Linguistic modeling of the image of the future in political discourse

DOI 10.51955/23121327_2022_2_64

Nadezhda N. Kazydub

Daria A. Sergeeva

Abstract. The paper focuses on the image of the future modeling as a potent tool for creating the illocutionary force of political discourse.  The study is based on the linguistic analysis of Tony Blair’s public speeches. It has been stated, that the image of the future possesses a great potential in terms of impact on the target audience in political discourse. The content specifics and language representation of the future are motivated by three factors:  the speaker’s intentionality, properties of the pragmatic context and the characteristics of the target audience. The complex nature of the pragmatic effect construal has been substantiated and made explicit. It consists in activating the language units that transfer positive evaluation of the future in terms of  attractiveness, innovation and solidarity. The construal of the future in political communication  is modeled as a discourse operation involving several levels of achieving the destination (pragmatic effect): contact-making, conceptual, affective, voluntary and evaluative.

Key words: image, future, modeling, model, political discourse, levels of linguistic impact, linguistic function, orientation function.

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