Hermeneutical analysis of the film “Monsieur Lazar”*

UDC 316.77:001.8 BBK 65.5.325.1:65.5.57с

Gorbatkova O. I.

This article is devoted to the hermeneutic analysis of the Canadian film “Monsieur Lazar” (2011), the author analyzed the structure and methods of the narration, reviews of film critics in the historical, ideological and sociocultural context. In the process of hermeneutical analysis of the film “Monsieur Lazar”, the author comes to the conclusion that the story content is not directly related to the key events taking place in the international political life of Canada, however, the socio-cultural, economic, educational tasks are to some extent reflected in the story line of the media text. The film emphasizes understanding the surrounding reality, highlights social, educational, personal (individual, subjective, psychological) problems, interpersonal relationships of the main characters (the relationship of the teacher with the teaching staff, teachers and students, schoolchildren in the class, relations in the family); the problem of moral education of the younger generation, while there is no clear division between “positive” and “negative” characters.

Key words: hermeneutic analysis, cinematography, film, film production, media text, teacher, students, Canada.

* This research was funded by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF, project No. 17-18-01001) at the Rostov State University of Economics. Project theme: “School and university in the mirror of Soviet, Russian and Western audiovisual media texts”. Head of  the project is professor  A.V. Fedorov.

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