Metalanguage in modern german fairy tales for adults in dialect

DOIΒ 10.51955/2312-1327_2023_1_251

Vera B. Merkuryeva

Natal’ya S. Novolodskaya

Abstract. The object of the article is mostly modern german humorous fairy tales for adults in dialect. Thoughts on the language, clarification of language points, comments on some lexemes, grammatical and stylistic phenomena are typical for all german-speaking writers working in different genres. A modern author’s fairy tale as a type of text also reflects the interest of its authors in certain linguistic points. The article analyzes examples of metalanguage, metacommunication in dialect about dialect, as well as in some cases about literary or foreign-language inclusions.Β  Various pragmatic effects created by metalanguage passages within the textotype of the fairy tale are studied.

Keywords: dialect, standard language, author’s fairy tale for adults, metalanguage, metacommunication, humor.

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