogical activity. In this regard the definitions of “valued attitude to pedagogical activity” and “social and pedagogical movement of Russia in the second half of the XIX century” are given, Dobrolubov’s opinion to the conditions necessary for forming of valued attitude to pedagogical activity is studied.

Keywords: valued attitude to pedagogical activity; social and pedagogical movement of Russia; the social significance of pedagogical work; legal and financial situation; pedagogical bent; personal sense of pedagogical activity.

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Stages of development of law education in Russia

UDC 378.634(470+571)”17/20” BBK 74.03

Ostapovich I. Iu., Musinov P. A.

This article considers main stages of development of law education at high school in Russia starting from the 18th century to the present days. This period is characterized by the intensive intergration of Russian education into the global cultural and educational space.

Key words: law education, Academy of Sciences, law schools, the Bologna process, examples of law education at high school

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From the history of Irkutsk pre-revolutionary private education (in the end of the XVIII – beginning of the XX century)

UDC 9(571.53) BBK 74.03

Litvinova Zh. B.

The article considers formation and development of a private educational system in the pre-revolutionary period in Irkutsk. The author gives a historical review and analysis of private educational institutions in Irkutsk at the end of the XVIII – beginning of the XX century. They were reputed to be schools with a high level of teaching and provided all necessary conditions for the development of students’ creative abilities.

Key words: historical experience, charities, private school, school subjects

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Teacher of Irkutsk province (second half of XIX – early XX centuries)

UDC 378.01 BBK 74.03

Sheblakova E. N.

The article discusses the standard of living, working conditions and material remuneration of teachers in Irkutsk province in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries.

Key words: teacher, Irkutsk Province, the second half of XIX – early XX centuries, living standards, working conditions, material remuneration

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