Development of interethnic tolerance of student youth on the material of the motion pictures

DOI 10.51955/2312-1327_2021_3_216

Irina V.Chelysheva

Abstract. The article discusses methodological and methodical approaches to the problem of the development of interethnic tolerance of the student audience based on the material of fiction movies. The author presents the implementing of a cycle of media education classes in the educational process of a university based on the identified main Russian and foreign theoretical and methodological concepts for the development of interethnic tolerance, which can be a promising basis for further successful development in Russian conditions in the context of using educational, educative tasks of media education; development of technologies and methods for conducting training sessions at the university with elements of media education, contributing to the development of interethnic tolerance.

The author presents an analysis of classes, the fundamental basis of which is modern domestic and foreign methods and technologies that are most widely used in modern media education practice. The work with feature films is based on the main types of analysis of works of media culture: autobiographical, structural, critical, semiotic, identification, analysis of cultural mythology, analysis of key characters, etc.

Keywords: media, media education, interethnic tolerance, students, motion pictures, creative activities, analysis of the media text.

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